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Posts posted by Bogus.1598

  1. Funny, i see a lot of people complaining about the renegade, yet i see a lot of them in PVE maps.

    There has to be a reason, i can name several to be honest :)


    1, Fun! The weapon skills are fun, even the shortbow is fun...yes i dodge more then i do with other classes but getting fire wave at the right place at the right time is fun imo.


    2, the utility, in pve we still benefit from the patch that reduces aoe damage to pets with 90%. so only if your pets are being targeted then they will die soon..but otherwise u wont see it happen a lot. In case if they die, the cooldown is so short, u can resummon them very quickly.

    Other utility, u boost bleed damage from a party by a lot...i saw a major buff after putting a spirit going from 30 stacks of bleed to 60 stacks, going back to 30 after the spirit ended.

    AOE stun and AOE damage.


    3. The F Skills...

    1, granting nice amounts of might.

    2, a big burst skill, i love it. granting fire damage at a nice aoe.

    3, alacrity! Helping the party with lots of cd reduction.


    4, all the skills combined and traits give u freedom to choose what u like...support with protection from the spirits and longer alacrity, or extra burst damage with kadala's fervor.


    The damage is nice, even when running sub optimal gear, the skills are fun and they have a lot of utility....stop whining and have fun, if this isnt your elite, u can always go herald.



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