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Posts posted by Wander.5780

  1. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that with the release of a new xpac they devote some development time towards optimizing the game engine. Does this game even use 4 cores currently? The 64bit client launched I believe 2 years ago, and there was some improvement there but it still runs like molasses. It would be nice if they could make the game support 6-8 cores as most AMD processors have been hexa or octa core for a while, along with the new Coffee Lake Intel i5/i7’s now having 6 core configurations.

  2. > @"Purple Miku.7032" said:

    > @"Wander.5780" do you have windows 7 or windows 10? With your hardware you should not be chugging at 40 FPS in LA.


    > I'd need to be able to assess your rig in person but I'm guessing you know how to run performance analytics and hopefully determine what is causing the problem for you. I have a 3 year old laptop and I only get lower FPS in LA than you do if I turn supersampling on with shadows/shaders to highest.


    > Anyways, something worth looking into is whether or not you have superfetch enabled. Superfetch is a part of Windows' memory manager and when I was helping my brother figure out why his Overwatch was so chuggy it turned out to be due to that particular setting. It's a shot in the dark but perhaps that could be the problem for you, so I recommend you try it out if you haven't:


    > * Hold the Windows Key, while pressing “R” to bring up the Run dialog box.

    > * Type “services.msc“, then press “Enter“.

    > * The Services window displays. Find “Superfetch” in the list.

    > * Right-click “Superfetch“, then select “Properties“.

    > * Select the “Stop” button if you wish to stop the service.


    I've disabled the superfetch service in Windows 10, no difference. At this point I'm just going to accept this game's abysmal performance and roll with it. 22-30 FPS in the new LS4e3 map across the board, with spikes up to 45 FPS. Totally unacceptable... but I haven't gotten any concrete answers here, and it seems like the consensus is that "yeah this game doesn't run that well, but here's X you can do to **_possibly_** get 5-10 more FPS on average. Why does this game run so poorly on modern hardware if DX9 is not the core issue? Everytime I load up ESO at max settings, even in Cyrodiil where theres dozens and dozens of players on screen with spell effects everywhere, and even there the lowest FPS I'll hit is in the high 30's, where as everywhere else is a solid 60+. If this game is still this poorly optimized 3-4 years from now, while looking as dated as it currently does, they will have problems retaining players like myself.

  3. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > You should get the Samsung B-Die based DDR4 RAM and overclock and tweak it as good as you can. Gives more FPS boost than anything else for this game. It is a lot of work since RAM has so many different timings and 3 different voltages that need to be adjusted, but its worth it.

    > That is assuming you did not bought a cheap mainboard. RAM overclocking resuls also greatly vary by mainboard quality.


    I’ve worked in IT for 10 years and I’ve been building gaming PCs since I was 13 years old, (I’m 30 now)

    and not once have I ever heard of the need to OC RAM to make a 6 year old game run well... that is just ridiculous and should be totally unnecessary. My experience with messing with RAM voltages has always been inconsistent, and the performance benefit has always been totally negligible when comparing it to overclocking a CPU or GPU. If we have to jump through these hoops to make a 2012 game run well in 2018 hardware, that is ridiculous. If I can’t change the in-game graphics settings to yield a better framerate, with state of the art hardware, then I’m sorry but that is 100% on the developers.


  4. I've tried all of the suggestions here... disabled shadows entirely, set character model limit to medium, set LOD to medium, set sampling to Native, nothing makes a difference and I still can't get above 45-48 FPS at best in LA. If the devs aren't going to actually work on optimization, maybe they can at least give us a concrete method of raising our FPS to a level that is acceptable with our hardware configurations in 2018.

  5. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Wander.5780" said:

    > > I think the elephant in the room here, is that aside from being a DX9 game in 2018


    > This is irrelevant. I know, the persistent meme that bigger numbers magically mean better performance is everywhere, but the truth is, it is no more true now than when people were crying because DX9 was being replaced by DX11 clients, and people *didn't* want that to change.


    > > I get much higher FPS in more graphically intensive games with way more going on at once like I do in ESO. That alone points to this game having optimization issues.


    > This is a known problem. The developers at ANet have explicitly acknowledged it, and have been actively working on improving things. Which has happened; a few years back it would use two cores, not it pushes four, because of improvements to the engine.


    > Anyway, if you believe that DX9 is in any way related to this, you are directly contradicting the stated position of the developers, who agree that this is, in fact, an issue with too much work being stuck on a single thread, making the character model count one of the biggest contributors to performance limits, and single threaded CPU performance the hard blocker if you put every other bit of hardware at a level it stops slowing things down.


    Are you really going to sit here and tell me that DX9 is fine and not a problem? It’s a piece of crap API. Try playing any DX9 game full screeen, and tab out and back in, and time it. The source engine, which valve has managed to drag out for 14 years, was built on DX9, and still has issues that have to be patched from time to time. The devs deflecting blame from the API is not an indication that its without fault, its just them defending their project because they know what a monumental task it would be to move it to something more modern. Hence, why the game should’ve been built on the latest Microsoft API.

  6. I think the elephant in the room here, is that aside from being a DX9 game in 2018, I get much higher FPS in more graphically intensive games with way more going on at once like I do in ESO. That alone points to this game having optimization issues. It’s shocking that there isn’t at least a DX11 client for this game yet... DX9 is 16 Years old and should not be an API to build a game on in 2012.

  7. > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > 1920X1200


    > Yes you should be getting better FPS. I completely agree. However, the 'something else' could be a number of things unrelated to the specs of your hardware (especially the two parts you listed). I don't know what settings in the game you have on. I don't know what other programs you're running nor what operating system or other hardware you have.


    > I'm sure someone else will be along to point out their superior FPS on 'inferior' hardware. You can discount us if you like, but you're more likely to see an improvement if you spend time with your machine than waiting (in vain) for Anet to make a change.


    I've been playing this game since launch and across multiple sets of hardware, the issue persists. In map chat in LA I've also had other people with newer 6th and 7th gen i7's having the same issue. If Anet could at least give us some insight on what to try to change in our settings to make the game run better, that would be great. If I turn off AA, Supersampling, it makes no difference.

  8. > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > I've been on an I5 and GTX 670 for a number of years and I double your frame rate. You probably have something else going on if you're not pulling better than 30 fps.


    What resolution are you running at? I have a very hard time believing you pull more than 40fps average while in Lions Arch. I run at 2560x1440 & my GPU is a EVGA GTX 970 4GB so my hardware most certainly is not the problem.

  9. I've rolled with the 30-40fps average in LA for years now, and I've always thought it was because of my older i7 3770k (which was new when GW2 launched, game still ran awful) and now that I've upgraded to an 8th Gen i7-8700k, I'm sad to say that there is literally no difference in framerate. Getting 36fps on state of the art hardware, particularly for a CPU intensive game, is inexcusable. I really like the new direction with the new game director since PoF's launch, and I'm excited for the new LS changes, but it really takes me out of the immersion when I get constant stuttering and a terrible framerate while playing through them. Can anyone point me to a formal response from an Anet rep on this issue? it seems like it's just kept quiet.

  10. GW2 has no monthly sub and we basically get free "chapters" every 3-4 months with the LW, something that you get only on rent with ESO Plus so long as you have that sub up... if you stop paying you lose access to all that content even if you've paid their sub fee for years. I'll take this game in a heartbeat despite the gem store being an annoyance.

  11. > @Xillllix.3485 said:

    > Honestly for PvE ESO is way ahead now... GW2 had WvW and better PvP potential. But, ESO's world is bigger, every character has a voice, quests are varied, there are dungeons on every map, crafting is better, has first person view. Just my opinion of course. I don't see how Morrowind is more of a cash grab than PoF. Specially considering it has a new class, huge map and dungeons...


    I don't think you've played ESO Morrowind very much. Vvardenfell's area size is a joke... its smaller than the HoT area was, doesn't have depth, and it has all kinds of closed off space that is inaccessible such as the massive Volcano in the middle that takes up at least 1/3 of the map area, and the islands off the northwestern and southeastern coasts. The dungeon you mention, cannot even be accessed unless you bought another 1500 crown DLC pack. The main questline is extremely short, with no payoff. The quests are repetitive and boring, fetch this, fetch that type garbage. ESO Morrowind has preyed on ES player's nostalgia... it is nothing like TES3 Morrowind.

  12. > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

    > Despite kitten balance in spvp...despite abandoned and forgotten wvw...despite mounts rng...yeah, will see once something else fancy appears though.


    What is this in comparison to? as if PVP is perfect in other MMOs? PVP balance in WoW has been terrible for a decade. Have you tried PVP in FFXIV? it's a joke.

  13. After giving WoW another try with Legion and being left disappointed for the 3rd time in a row, being disappointed and feeling ripped-off from Zenimax and their opportunistic cash grab release of Morrowind for ESO, and playing the vapid, grindy borefest called FFXIV Stormblood, I can say with certainty this is the most enjoyable, and immersive MMO out there. I was one of the people that was really upset with the direction of this game once HoT was released, and was questioning the priorities of the devs with the Legendary delays, and the LS being put off for so long. But I have to say, with the release of PoF I have completely fallen in love with this game again, and I am glad that ANET addressed many of the problems that existed with HoT. I'm really looking forward to the new LS season and the future of this game.

  14. When I say it crashes, what will happen is the game will literally freeze up, but there will still be audio. I can't even kill the task with taskmgr, it completely crashes my whole system. I basically gotta do a forced restart every time it happens. I play plenty of other games, including MMOs like ESO and I've never had any issues like I do with this game.

  15. Why does this game still run so terribly? The game still crashes intermittently for just spawning in LA, constant crashes during Meta events and World Bosses, the framerate in the HoT zones is disgraceful even on hardware that is 2 years newer than when it was launched... I love this game and want to enjoy it fully, but when I miss World Boss spawns and Meta completions such as DS after a bunch of time invested because of this un-optimized and unstable game engine, it makes me want to spend my time doing something else.

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