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Posts posted by Phil.7369

  1. Beatiful change, good job.

    But you should consider a few things, like popular worlds and dead worlds. Otherwise the same issues will arise again.


    So, what happens for example if Blackgate remains Blackgate-S1 = top server due to its fame and then Blackgate-S2 is then again the top and most populated server, obviously thanks to it's renown. You are basically, again, creating a loop where the experienced and knowledgable players pick out their favorite servers after the 8 weeks period and again create power and population differences. It is guaranteed to happen, the same servers after each 8-week reset, again and again being the top and the typical dead/empty servers where some unfortunate new WVW players happen to land on.


    Have you considered how to counter this? Perhaps by renaming the servers after each reset? In that case no one can possibly know which server is now the old Blackgate or the old Fort Aspenwood and hence no cherry-picking servers or no alliance-dominated servers, where you can't possibly join in, unless you are part of the alliance. Yes, what you thought that wouldn't happen?

    Always plan ahead.


    Second possible solution, remove a number of servers from the game and "squeeze" the Contintent's populations in a specified number of servers. Obviously account for new players by leaving room in the existing servers.

    Basically, instead of having say 10 servers:

    3 with 90% capacity

    2 with 80% capacity

    3 with 50% capacity

    2 with 15% capacity


    and suffering from unbalance, power issues and dead servers... you could instead leave 6 servers with a population percentage of say 80%+ in each server. Obviously the 6 servers in this example will never achieve perfectly similar populations, with the majority spiking towards the top 2 or 3, but it will serve as a better solution to servers who have absolutely no hope of ever facing a superior (in terms of rankings) server.

    You have seen what happened throughout all these years Anet. It's always been Blackgate, Blackgate, Blackgate. It hasn't changed and if you don't adapt there will then be a new "hot" server who will dominate again and again after every single 2-month reset.


    I hope this helps, keep making this the best MMO in existence thanks!

  2. > @"HealAlNite.9658" said:

    > Every season is the same: monkeys who cant getgud crying about matchmaking because they think they deserve more than they actually deserve. Why the kitten every season almost the same players get to legend if matchmaking is a kitten. L2P


    How your comment looks like: "I'm bored, trololol, learn to play noobs".

    Obviously you didn't even look at the images in the links above. I am already playing against legend players. And I was only fresh gold, exactly 10 placement matches played. Either the top players are also gold or something is really busted with the matchmaking.

  3. What I liked:

    *3 paths in the jumping puzzle for easy-mode and hardcore-mode. This was great and because of this, I actually sat down and did the JP achievement 5 times for the AP.

    *Mount racing and especially the "rent a mount" feature, which promotes POF to new players. Do this the next time in the Mad King's Labyrinth. Really great!

    *The snowball slinger daily was really fun! You could stand there for minutes, knocking down people for the lolz. They should expand on this, make a big arena inside Divinity's Reach for snowball slinging or something, this was really fun.


    What I think could be improved/didn't like:

    *The annoying "play your masterpiece" part of Bells, which caused me every single time to enter after the game was finished, then force me to exit and then re-enter. VERY FRUSTRATING!!

    *No AP-related achievement for Snowball Mayhem. This is most likely the best minigame of Wintersday and Anet killed it, because there is no reward for playing it. It was deserted. The next time, make sure you put in there a 5x repeatable AP achievement too. Back in 2013 this minigame was insanely full thanks to rewards and it being super fun to play.

    *Toypocalypse: 5x30 rounds is a joke... really. This is the most boring and brainless game of the season, basically take hammer, spam 1, build snowmen and catapults, upgrade, gg....

    And you ask your players to complete 150 rounds?? I only did 30, and only because it was tied to other achievements. NEVER again did I step in this after the 30 rounds.

    *"Donate to progress" events (Hoho-Tron): Unfortunately Anet has still not learned that donate events SUCK and no one touches them after the typical *5 gold=5AP* achievement on their first day. See for example the Skritt donate event on Ember Bay.... Yeah, the one which never completes because it steals your money.

    *The junkie Quaggan which likes to torture the player's OCD for AP in exhange for gold. Every single freaking time... Haloween, Wintersday, Dragon Arena, Anniversary... every time this stupid achievement is there and Anet is trying to create a meme out of it even in Reddit. "Oh, feed the poor Quaggan 50000 candies to help it move on... P.S. the Quaggan has some bad habits.."

    Not cool and not funny. Remove such cash-grabs from your game they only makes it worse.


    What else, I guess the last thing is adding a bit more "Wintersday" feeling to the entire GW2 and not just Divinity's Reach. Make every mob, everywhere drop Gifts, decorate a bit every map and not just Divinity's. We all know Anet is biased towards humans and 50% of all stories revolve around human politics and drama/romance, but you squeeze your entire population in this Map, then it lags (obviously) and every year it becomes less fun and more repetitive. "2018- oh it's the Divinity's Reach gathering again... yay!"

    I think you should be a bit more creative and spread the event across multiple Cities. Make 5 mount racing events, each in every city for example and add a district-wide event like "Mad King Says" in every city. We have charrs, asuras, norns, sylvaris... but nop! We are stuck for years with the human capital.


  4. > @"Shaaba.5672" said:

    > > @Panda.1967 said:

    > > No... reasoning, inconsistent exchange.

    > >

    > > 400 gems can currently be exchanged for 72 gold, but requires 106 gold to buy.

    > >

    > > Fair would be the same exchange rate both directions.


    > Not really. Unless you think the TP tax is also unfair. Obviously we would all love for it not to be there, but it's a reality. Gems are a commodity, just like anything on the TP, it just has it's own separate marketplace.


    I've talked about the TP tax before and imo it is very punishing and way too luck dependant. This is also the reason why so many expensive items are not listed on the TP and are instead traded via mailing and why the prices for such items stay so high (lower supply, because it punishes item listing).

    So instead of losing your 5% instantly upon listing the item and having said item rot in the TP for months, only to remove it later on and then attempt to either relist it thus losing even more, or insta-sell (again losing more profit) or mail-sell it, risking a scamm... Anet can simply MOVE the 5% fee to the total exchange fee.


    Basically, no listing fee and 15% exchange fee.


  5. Unfortunately the choices we can vote are limited and I will elaborate a bit on that. I obviously want a new profession, but I am also certain that a new PVP mode like GvG for example, will bring back a ton of people to GW2.

    GW1 had a lot of different PVP modes and had a huge PVP-only playerbase. HA, GVG, Codex, Hero Battles...


    I've been reading and hearing very often from people complaining that GvG didn't make it to GW2 and therefore they are not interested in coming back. Our PVP in this game needs some love, seriously what happened to the good old GW1 days with Team Speak groups and organized guilds doing HA, GvG and so on? Now it feels so solo queue and really "anonymous". I don't even know 1 of the top PVPers in GW2, and I don't care because there is no team connected to it. It's just like with our PVE theorycrafters, we had people like Nemesis, Brazil, Nike making builds, but now open world PVE is idiot-proof and raids without hard mode are only for that 5% of the community.

    Where I'm going with this is different modes for every game type. Hard/Easy modes for PVE and raids, different game modes for PVP and an obvious rework of many WvW aspects which apparently is already taking place.


    Now you mention Player Housing, which is also very important for role players and for the female population, which is huge in GW2 compared to other MMOs. I've been hearing so much about the "perfect" housing system in ESO and how it is the best system in any MMO with housing.

    I can guarantee you, if Anet decides to make housing, it can be 1000 times better than ESO's. Look at our Mounts and look at their mounts. ESO is a subpar MMO, it's basically a single-player game played online and worth it mostly for the story. So why shouldn't GW2 be the MMO with the "best Mounts", the "best housing", the "best Art" etc.

    We are basically out of the competition right now, losing players to other games because of decisions like that. Look at Neverwinter when it launched its PS4 and Xbox One version.

    1.6 MILLION players on the consoles after 4 weeks! Do you know why? Because the only other MMORPGs in consoles are ESO and FF14.

    Pick one: the grind till your eyes bleed game, the sub-based asian MMO with 3 sec global skill CD, or the 15$ per DLC online version of Skyrim game?

    Imagine if GW2 hit consoles. BOOM milions of players!


    Anet has commented on that tho and said that it's most likely out of the question, due to unrewarding cost-profit analogy and more action keys than a console controller can handle.

    They have also commented on Races and I agree completely with what they said:

    New Races are most likely not going to happen, because they add nothing "new" to the game. No new skills, no build diversity, no specializations. You just repeat the same content with a different race on the SAME proffesion.

    Imo we don't need new races. Instead of wasting resources on new races, spend them on content and classes and new game modes.


    New Weapon Types is a cool idea and will add great diversity for every class.

    Definitely voting for that, if I could..


    *Return of Dungeons: we have Fractals for that, we don't need 3 PVE end game modes now. Raids and Dungeons (Fractals for us) are the standard in every game. Older Dungeons along with Minigames and Hardcore World Bosses (see triple wurm) become obsolete and dead very quick, after a few weeks of grind from the community.

    That is a bad idea and I would never vote for that. Look at all those minigames that we have... Keg Brawl, Southsun Survival, Crab Toss.. empty all of them.

    Do you want to waste resources on something that will end up dead after a few weeks?


    *Vehicles would be an awesome idea, but would invalidate Mounts.


    *Build Templates is a MUST have and has been demanded for years by the community.

    In GW2 we have an insane amount of QOL features and I was incredibly surprised by how many Add-Ons games like WOW and ESO have. At first I thought this is just them being better and more popular than GW2, but it's not about that. ESO is anyway a less popular game. It's the fact that most of these Add-Ons in other games, are already implemented in GW2 by Anet themselves. They have things like Map Addons which show you were lore items and events are, which are basic things in GW2 that we have since years.


    *Return of GW1 locations: yes absolutely a must!

    Cantha, Underoworld, FoW, the Blood Legion maps from EotN, we want all of them and they are not only new content for the game and for future players, but they are also fan-service for the old players who are much more likely to come back with memories of say Cantha, than a new XYZ map.


    *Upgrades to underwater:

    This, right now is mostly a waste of development time. No one cares about UW combat atm and it's rarely used.

    Instead, they should wait until the Deep Sea Dragon expansion and THEN they should revamp and expand on it.


    I only replied to what I deemed important. Things like improved aesthetics options are really minor things and happen every month with each update anyway. I would remove them from the main post if I were you.


  6. I'm not interested anymore in showing off with things like "Haha I did the hard path 20 times in a row!"

    I'm past that now... gone casual. Life and work does this to you yep..

    But the 3 difficulties method was BRILLIANT and you can see that by reading the map chat, the guild chat and seeing the newbs in the quaggan path. There's a lot of them.

    Finally casual players have a chance to participate and the rewards are also balanced. If you want the shiny then do the hard path. Don't care about the shinies? Easy path for the fun and the achievements.

    Now do this for the raids aswell and you'll get even greater results! And perhaps for the Mad King's Clocktower aswell.. I haven't bothered with it in years, I keep falling constantly.

  7. Yep, that's my open world PVE revenant build and it's completely brainless! Awesome for chilling after work and doing some story.

    The other class that is so easy to play is Minion Necro, really great builds


    I only use the Heal on Interrupt Sigil for burst heal with Darkazor Raze

  8. > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > https://i.imgur.com/DRUdQod.jpg

    > Just want to thank whoever thought of the brilliant idea of putting a one-shot kill ability into an open world PvP battleground where fights can have dozens of players on each side and where everyone has at least 10 skills on their bar. It has created such interactive gameplay, such as getting literally one-shotted through 3300 armor and 25k health. I'm having fun just thinking about it! Thanks balance team!


    but, but.. you can dodge it! and it has a warning indicator!


    ~Deadeye players 2017~

  9. I'm not sure if you are trying to benefit GW2 or if this is a troll thread, but this "By not getting the membership, you lose NOTHING" is not true.

    This is naive and if you think everything in this world is free and that the "others" will pay for your game while you keep playing for free is realistic.. then you've got a lot to learn.

    What you propose looks interesting at first, but how long until GW2 goes down the ESO and Neverwinter road? How long until "New Episodes" become "15$ DLCs"?

    How long until new power creep is locked behind subscriptions and non-gem convertable features? How long until gem store prices skyrocket and gem items too, because it is now the standard to have a ton of gems? (thanks to subscription benefits) And when cosmetic and special chests are now locked behind sub-based content? When new Masteries are now extremely demanding in terms of EXP and subbing is the only reasonable way to speed up the exp gain?


    No thanks! I like GW2 the way it is, the best MMORPG right now for casual players. No pay to win, no cash-grabs and sub fees, no locked content behind pay features. If I want these things, I could just re-install ESO and pay 15$ every 3 months for their DLCs which are similar to our living world episodes, but instead you pay for them. I could re-install Neverwinter and start paying them to skip the HUGE grind behind power creep or I could sub to WOW and forget all that, but then every time I'd want to try something new outside of WOW, I'd have to fight with my self who'd be telling me "Your 15$ sub-fee is going to waste!"



  10. As I've said before, all of these "raid easy/hard mode" threads will keep on coming up every week no matter what you do, until they implement what the playerbase is asking for.

    This game needs an easy mode and a hard mode for raids. Look at the numbers... as of this moment, 57% of the participants can not enter raids due to the time commitment required. More than 57% percent of the GW2 population has never in these 5 years entered a raid before!

    Anet is basically making content that will be consumed by much less than half of the game population. This is literally BAD INVESTMENT and the profit is obviously expectedly low.

    So what would be the solution? To stop making raids?? NO!!

    The solution as has been said countless times before, is to appeal to different fragments of your community. Different difficulty modes.

    Easy mode for the casual players who want to experience the story and unlock the achievements and hard mode for the powergamers who wants shiny rewards and titles and fame.

    They did that in GW1 and every one was satisfied. Casuals did normal mode with heroes and henchmen and endgamers farmed Hard Mode with specialized builds.


    I keep reading posts about people mentioning how casual GW2 is and how raids are the only challenge, and how they will lose the challenge if we add easy mode.

    You will NOT lose any of your challenge, raids will not become easier, raids will still be challenging. There will only be a different option, with toned down mob HPs, damage and less AoE to dodge for other players. This will also not affect your rewards if implemented properly.

  11. yes definitely do something like this. Griffons are so unique and expanding on them is a must for Anet!

    Some GW2 videos showcasing the griffon Flight and the terrain-changing view from mounts have become incredibly famous over the last month. This thing gets you a ton of new players who are blown away from the quality of our mount system when they see these videos.

    This is a big chance for your game here take it and make it even cooler.. people love the griffon

  12. In response to people saying Necros are always out of the PVE meta and their DPS sucks and etc. Why don't we just unlock their Slot skils (ultility + elite) during death shroud?

    Not only will this make the class more interesting to play, it will also increase it's DPS and versatility. Right now you have to time your Well of Suffering right before entering Reaper Mode for max efficiency, you lose your Signet of Spite and you lose your 3d ultility slot which can be used for CC/Blind/"Rise" or whatever you use.


    The Elite slot could also be unlocked, but I'm skeptical about the Healing Slot. Necros already have a lot of survivability and according to wiki, being in Death Shroud also reduces the direct damage you receive by 50%. So it might be a bit too much if you also had your healing during DS. I mean Necro is already since launch the #1 easiest open-world PVE build out there, it doesn't have to become even easier.


    I've been playing since Day 1 of launch in 2012 and have always wondered why does DS lock the classes skills. Perhaps the devs have given an explanation for this before.. I can't remember after all this time. Anyway I think this could be a great solution to a lot of the Necro issues, because this class has really a lot of unexplained traits and mechanics.

    I don't even know which Sigils/Runes work during DS, I don't know if Unholy Fervor works anymore when entering DS with an axe, I don't know if DS really gives 50% damage reduction or not.

    Look at the forums, this class section has almost double the Views of any other class out there. It's so unique but yet has so many limitations and bringing up and down the numbers won't always help. Perhaps you need to start unlocking more of its core mechanics.

  13. ty for doing this Mike Wazowski!

    I don't have to add much because the comments are already full of great suggestions. I'd only say... take a look at how WOW advertises their upcoming content and try doing it in a similar fashion.


    Something like this:

    > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:


    > Like:

    > "Five sprawling new maps, filled with adventure and mystery."

    > "Mounts that let you travel the world as never before"

    > "Face a rogue god, bent on destruction."



    and of course this:


    > @Alatar.7364 said:


    > EDIT2: Forgot to Add, that this Post of Yours is finally a Step in the Right Direction. Because, with all due Respect to all of Anet Staff, there was not much of a Communication which is the very foundation of succes in MMO games. Good Job.


    well said


    and please get yourself a dev ANET forum icon. At first I thought you were a random player who made his own fan-made video.

  14. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @Lonami.2987 said:

    > > This is a heated topic, but let's have a serious discussion about it.

    > We already have several serious discussions about it, some in which you joined (some not).


    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18648/raid-easy-mode-on-the-cheap

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/490/raid-difficulty-and-challenge-motes

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11762/new-way-to-raid

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18337/would-it-be-so-bad-to-have-story-mode-versions-of-raids

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17613/do-others-feel-this-way-about-raids

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13711/offer-rewards-for-challenge-mode-in-raids-please

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15909/simple-idea-for-a-challenging-hard-mode-for-raids

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17527/more-flexible-raids

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17231/i-want-alternatives-to-raiding

    > * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11625/a-reasonable-comprise


    > We have mostly the same participants, saying mostly the same things, and often digressing in the same direction (e.g. what's meant by "elitist" or "casual" or "reasonable").



    Yes and this is how changes are made. When a lot of people constantly rant about something or suggest the same thing over and over again. If we just shuted up and said nothing, then nothing would change. Raids would still only be run by power gamers and people with a lot of spare time or only guilds on weekends and 80%+ of the population would still have never run a raid in their lives.

    Is that great? To never have played a content in your life, while being a 5-years GW2 player? Especially now that they connected story and UNDERWORLD (loved it from GW1 series) to raids. Tons of players myself included will simply never run it, because of being unskilled or not having a guild to run or working 40+ hours a week and no time to devote on raids.


    So yes, we REALLY need an easy/hard mode for raids. It has been said before and it will always be said until executed. It will profit Anet by making big content open to more players and it will profit the playerbase too obviously.

    Otherwise you will still see the same posts, you will still see the power gamers complaining that raids are too easy, because they have to be balanced in ONE mode for everyone and you still still see 4-man raid completions. ONE mode for all is not possible.


    We are not all casuals and we are not all power gamers. You have different players so make different modes for each one. This is how content balancing works.

    Otherwise we would have in PVP only one division and everyone would be in the same rank. ESL pro gamers would be roflstomping newbs and the lucky group would win.

    This is what in theory is happening right now to the raid community. Fractals have tiers and I have so far not read a negative comment about them. Casuals are happy with their T1 fractals and end gamers are happy with their T4 fracs.


    ANet listens and I know they can do this. This is why I just spent 10 mintues of my life writing this post.

    Thank you and enjoy your gaming.

  15. you can just consume them and get the Spirit Shards. That's free money basically. The real problem are the Scrollf of Experience which are useless when all your toons are capped and just take bank space. Either declare that we can all discard them or give us something to exhange them for

  16. there are some great builds in this thread, like the Power Life Drain Renegade, but unfortunately the editor does not link the original build guides, which explain how and why the traits synergize with the skills and gear. Just dropping off gw2skills.net links without explanation is not going to help people become better at theorycrafting and building.

    Be aware, there are also some really really sad builds in there, specifically some Necro builds. Random skills thrown in, a mix between Power and Condition with full Berserker gear, named "Condi Necro" and using Signet of Power and Spite. Just... no

    They have zero synergy and some decisions make no sense at all. Please ask before copying anything, criticize and if something seems strange then ask twice just to make sure.

    I would gladly create an "Open World builds" thread here, but there is no reason to as most people use the Reddit anyway and without a scroll by views, a "Builds" or "Open World/PVE" Sub-forum or a sticky function from the devs the thread would just be burried in a few days.

  17. Because Anet staff does not reply to pms (which I find rather questionable), I have the opportunity to voice my idea here instead. This is basically an idea taken from another MMO which I used to play months ago and it had some great forum features! Yes this post is all about forums and it's mostly directed to the Community Manager.


    Anyway, apart from a much wider choice of avatars this other forum which I'm talking about also has a cool thing like little "titles" which the Community Manager himself (he is a man there) occasionaly (rarely) gives to specific players when they achieved something significant or when they generally did something innovating or impressive. There is for example a player there with the title "Fashion Guru" and another one with "Build Constructionist". Another player who managed to solo the X raid was handed the title "#bossname Slayer".

    So now you might think "Who needs lame titles and more avatars, this game is so great that I rarely bother with the forums, I play instead".

    Yes good for you and GW2 is indeed a great game, but little things like that add to the community and make the forum reading more interesting. A forumer will remember the famous "F Player" who posted this awesome collection of images which looked really cool and made said forumer want to hunt down these clothes/weapons/minis.

    Or the "B Player" who posted these amazing builds for open world PVE and inspired tons of new players to invest more time in GW2 to farm down said gear.

    This all have been so far done via Youtube from a few famous theorycrafters. I seriously can't remember reading or hearing about XYZ link in the forums for a great build or guide. At least you could adress and showcase your famous Youtubers for a change, that's a first step.


    And btw Fashion Wars is a thing in this MMO as you very well know... it's no coincidence I'm writing all this here in this thread. This could still be such a huge mega-thread with millions of views (over the years), but you need to make some changes. Starting with the word "OFFICIAL", which means supported and advertised by Anet staff. You know something like "Official Fashion & Roleplaying Thread".

    Second make named thread "sticky". Always on the top, always there (and first to see) for new players who can enter, witness incredible screenshots, see a ton of cool looking weapons/armor etc. and get yourself a new player.

    Third, write on the same said thread a detailed description of how to upload images as instant-displayed-images (not sure how else to say this) and not as links to imgur.com


    Anyway Anet you really need to start working on your community-related topics imo, advertise some "hot" posts, show off some cool submitted screenshots, show us some fan made videos. Here we don't even have Post/Screenshot of the Month... this other MMO I was talking about (it's called DDO, it's dying but has an awesome forum and a super active Community Manager) also has a thing called "DDO Chronicle" where they show (weekly) the best of their fan-made vids, pics or some trending forum posts along with Official News and Store Sales. Even end-game raiding guides make it in there and I myself wrote one over there regarding raid compositions and it was advertised in the Chronicle.


    "Official Fashion Thread" :D

    this could be such a huge thing... in this game frequently called Fashion Wars 2, imagine that... scrolling down endless pages filled with screenshots and cosplays. Especially if you added a winner of the month, who'd be gifted with X amount of Gems that'd be so cool. And yes they do that over there at DDO by the way, they just do it with cheesy sentences written by players, not screenshots (hint" the graphics are not so awesome compared to GW2).


    Just saying Anet, you have a huge game, very popular with propably the best cosmetic system in MMOs and very nice graphics, but your forums are really bad to look at. Filled with PVP/WvW hate (I told them to play FPS or MOBAs if they want serious PVP) and the Reddit is much more active than here. Tbh I'm not even sure what is keeping our Community Manager so busy..?! Even your devs seem to be more active in Reddit and they have this awesome "Scroll by views" feature which... surprise! we don't have here.

    I have been told before that the GW2 official forums are not worth one's time and was advised to create a Reddit account instead. If this serious lack of interest in community events and happenings continues then I'm most certainly going to follow that advise. Weeks ago you started an awesome thread, showing us player-designed weapons which could make it into the game by Voting. People cheated, votes multiplied and we never got to see the rest (hundreds more) of the weapons. It looks like you don't care much anymore.

    I'm sorry, you've made a cosmetic-driven MMO with an incredibly healthy population and active community, filled with memes (in your Reddit) and yet you are not taking at all advantage of your community tools. This forum should have been BURSTING with images! We don't have power creep here, no one cares about your new Sword which gives +84374 Power or Stamina.. we have new looks here. But I can't see any of them because you don't give us a reason to show them.


    I hope you listen to this, this is feedback not ranting, this stuff helps and gives you views and profit. Gn

  18. Incredible patch today, they listened to so many of our concerns and fixed them, but this.... this RNG killed it. It's such a shame how it ruined this update which could have been all positive, but nope. I don't support RNG it's bad decision and it will drive people away just like WOW's RNG systems did to their playerbase, which you can read all over their forums.


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