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Posts posted by chaosdurza.3291

  1. I'd be pretty happy seeing a lot more classes get rifle. There's been some ideas tossed around for Elementalist getting an "arcane marksman" type spec, with rifle as the weapon and heavily focusing on single target power burst moves.


    I think necromancer getting a vampire-type spec with sword mainhand would be really really cool.


    Main hand pistol on mesmer with a sort of spell-slinger type spec could be interesting. Mesmer already has some pretty awesome mobility, that could be something that is capitalized on.


    But mostly, I would just be thrilled seeing more classes get the weapons that are heavily neglected. Namely Rifle, shortbow and mace. That being said, at this point I find it extremely unlikely we will see any more elite specs.

  2. Nevermore is one of the Gen 2 legendaries that involves a collection, so while it may be cheaper it's significantly more time consuming. The Shining Blade has no collection, you simply have to craft or buy all the components and throw them into the mystic toilet. Nearly all of The Shining Blade can be bought on the TP, and it uses most of the same materials as the other gen 2 legendaries that do not have collections, so that helps to drive the price up as well.

  3. Those all sound pretty reasonable and easy to reach. Something I've been concerned about is using skills while on the move, particularly ground target. Do you ever find it's hard to move around while aiming skills? It's very easy for me to do with all my skills on my mouse, but using the keyboard for movement AND skills is something that seems like it's going to take ages to get used to.

  4. I'm currently using a 12 side-button mouse (similar to a razer naga), and would like to change to a different style mouse. Possibly with between 2-5 side buttons. I've been using a naga and other mice like it for nearly 8 years, and I have no idea how people keybind without using a mouse with that many buttons on it. Can anyone share their keybind/set up with me, and how that made it work? Especially anyone who has moved away from using a 12 side-button mouse.


    Thanks so much!

  5. I'm hoping to use a build similar to the D/F Auramancer build. I like that when I'm using menders in PvP, I'm still able to do some damage, although I'm certainly not spiking anybody down. But I provide decent boon support to my group, above average group heals, and decent sustainability due to the higher than normal health pool. I'm not looking to do enormous spikes of damage, but still enough to contribute. That's why I feel like the power and healing power primaries are nice, and having vitality as a secondary is helpful because ele falls over if someone sneezes near them.

  6. Is there any build/stat combo available that comes close to mimicking the Menders amulet stat combo from sPvP? I'm messing around in the build calculator with some Magi's/Zealots combination but I still can't get enough vitality worked into it without sacrificing a dramatic amount of healing or power.

  7. I like part of your idea. I think it would be cool to take a lot of the stats from PvP and put them as exotic drops from world bosses. Make them salvageable, and have a 100% chance to give the insignia necessary to stat swap an ascended piece of gear. Don't make it have unbelievably low drop rates like the Tequatl pieces, just 1 piece per boss. Better if we even just got a box that let us choose the piece of armor/armor weight we get. Pick like 4 of the harder boss events and add 4 different stat types into PvE, only obtainable from killing those bosses. Would add a lot of value to boss events.

  8. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Living world is a good idea and I very much enjoy it, but it is no substitute for actual expansions..


    Hard to find an argument against this. I love the living worlds, but I finish the story (like most players) in a couple of hours. The maps for LW4 have not interested me so far, and it is very hard to argue with the fact the quality of the PoF maps is FAR superior to the quality of the living world maps. It takes significantly longer to get through the story for the expansions, and it's long enough that it is fairly enjoyable to repeat. Add in the fact that we get elite specializations with expansions which can often make you feel like you're playing a brand new character, a new set of masteries which so far have fundamentally changed aspects of the game, running hero point trains, unique events like bounties and the meta events on HoT maps, LW does NOT deliver the same experience that expansion content does. I'm not saying that it is not possible for Anet to make expansion quality content with LW, but were at the end of the 4th season of it and they have yet to do so. And if the quality is supposed to skyrocket in season 5, does that mean we're going to have to wait even longer between episodes now?


    I'm not saying the game is dead, I still log on and play nearly every single day. And I love the game. But the current state definitely FEELS like a decline, whether it actually is or not.

  9. I’m not top tier by any means, but I have gotten to low-mid plat as spellbreaker and usually win 1v1 or 1v2 in WvW. Be happy to give you a few pointers if you’d like. Ive mained warrior and engineer since game launch.


    Can’t help with thief unfortunately. That is one class I have managed to be consistently horrible with lol.

  10. You're asking for an easy way to get the reward, which is the griffon. But the griffon is optional content, you can play the entire game without ever getting it. So either put the effort in to finish the (VERY) small amount you have left to unlock it, or accept that it is a part of the game you will never have.

    Sometimes, you just have to do things you don't absolutely love to get something that you really want. That's life, it's not exclusive to this video game. That's just the way the world works.

  11. > @"DemonAtTheWheel.1804" said:

    > > @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

    > > Another solution (and the one that I used to get all the geodes for every legendary weapon I have) is to buy a bunch of black lion keys and get the Tyrian Exchange Vouchers.



    > Thank you for that.... I had forgotten about those vouchers (grant 300 geodes, btw, according to the wiki)


    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > Well then, you are in for a heap of disappointment with the Gift(s) of Battle.


    > &**^*&^^%$#%@&$^*! I forgot about those damned things.....and that you can no longer purchase them either.



    No problem, I certainly can understand not wanting to spend any more time than absolutely necessary in Dry Top. I enjoy many of the PvE maps in this game, but that is not one of them lol

  12. I'd like to point out that 99% of the legendary crafting is done through PvE means. How do you think the PvP and WvW players feel for having to do a game mode they do not enjoy for almost all of the legendary weapon? I think the people that adamantly REFUSE to set foot in PvP/WvW should be thankful that they only need to do so to get a gift of battle. The rest of us have to suffer through PvE for a significantly longer amount of time.


    Another solution (and the one that I used to get all the geodes for every legendary weapon I have) is to buy a bunch of black lion keys and get the Tyrian Exchange Vouchers. They drop semi regularly, and if I remember right, each one gives 400 geodes. If that still is not a good enough solution for you, suck it up and start farming. Do one weapon at a time, don't try to get all 9400 geodes for every single weapon. That'll get boring real quickly, and it would be much more enjoyable to farm for them when you have your shiny new weapon equipped!

  13. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > I find myself on the other end of it. I think the promise of "an even better GW2 experience" (ie, crafting/itemization isn't borked from day 1, encounter design handled competently..), I'd be glad to make the switch.

    > ..but that also means I'd probably leave GW2, mostly for good.



    I can understand that. It makes sense from a perspective of someone who has NOT had the greatest experience consistently in this game. However, I would like to challenge that. Find one game that does not have some level of "game breaking" issues on day 1. GW2 was riddled with problems at the beginning, and I would say it took nearly the first year before the overwhelming majority of them were fixed, but the current state of the game is fairly solid. I think the crafting is easy to understand and easy to use, in my opinion itemization has never been an issue even since day 1.

  14. I don't think only being usable in territories you control is a possibility, since it's shown breaking down gates. However, maybe you'll only be able to get ON it in a territory you control. Even that seems like a stretch though. If they don't make it have a supply cost to mount, I hope they at least have a supply cost to use its abilities. Otherwise, like others have pointed out, it makes other siege obsolete.

  15. > @"Mikali.9651" said:

    > yeah so? It will eventually happen, in 3 years or 10 years. I don't see GW2 being successful in 5 years time, at all. The development for GW2 is just not modern, they are using ancient tools that are very complicated and slow these days. GW2 has time until dragons are dealt with, maybe even some of the gods, and then story is finished, nothing much you can do about it.

    > Having faster development time, modern coding, that is all important. UE4 is so much faster in many things than most of the developer tools out there. You could finish creating new map 5 times faster with it (number pulled out of kitten, because personal experience), that is a lot of time saved, that is manpower saved, money saved, that is the time which can be put into creating other things.

    > I do not care if you feel like you have wasted money. We all waste money all the time. Games come and go. Many of my games were closed or I finished them playing. I do not regret any money I spent because I had fun. If I will have more fun with a GW3 or a new game than with GW2, even better.

    > There are many negatives GW2 has, negatives it can't deal with at all, but just with moving on using better tools. I welcome changes and moving on with modern times, it is better for Anet in a long run, they are just shooting themselves in a foot using tools they currently have. So much creativity, so much talent, all not being used on 100% because of all the limitations they have. I would love to see Anet being fully unleashed.


    I agree with a lot of your points, however, it would be exponentially cheaper to continue building on the guild wars 2 platform than to start a new one with guild wars 3. I'm not a programmer, but I don't think designing a brand new game from the ground up, from scratch, is easier than improving the systems that are in place and overhauling others that exist. As far as remaining "life", I remember people saying near the end of Factions that gw1 was "dead", and then Nightfall came out. And then after most of the community had beaten all of Nightfall had to offer, Eye of the North came out. Gw1 was worked on for a substantial amount of time, and lasted far longer than the people crying for a gw2. And when they DID announce gw2, there were many of us that thought they were finally announcing Utopia. Gw2 has been FAR more successful than gw1 was, and still has many many years of life left in it. I sincerely doubt they're gearing up to shelve this project.


  16. I know there has been speculation on the way to unlock it, from just another WvW mastery line to some sort of rank requirement/collection completion. However, has anyone speculated about if it will have a cost to use? Like while you're in WvW, what are the odds that it's gonna cost 10 supply to mount up every time? It just seems unlikely that they would add essentially a siege weapon that increases your move speed, and is capable of taking gates down, usable entirely for free. Thoughts?

  17. They should never add Gen 2 legendaries to the TP, or legendary armor. When you see someone with a gen 2 weapon, you KNOW that they must be a fairly solid player to have made that, because there is absolutely no other way they could've done it. When I see someone with raid armor, I by default know they're an experienced PvE player. Same with the PvP backpack, and the WvW backpack. It's highly unlikely that someone will put that much time and effort into a specific game mode and NOT become proficient in it. I used to think crafting gen 2 legendaries was an enormous task, until I made my first one (Nevermore). Gen 2 legendaries are even easier to make than gen 1, just getting all the masteries unlocked is the hard part. I now have almost every single gen 2 legendary out, and from the day I decide to make one to the day I finish it is usually less than 20 hours play time.


    TL;DR- Gen 2 legendaries are not hard to make. Stop being lazy.

  18. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBLhdygI0yA2gJYhJQHBWEBshAwA4+VsFbgnA326ctuC-jxBFQB/RJ4c0DUgHAQJ2fQfq/AgTAgCV+RKgAXaB-e


    I've been really trying to come up with a build for tempest that works for a lot of different game modes (open world, dungeons/fractals, wvw) and this is what I've been using. So far I've solo'd almost every dungeon, several fractals, and most of the hero points that normally require a group using this build. It is certainly not the "optimal" build for fractals, as the dps isn't that high. I usually hover around 12-15k dps. 300 healing power seems to be the sweet spot to boost up some of the water skills healing ability, I'm usually able to heal from 25% health to full without using my healing skill at all. So the survivability is pretty good, at least.


    I'd really like to keep my warhorn as one of my weapons, but I've messed around with both dagger and scepter and I think scepter might be better overall, since you can kite when your defensives are on cooldown. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips to improve this at all? One thing I've struggled with a bit is break bars, I can break them by myself but it requires a near perfect rotation of CC skills to do it. Other than that it's been working really well for me thus far, so if anyone is looking for a good solo-friendly build give this a shot!

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