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Posts posted by serow.6524

  1. Simplistically speaking:


    Guardian feels like a fantasy Paladin. Your faith and conviction grants you passive buffs which you can activate for additional effects. Skills wise, it's like any other GW2 class, you select 5 out of your entire pool and that's it until you change it out of combat. You are free to mix and match skills as you please.


    Revenant feels like a psychic medium in heavy armour. You invite a dead spirit into your body, which grants you a pre-determined set of skills. Inviting a different spirit (ie. the Legend Swap button) grants you a totally different set of pre-determined skills. Think of it as you borrowing the use of their signature abilities. Each spirit is also mildly themed, eg. Jalis for defensive, Glint for buffs.

  2. Since we're going to Cantha...


    Taoist Priest, using Scepter, utilities are Minions. You can think of so many amusing utilities just from reading its wiki page.


    Inspiration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi_fiction

    Derived from Chinese folklore, jiangshi fiction first appeared in the literature of the Qing Dynasty. The jiangshi is a corpse reanimated by a Taoist priest. The priest commands the jiangshi and directs it to a location for a proper burial. Jiangshi hop as they move and are able to absorb qi, the essence of the living.[1] The ties between jiangshi and vampires, and the English translation of jiangshi as "hopping vampire", may have been a marketing ploy manufactured by Hong Kong studios eager to enter Western markets.[2] Unlike vampires, jiangshi do not drink blood[3] or desire immortality.[4]


  3. By taking my time LOL~


    I only work on a single map a day, on 2 characters. Any more and I start to feel the grind. For me, it's better to go slower and feel like I'm accomplishing something over time then to rush it and feel damn sick of this shit.


    Just complete the map's hearts, then buy the currency from the vendor. And buy the 5 from Dragonfall too.


  4. > @"Nickle.3291" said:

    > With the new expansion coming up, I want to be careful w spending skill points. I am currently hoarding them so I wanted to see what people felt about their specialization before making a decision. You can also suggest to have me save them for the new specialization that will come out, because I've thought about that too.


    There is no point being careful with spending. Everyone just gets ALL the specialisations. You can change between them any time out of combat. And there are a lot of leftover points even after buying everything.



  5. > @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

    > after coming back from a few years of not playing, I noticed their business model changed radically. Now they are selling specializations?!


    In GW1, players needed to buy Factions to create an Assassin/Ritualistic, and needed to buy Nightfall to create a Dervish/Paragon. So regarding selling professions/specialisation, nothing has changed since 2006.

  6. > @"VaeVictus.4950" said:

    > I am a sad panda.

    > I'm sitting here, clutching my money, on the fence of buying HoT or PoE or both.

    > I really, really want to play Revenant because I love the visuals. BUT. In the last couple of day I read through about 20 different threads and basically they all come down to the same thing: Renegade is kitten. And not a purring, cuddly, cute one. I want to throw money at Anet but they don't seem to want them.

    > Two years after release the class is still a mess.


    The price is right, you can consider buying. You love the visuals, that's a good enough reason to get the Rev.

    Come on, every class forum is bitching about their own class and how it's underpowered, that's not a surprise if you have any MMO experience.

  7. > @Lytro.9305 said:

    > and the ability to rp the class.


    Guardian is easier to RP. Everyone is familiar with the "Paladin" archetype and "Power of faith". Drawing your power from your faith (all good and light, all bad and dark, somewhere in between) is a very common trope that even beginners should have no problems with. You may consider adding some "consequences" if you do not follow through, but that can be left for later when you have developed a better feel for your character.


    Revenants are harder to RP. You have to RP your character, your Legend (their personalities are fixed to some extent, unless you want to invent a custom Legend), and your Legend-influenced character. It wouldn't be as interesting if you can just ignore their influence every time. RP-ing a conflict with your Legend can also be very fun!

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