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Posts posted by ragnarock.4592

  1. > @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

    > I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


    > Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


    > Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


    You can go whit mele dps but is not the best only but you can do it.

  2. I like this idea. In the game they can use the tower of the mage in Kexxes Hills to this. And is not a bad idea to unify bosses to strike mission, maybe dragon response mission, dungeon (this last need a rework to be more difficult) and more content anet gocreating in this style.


    A idea i talk whit my friends is remove the downed in CM mode to be more hard but is maybe unpopular

  3. > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

    > "I hope there won't be as many stupid mobs in EoD. It's somewhat discouraging to fight mobs and when you might be done with them they just respawn and you gotta kill them and hope you catch a window to mount up and kitten off. I love easy modes, but if the whole map is a minefield... I don't want to do that map again. I thought they are meant to be replayed later again. HoT had some annoying monsteries but for some reason PoF are worse. There doesn't seem to be your generic weak meatball mob that you can kick out of your way, no. Everything is out there to get you. kitten everything and it's so strong. And numerous. If they weren't as numerous it wouldn't feel so horrible.

    > **I am bullied by pre-programmed game monsters.** It needs to be a little easier, **this isn't the right difficulty**. And what about those Joko minions? They gonna slap all the conditions on you, even if you roll out of their red circles. Did you just cleanse a condition? Why here, have another one. So you were smart enough to bring another condi cleanse? Yup, here you go. You're welcome. There are places in PoF like the Dwarf Dungeon Rune kitten thing? I could have never had the nerve to do it alone within a day. And even if I had a partner, we still died and downed a lot. I had majority of trailblazer stuff, and still got kicked in the kitten. Like holy kitten. Normally I like to do this alone. But what the actual kitterino. It's too much. Maybe I got another break time coming."


    > I am terribly sorry, but I just feel that dear Anet devs need to at least take a glance at this. I already regret that I developed care and love for this game by now. And a few monthly investments... But it's worth trying at least.

    > **TL:DR; Please, make EoD map mobs easier than in PoF. And not as numerous. Thank you.**


    You think PoF have a hard difficult?

  4. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > > @"Master Childman.2135" said:

    > > > could you kindly explain to me how an Engineer can place all the types of turrets that he can put in his skills while in AFK? in game you have the possibility to put the autoattack on only one skill. I am not aware that there is the option of being able to autoattack multiple skills at the same time? or did I miss this update?

    > >

    > > ArenaNet only does something if the person fails to respond, so with that in mind, they do it by using a macro to use their skills and a program to "call for help" when something happens. For the more casual ones, they simply have the game running in the background and use the skills when they happen to think about it / notice it.

    > >

    > > Back in the day, ArenaNet far more strict and would simply ban them on the spot, including anyone that happened to be next to them.


    > This system is too easy to fool. Use a macro, watch a movie, do other things and just keep tabs on your chat window for a GM message to pop in, while not touching the keys once.


    > This is why a blanket ban system must be adopted, stamp out what could get worse... which is getting worse. Look at the rise in actual bots, look at the rise in cheaters.



    If the people use multi box and don´t use macros is legal.




    A player may own and operate several accounts, but they may do so only when they play and control each account independently of any other account. This means that:


    Each account must be attended at all times.

    Each account must be operated independently of each other.

    Accounts must not be operated simultaneously using macros or bots.

    One keystroke should translate to one action on one account.




  5. > @"Nato.2051" said:

    > So I've done extensive research on this, using the Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic command line argument and finding out specifically how my ISP filters encrypted traffic.


    > **Results**:

    > On port 80, (unencrypted) connection it turns out my ISP is dropping nearly 80-85% of packets from source (me) to destination Anet servers. I believe this is a security mechanism from some ISP's to block a lot of unencrypted traffic that might seem like data mining. I am not able to identify why Storylines Specifically disconnect, but there's good news. I switched to -clientport 443 and my problems disappeared.



    > Set your command line argument on your executable to: -clientport 443 - this ensures that your traffic is going through an encrypted port. My results have been exeptional. Sure I had a few disconnects here and there, but I have been able to confirm zero disconnects during story line instances.


    > Reference: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments


    > P.S - As customers, we shouldn't have to worry about this. I'm lucky have a network engineering background and was able to really dig into this. Otherwise most people, would just give up, and I almost did.


    Thanks. Now i can finish the old story whit my other characaters without spend houres to repeat misions

  6. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > It doesn't seem like there's much "story" to it and the chosen delivery method is terrible as replayable content. You really want us to do these things daily when it forces us to waste most of the time doing boring events and killing trash mobs in between segments of listening to the same NPC dialogue? Then you cap it off with boring, uninspired bosses?


    > I guess my question is why is this better than an actual story episode with a new map? For me, every episode of Icebrood Saga has been worse than the previous! Your old delivery method of a single map with an actual story episode was better than the experimentation you've done with 1 map per 2 episodes (Drizzlewood was an AWFUL idea with that ridiculously long meta because of this choice!). This Saga hasn't been good since the prologue with Grothmar Valley (which was a good story episode with a cool map that has the kind of personality I expect from you guys!).


    > All I can say is that EoD better be good because Icebrood Saga is a big fail for me so far and this latest episode has me barely wanting to play.


    > Edit: Honorable mention to Bjora part 1, actually. That Raven Sanctum stuff was pretty cool and I didn't get annoyed with the story until Bjora 2 dropped.


    To me the problem to Drizzlewood is the meta, but the idea is not bad and i dont have problem to 1 big map to 2 episode. but this new chapter dont have work any map in season 3/4 o ice saga have more work in the events than the three instance of the new chapter


    And the idea of use instance map in tyria i think is a good idea but the problem is the execution. Use instance allows they to better manage the events and their difficulty. Unfortunately we saw that there was no work

  7. I like the idea. It is like visions of the past but clearly this chapter lacks mechanical complexity, for some time they seemed to have found effective formulas instantiated missions (attack missions) allowing a higher content than the LS community but without being so hardcore and exclusive.


    I "like" the story but the execution.... the copy paste of mechanicals, only putting waves of npc not giving any tactical strategy or level of difficulty is ridiculous, I understand that they will be focused on the expansion a while ago, but the level of the chapter is so so low. And I do not know if it is the problem of the game designers or some higher position but those who make the decision seem not to play the game.

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