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Shadows Creed.3902

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Posts posted by Shadows Creed.3902

  1. I am just going to ask this (hope anet responds vs players but doubtful) is this working as intended or issue; i can't quite tell.


    If anyone has a comp that works be interested in hearing what it is. Can save the obligatory (just run fractal build) responses that aren't useful, not looking for a carry looking for how it is beaten. youtube videos dont show the actual skills

  2. I have played this game since start. Grinding a ton of achieves 40k+ worth. Worked hard for gear etc. But this is absolutely the first time I have seen something put in the game that is just out right one of the stupidest and least thought through gates/grinds/requirements whatever you want to call it needed to get the only legendary amulet in game.


    I am going to skip over the fact that it is 2020 and we finally can have a full set of legendary, skip the fact game has been out since 2012.

    I am going to skip over the fact that you still can't get it done in 1 game mode. Sure lets go across multiple that's fine I play pve/wvw/pvp /raids etc no issue there.


    My issue is that you have tied it to having to 20 win tournament matches. Not participate but WIN . You literally could play your ass off and be absolutely great in your match and still loose cause your team isn't good or their team is better and you will have no influence on that.


    120 wins in 1 season. Some of us, and by some I mean MOST, have jobs and real lives that won't allow us to sit in front of a computer 24/7 to get to 120 wins. 120 matches would still be insane but at least then you are tieing it to game investment in not once again how your team or partner in 2v2 is doing.


    I am absolutely disgusted with the blind and short sighted implementation of this in game. For a game/company that prides itself and talks up a big company policy on giving players what they want and listening to feedback this has to be in my eyes the worst implementation unilaterally of any new game mechanic.








  3. While playing Winter's Day a few of us were discussing how it was a great addition that you could go in as a preset team to play with your friends and that we wished there were more mini games like this available for guild nights etc to have fun with just your guild etc.


    Keg Brawl is another type of mini game that would be great if we could pre-go into private rooms to play with just our friends/guilds as a party or squad.


    Often times in here you get people who come in just for achieves and either jump out of the playable area with the kegs, or fill it with alt accounts and bog down the match.


    Also the achieves should be lowered; they are insane and yes some have gotten them done but that isn't really saying much as justification. The WvW ones were lowered so there is already a precedence for lowering amount and the Halloween Race was lowered in terms of how fast it needed to be to allow for more players to achieve it.


  4. > @"Rampage.7145" said:

    > I am sorry Neven but i disagree, i was on the guild leader meeting where shadowscreed and sulla back when they were on DB or god knows where said they would only come to mag if we pushed to T4 and guess who did that? locking down a map during NA time? please talk to me about staying up all night and fighting SoS 5 v 40 or waking up at 6am to fight NNK and TFV 10 v 80, that is real carry, locking down a map during NA sure helps but many could have done that tbh, not saying it did not help just saying it was not really what got mag there sure everything helped but if we talk about straight carry it was xushin and VR who pulled mag out the mud after everyone left, and by mud i actually mean t7 or whatever right, it was xushin and me who commanded like 60+hours a week each to get us out there so guilds would actually consider moving to the server, make no mistakes here



    I wasn't at that meeting; Sulla and the others went to it; I was at work. Regardless of what they were doing CTH took a break and checked out other servers; just like 99% of other guilds have done including your self.


    I don't know how this thread went from a who Salty Beaver thinks is best to VR feeling like they under appreciated and upset that no one is giving them a pat on the back for playing more than anyone else or running more or w.e. this is turned into.


    Don't really care about what happened 1 year to 5 years ago. That be like me sitting here talking about how we used to Ninja stuff with 5 people and pull off stuff non stop it was in the past its over. Or how we got TG and ARK into SBI's EBG keep and it took em 45 minutes to push em out its in the past its history.


    If you are feeling that upset about how people are treating you or if you feel like people are appreciating you then idk leave the game? Go to Eu? Go to another NA? Just block em?


  5. A lot of the complaints i hear about Spirit Watch can actually apply to Colosseum as well which is almost always picked. Classes with teleport's have a much larger advantage than ones that have to run around to get to middle. As for the orb gimmick it is really not much different than watching people fight over mobs in forest or stillness/tranq in temple or hammer for skyhammer.



    Feel like the solution is to put in an option that you can select certain maps or like someone said make a weekend event where only certain maps are available.

  6. I am a pretty avid achievement hunter for this game, with other 34k ap and playing since Start. This has to be one of the most ill thought through achieves in the game. The temple event in particular are causing nothing but boredom and arguments. Every temple has people sitting for hours (especially dwayna) waiting for it to randomly contest. From there it devolves into fighting among players of whether to let it fail or successfully defend. After that it is random if you get credit or not.


    I got credit for melandru defense after not getting credit for it a prior time. I got credit for balth before the priest even showed up...


    Just some small examples of how random and bad this achieve is.

  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Shadows Creed.3902" said:

    > > I been on mag a long time now. Basically since launch. Based on what I have seen lately. Mag should probably just become a link server not a host server. Little justification even if you go based on playing time that mag is a host server.


    > Mag is not only locked but has no link.


    yeah and before we lost our link team chat was non stop complaining about anyone we were linked with. didn't matter what server the link was it was complaining and wishing we wouldn't be linked.


    Can't have it both ways of complain non stop about link and then use it as justification for when getting the crap kicked in without one


    As for being locked. it goes back to the above; new players are going to come in and play however they want, people then yell at them so they transfer off.


    Mag was strong in the old days not cause it trolled and pushed people off server but cause guilds,commanders,roamers came did their thing were great at it and earned respect and just played the game.


    CTH was a ninja guild back in the "glory days" of gvgs and we got along fine with the fight guilds on mag, we came we did our thing; did it the best and played. The new form of Mag is a warped version of what people thought mag was years ago. It is no where near what it was.



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