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Posts posted by evilsofa.7296

  1. > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > Finally thought of one that is truly petty for me (and not something I'd like changed)!


    > Break Bars.

    > Break Bars are green.

    > Break Bars are _not_ blue.


    No, the unlocked and unbroken [defiance bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "defiance bar") is [teal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teal "teal"). Go to the wiki page, save the .png of the teal defiance bar, upload it to [imageColorPicker](https://imagecolorpicker.com/ "ImageColorPicker") (or check the values with your favorite photo editor) and you'll find areas that range from equal to very nearly equal amounts of green and blue. How green or blue it appears to each player depends on their monitor calibration (which can be way, way off) and their eyes.

  2. As I wrote this, I looked at the normal Hunstman 1-400 guide and it included discovery of the new recipe for Minor Sigil of Icebrood Slaying in the level 150-175 section. That was the only sigil or rune recipe I've seen so far in any of the guides. The other new rune and sigil recipes are, apparently and unsurprisingly, too expensive to appear in the guides for now. Whether this changes over time remains to be seen.

  3. gw2crafts.net is not run by Arenanet; it is the creation of an individual player. Their email address is available in the About section of that site.


    Haleydawn: cw2crafts.net calculates the cheapest way to level up each of the crafts by checking prices on the Trading Post every hour. Runes and sigils were often the cheapest at many stages of the level-up process, particularly the highest levels. gw2crafts.net is popular enough that it has affected prices on the TP, and probably will again when the rune and sigil recipes are updated there.

  4. Just reproduced it several times, now that I understand when it can happen. While in any area (not just city), get on raptor mount; waypoint travel to another waypoint in the same area, far enough away to get a map load screen; run forward a little bit with the W key, turn the camera around with my mouse to run the opposite direction - and the mount will not turn.

  5. Ah ha, this is an good explanation for "Why is my mount running into the camera while I'm pressing the forward button?"


    Yes, myself and at least 3 of my guildmates have experienced this multiple times, but I couldn't understand what it was that I was doing to make it happen.

  6. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > 1. The biggest issue isn't really a bug, but it's very well known that a couple of the toys have just grossly disproportionate power to dominate the brawl. After MKS (which is the easiest time to try to rack up a few brawl wins) if one or two people have the axe toy they can effectively stop everyone else from ever winning as long as they want to. The boxing gloves can be pretty bad too, but the axe is by far the worst. In years past some people would hang out at the forge to deliberately troll people trying to trade for the dailies, but I've seen less of that fortunately.


    This is still a constant problem after the Mad King Says event. When a dozen people are spamming the axe, knocking everyone out and completely resetting their costume brawl progress, it makes what should be a fun brawl very disappointing, sometimes taking me 15 to 20 minutes to get something done that should be done in a minute or two.


    One person in particular I noticed continuing to axe everyone, even after repeated requests to stop, so I submitted a verbal abuse report for lack of a better way of reporting this kind of abuse. I don't know how support is going to figure out what my report was for other than posting about it.

  7. I named my Lynx pet Buttered Toast, because if you strap a piece of toast butter side up on a cat's back, you have an anti-gravity device.

    One of my other rangers was named Pan Fried Asparagus. The pet's name was Butter.

    Yet another of my rangers was named Eaten By A Bear. The bear pet was named A Bear.

  8. After having run with several groups in the Labyrinth today, it seems to me that class and build are no longer relevant.


    Each group has about a half dozen mounted players using mount attacks ahead of the commander at all times, wiping out most of the monsters before the rest of the group gets there. I'm usng one of the better builds listed above and farmed only a stack of bags in 6 hours.


    I guess I will join the mount attack spammers tomorrow. What other choice do I have?

  9. Nope, won't happen. A new player might use them on their low-level armor.


    Also, desperate Superior Sigil of Nullification farmers may want to make Major Sigils with tme. Though I'm not sure they're quite that desperate.


    I've considered suggesting that players be allowed to add what they want to their own personal "junk" list, but the potential for disastrous screw-ups, the presentation of an attack surface for malicious behavior, and the resulting tech-support demand, seems infinite.

  10. I use this build on my reaper:



    If you are working from old information, be aware that Spectral Grasp now pulls 5 enemies to you and isn't buggy anymore.


    This build got some nice buffs in the [August 28 2018 patch](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-08-28#Necromancer "August 28 2018 patch"). Don't be deceived into thinking the quickness on Reaper's Onslaught is worthless - it's pulsating, and there's [more to that than you might think](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53501/keep-the-quickness "more to that than you might think").

  11. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Out of curiousity, what is going to happen when Season 5 comes out? 3 books?

    > >

    > > Could we get like a Great Encyclopedia of Teleportation that has 'all' the books and devices, including like the Mists thing and the Captains Ship and any device that teleports you anywhere goes in that one, big book?


    > There are lots of teleportation scrolls:

    > * Boss Timer (although this has other functions, too)

    > * Home Portal

    > * (Forged only) City Portal Scrolls (6, the five racial cities plus one for LA).

    > * VIP area scrolls

    > * LS3

    > * LS4

    > * LS5? tbd

    > * Spearmarshal's Plea (also with other functions)

    > * Hall of Monuments Portal Stone


    > I don't expect ANet to try to solve every inventory management problem, but perhaps this is something that should be moved to a different part of the UI. Instead of using gizmos to generate the dialogue, there could be a "teleportation wardrobe." Less convenient would be to add teleportation hubs to the Hall of Monuments or Sun's Refuge.


    The solution is already implemented: Shared Inventory Slots. You can have up to 24. and most (if not all) of the portal objects work from them for all characters.

  12. It's great that the bugged instance has finally been closed after over a week, but this has put on display an overarching issue that Anet needs to solve: default map instances are lasting much too long, making it potentially very painful when an event or event chain permanently stalls or hangs, especially when the event in question is required for storyline progression.


    Default maps should be reset regularly, rather than staying up indefinitely. It seems reasonable to do so at daily reset time, because everyone could reasonably expect and plan around that deadline. There may be some minor benefits to very long-lasting instances, such as guild bonus banners staying up for very long times, but the cons are now clearly outweighing the pros. It could also be argued that daily default map resetting would be a bandage fix that would lessen pressure on Anet to fix the underlying event hanging bugs, but this 9-month-old bug has made it clear that event hanging bugs are falling through the cracks.

  13. The light green text that is often used in GW2 contrasts poorly with any background color that isn't relatively dark. I find it hard to read the names of non-agressive NPCs, both above their heads and above their health bars. I can understand that the name over their heads might not look right with a black box around it, but couldn't we at least have a black box behind the name above their health bar?


    The red text of aggressive NPCs and PCs is not quite as bad as light green, but it's still bad. I honestly usually don't know the name of whatever it is I'm killing.


    Taimi's radio communications text is light green on white in the in-game text bubbles. This is unreadable contrast. Never do this again, just use black text. At least her text goes to the chat window so I can read it there.


    These issues are exacerbated in areas where the environment tends to be lighter in shade, for example most of PoF.

  14. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > > @"Glacial.9516" said:

    > > > > There is some valid concern about Mounts with the next expansion in my opinion. Mounts have largely made HoT masteries obsolete for exploration because they trivialize getting around the map. Do we expect the next expansion's masteries to overshadow mounts? This would be difficult as Mounts are already very powerful. Will Expansion 3's maps be designed with Springer/Mounts in mind? Or will they allow us to bypass platforming aspects? Either way players are going to be upset - you purchase an expansion and find areas you can't [easily] traverse, or you run into areas where the mounts you are used to using are restricted.

    > > >

    > > > Mounts may very well prove troublesome for ArenaNet when designing maps for future expacs, especially Springers and Griffons. I'm curious to see what they come up with.

    > > >

    > > > I just hope it's not no mount zones and invisible walls.

    > >

    > > None of the current mounts work underwater...I really do think that is what the next expansion is.


    > Even if it was underwater - and I doubt and sincerely hope it won't be - there will still be problems in any future terrestrial expansions.


    The only "problem" I see mounts causing is motivating devs to make bigger, taller areas. I don't view that as a problem; I view that as a benefit.

  15. This is the walkthrough:


    And I translated that into this shortcut for GW2 64 bit version:

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "Gw2-64.exe" /affinity 55 "C\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -autologin -mapLoadinfo

    You will need to change the "55" to what gets calculated by the walkthrough, and other things if you don't have a default installation location for GW2. The last two items are GW2 command line arguments that are there to show you can just add them on the end like that. There are other ways to set CPU affinity but they are either not permanent or involve running other applications, and this is just a shortcut that you can use or not use for easy A/B testing.

  16. The i5 8600K has 6 cores. I don't know specifically how well GW2 is optimized for multiple cores but many games aren't for more than 4 cores, especially older titles. GW2 is also a DX9 title, and I have heard that DX9 itself doesn't utilize more than 4 cores very well.


    i am using a shortcut to launch GW2 that forces CPU affinity to use only the four physical cores on my i7-6700K, and that seemed to make a lot of improvement in smoother play.


    Edit: here's the link to the post I made about how to make that shortcut.


  17. A certain detail is that you can only buy HoT and PoF with real life money; they cannot be bought with only gems. Living World 2 and Living World 3 can be bought with only gems. You can earn gems in game by earning gold and then converting gold into gems, at a rate that changes over time. That being said, the cost of buying the LW2 and LW3 Complete packs is 1280 gems and 960 gems for a total of 2240 gems, which at the moment would cost approximately 660 gold (385 gold for LW2, 288 gold for LW3). This is an extremely large amount of gold for a new player to earn.


    I've been through LW2 several times now and I'm not sure yet if there's much there in terms of gear but there's a lot of lore. I think it's debatable whether it's worth buying. You do get a bunch of Central Tyria mastery points just for going through the story.


    You don't need to buy LW2 for access to The Silverwastes and Dry Top, the two areas where most of the action in LW2 takes place. Ironically, doing the Silverwastes RIBA a lot may be the most efficient way to gather the gold needed to buy LW2 and LW3.


    LW3 is absolutely worth buying just for the gear. There are three main divisions of gear: weapons, armor and trinkets (2 rings, 2 accessories, amulet, backpack). LW3 gives you relatively easy to obtain ascended trinkets, which are either very hard to come by or not available at all elsewhere. It also gives you portal tomes which give you easy access to 6 otherwise out-of-the-way locations around Tyria, and guilds tend to post their guild bonus banners at these portal locations. The 6 locations and the storyline are varied and interesting, at least to me. Unlike LW2, you only get access to these areas by buying LW3.


    The storyline progression is as it is listed in Hero > Story Journal: My Story, Scarlet's War, Living World Season 2, Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3, Path of Fire, Living World Season 4. My Story is commonly referred to as Personal Story and is the level 1 to level 80 storyline. Scarlet's War is Living World Season 1 and is not available for replay and never will be, which was a mistake that Anet will not repeat.


    I went through the whole storyline the first time strictly in storyline order - not having gliding until HoT, and not having mounts until PoF. I even did a bunch of map Central Tyria map completions without gliding or moutns. I strongly recommend at least getting basic gliding by doing the first two missions in HoT and the basic raptor by doing the first mission in PoF as early as possible. Having most or all of the mounts from PoF will make HoT much, much easier. HoT is, generally speaking, much harder and much more geographically complicated than PoF.

  18. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > joining shining blade was extremely out of place and problematic for lore wise for various reasons.


    > it would be very simple and less troublesome for the story, if they had made an offer, had made an agreement of the type "capture the important artifact X we need, we will give you what you want."


    > For example, theoretically a member of the shinning blade should prioiritize the protection of the queen, right? So what do you are doing chasing after a God in the desert? its very lore breaking.


    The Pact Commander is preventing that God from destroying the entire planet, and Kryta and the Queen along with it. You could hardly define that as being against Kryta's interests.

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