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Julius Seizure.4985

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Posts posted by Julius Seizure.4985

  1. Hey guys. Supposedly Glyph of Overload's 100% chance of a bonus strikes negates all other bonus strikes (according to the wiki).


    However, I am quite often seeing results of 3 and even 4 harvests per node. This doesn't seem consistent, however.


    One thing I may have noticed is that activating the glyph and harvesting in the same zone results in a flat 100% chance. However, activating the overload harvest, then stacking additional buffs (Item Booster @33%, etc) then zoning will result in stacking the bonuses.


    Is anyone else seeing this?

  2. This is what eventually happens when you tailor a game mode for the vocal elite. The developers and many of the top-tier players have alienated the fat part of the upper bell curve— mid/high gold to low platinum players. This is why there are long match times and the mode feels like it is moribund.


    The developers have allowed unbalanced duo-queue teams to farm solo-queue players for rank and rewards. Hackers, botters, and exploiters repeatedly go unpunished. Match manipulators are never properly addressed. Balance patches are few and far between, and the MMR algorithm should be adjusted far more often. Low skilled duos are consistently overweighted while high skill duos are underweighted.


    Many top tier players smurph on alt accounts, manipulate the queues with other top tier players, and generally kill the enjoyment of competition while chasing rewards and titles. This universally comes at the expense of mid-high gold and low platinum solo queue players, which have left the game mode in droves and spiked queue times.

  3. If you have a saved Revenant build template, then this bug crashes any character that accesses their hero panel. This should be considered a game breaking bug.


    Yes, I can still play. No, I can’t WvW properly if I had a PvE load-out before this bug. I cannot check and see my traits to even assess what load-out I currently have so that I may play the right character in the right game mode. This is a very bad bug and I am eager for a fix.

  4. > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > You want to be this unstoppable juggernaut of damage and cc, then you need a big crash when it wears off.

    > It should only last a flat 10 seconds

    > You don't get the 50% incoming damage reduction

    > When it wear off, you lose 50% of your endurance and you are slowed for 5 seconds.

    > That's all I have to say about that...for the tiny bit that it's worth.


    The trade off right now is a loss of your utilities. In that sense it acts like Death Shroud which also reduces damage by 50%. I think it is fine right now, but maybe could use very minor tweaks to a few skills at most.

  5. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > I am 100% sure that you cannot dual wield the exact same weapon that you only own once. Wouldn't make any sense at all. You're not duplicating the item, you are merely automatically sharing it across characters, not your own weapon slots.


    I agree. The current system does not let you do such, and there is no reason to think they will change the code to facilitate what OP is asking.


    Most likely the Armory will just treat all legendary weapons as if the were in a shared inventory slot across all characters. You will need the weapon, not the skin. And you will need multiple daggers or swords to dual wield.

  6. I have every mount, and I still use my raptor. Is it my main mount? Nope. But do I still find situations where it is better than even the Skyscale? I most certainly do.


    Indoor maps, caves, and areas with lots of objects that a Skyscale will wall stick to are often the times I select the Raptor. Anytime the total distance is flat and shorter than 2 leaps, I also select the Raptor (it’s faster).

  7. Power uses 3 stats for maximum potential, and condition damage uses 2 stats for maximum potential. This is the root of the problem.


    Make it so condition damage is reduced by something (toughness, vitality, etc) and then have Precision add the current “ignores armor” reduction effect.


    Boom. All of a sudden you need Power/Precision/Ferocity or Condition/Precision/Expertise for maximum damage of each respective type. The bloat for condition damage come entirely from its ability to maximize at 2 stats, and often do insane damage with just 1 stats (Condition damage).

  8. A little late to add, but -50% damage for 5 seconds is significantly better than any amount of barrier you could reasonably get from a single application. Remember, barrier is capped at 50% of max hp. Combined with healing or other stacking damage reduction%, current RotGD is just better.

  9. I think the important take away is that Revenant no longer appears to receive much benefit from having both energy costs and recharge on many skills. After years of nerfs, all of our skills are largely balanced with other classes in regards to effects / recharge (and often worse), but yet we still pay energy.


    On top of this, we don’t get access to -20% recharge traits anywhere, and this causes some massive disparity like in the example I gave above.


    After the most recent patch, the problems this causes have become more glaring. The Revenant is now massively penalized for breaking stuns, which is due to the removal of Empty Vessel and Shiro’s energy increase. Every time you break a stun, assuming you even have enough energy to do such, you often remove the ability to use the majority of your weapon skills for a counter attack. I find myself forced into eating many CCs for full duration because the cost of breaking a stun is simple math: 2 seconds of CC versus 8 seconds of energy.


    We are now the only class in the game where each and every CC is guaranteed to remove counter pressure regardless of Stunbreak usage, with the one exception being Condi Malyx. This is the main reason you see this spec being used, IMO.

  10. Revenants were designed to receive reduced recharge or additional effects on skills as compensation for dual gating — having both recharge and energy to manage. Compare Counterattack and Warding Rift to see just how little this applies now.


    Comparing competitive numbers:


    * Primary effect— COUNTERATTACK= 3 seconds block / 25 seconds (20 when traited) recharge vs. WARDING RIFT= 2 seconds block / 20 seconds recharge + 10 energy


    * Secondary effect—COUNTERATTACK= 3/4 second evade + CC vs. WARDING RIFT= melee range Blind in a narrow forward facing cone


    For paying both energy and recharge, Revenants get less total block / second base, and drastically less block / second when traited. The fact that there is a rollover 3/4 second evade + CC competing with a melee range blind in a forward facing cone is the icing on the cake. Revenant weapon skills have been gutted, while other classes have received bloat and simply deal with recharge to manage. Revenant also receives no recharge bonuses anywhere, which is a significant penalty compared to other classes.




  11. Allow Core builds to use any unlocked Elite Specialization weapons. This would really open up build diversity for a lot of classes, and while Core builds could use any unlocked Elite Specialization weapon, they would not have access to any traits that boost said weapon. In effect they could use them, but at a reduced level compared to Elite Specs.


    One of the key problems with a lot of classes is the lack of viable weapons for certain builds. Want to go condition damage on Core renegade? You have nothing for weapon swap. Want to play a Melee focused core Engineer? Too bad that Sword and Hammer are locked behind a barrier.


    I feel this is one of the key reason that so many Core builds are unviable. There are gaping holes in the weapon selection for so many classes, and this could really open up options for build diversity.

  12. I have never entered a PvP tournament despite wanting to try it. They rarely fit my play schedule, and the barrier to entry is just too steep compared to joining ranked PvP.


    With that said, I completely agree with Ben. I can still reasonably achieve a Legendary amulet as a PvP player, which is great. The T2 version of this amulet will remain something of a prestige item and a long term goal. I think this is a really good approach and am happy with the implementation.

  13. Energy is working fine for gating everything except stun breaks. You often are caught without enough energy to break a stun, and legend swap is on cool down. No other class faces this issue right now.


    There are 2 solutions to this.


    1. First, make all all stun breaks cost 5 energy and have a normal cool down. In a way, the most viable stun break Revenant has already functions like this in Gaze of Darkness.


    2. The best option, however, is to have all all stun breaks cost half energy when they actually break a stun (player is mezzed), but then receive an additional recharge penalty (perhaps 10-15 seconds). When a stun break does not break an actual stun, it would cost full energy and not have a recharge penalty (repeat use available as it is currently, just gated by energy.)


    This would make a few things happen for the class. Firstly, you could still use many stun break skills without a CD solely for their effects. This has become a key aspect of the class for many builds. Secondly, the Revenant class would have more reliable access to stun breaks when actually stunned, as many of them would suddenly cost just 15 to 20 energy when mezzed, and the skill would incur a recharge penalty to pay for/balance this reduced cost.



  14. I think it’s clear they added the 450 range specifically to make it never work with Holosmith auto attacks and melee skills. The 450 range even cancels out CC: Storm.


    They want this trait to boost Core builds DPS without adding even more to Holo and Scrapper melee kits.

  15. I’m fine with the delay.


    I am not fine with being rooted and unable to turn or track a target. This skill should not be impossible to hit in competitive settings, as it already has a very short CC compared to most other skills (no follow up window usually). If it is going to be nigh impossible to land, then it needs a significantly longer knockdown on the CC.

  16. This meta absolutely does not work with the the tanky stats available in WvW. It’s much better in PvP where they just removed any stat combo that might present a problem.


    We are back to the point where a group of 10 organized players can tank 30+ players, and spike called targets one at a time. If this is your definition of fun, well have fun.

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