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Posts posted by Shazmataz.1423

  1. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > Yeah gotta make a thread about your 1 night experience after months away. I was just linked w NSP and every night there was constant action as both sides would attack our bl and would be a constant go to hills to fight them off then go to bay and fight them off so maybe that was where the action was. But hey the 20 min you put in with little effort to find action should be weighted much more then anyone who has finished off diamond every week. Plus if you read these forums it's a constant bombardment of guilds leaving. Not one guild name/server mentioned but supposedly tons left and I'm sure there is some truth to it but I see the same effing guilds every week so who knows.


    Lol, you must be the lucky one cos....I play wvw a few days every week with my wvw guild and I see exactly what the op is seeing a huge drop in pop. We are T1 this week and there is fek all to fight or do. Wish it was just an aberration but its been like this for a few weeks now.


    Our server had 2 queues on reset this week....and only the EB one lasted past an hour....


    The pop decline is very real, I just hope that its better down the tiers (which I seriously doubt) or wvw is in real trouble, so sad cos wvw is my favorite almost exclusive mode in this game. I only pve to support my wvw habit.

  2. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"MysticKatz.1708" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"HBKOmega.5039" said:

    > > > > Thanks for nothing. This past week has been nothing but BS (awesome censorship too). GW2 is dying because issues like this go unfixed because Anet is too busy going on vacation to fix their own mistakes. That should have been a simple fix yet nothing was done about it so some players get rewarded while others are punished unfairly. It's so much fun logging into ebg and not being able to move past the entrance waypoint because YB has a 4 server zerg bag farming anyone who enters. Bravo, Anet staff.

    > > >

    > > > I didn’t realize your matchup doesn’t have other maps.

    > >

    > > They actually have a map queue on all 4 maps, but the week is over and hopefully we get a re-match. The main point is that a mistake was made, an there was little response from Anet, no fix and many people who were also on vacation were quite disappointed in not being able to enjoy a fair match up in WvW. Yet if this was a PvE mistake, it likely would have been corrected quickly. They will take the servers down to fix a bug with a mini but leave an entire game mode practically un-playable for a week.


    > That point is understood. I think unplayable is somewhat hyperbolic, but certainly the matchup wasn’t fair.


    > My point was simply there are 4 maps each with three exits. There was havoc to be made.


    > Letting a significant mistake wreck a week just doesn’t seem worth it to me.


    Unless you've experienced it that's a patronising comment. I have been on a dead server vs stacked (and nothing like what YB must be this week) and even with an organised group (if you manage to leave spawn) gets pounced on and rekt. It really is time to step away from wvw when that happens either pve or do something else in rl....who wants to be a walking bag?



  3. > @"Heibi.4251" said:

    > > @"Djamonja.6453" said:

    > > > @"Calli.6309" said:

    > > > Has Anet made an announcement whether the matchups will be reverted back to how it is rn, or according to how this week will turn up?

    > >

    > > The links will be the ones that they posted here in the forums (according to Anet). The matchups we don't know -- it could be glicko * RNG like regular relink-resets are, so the matchup could be different. I don't think it's going to be 1 up/1 down.


    > Yeah, would be totally unfair to the affected servers to count this week's score. Just fix the links and do the week over with the same match ups.


    Score doesn't mean much anyway but there has been enough player movement between servers that it should be a complete relink or we will suffer the consequences for next 2 months. The meant links will be flawed which will result in 2 months of crap matches.

  4. Listening to comments from people, they were looking forward to doing some wvw since they had extra time over the holidays....guess they are feeling pretty disappointed right now.


    This response from Anet does nothing but make wvw seem more neglected and disregarded. Not just my thoughts but the thoughts of many of my wvw friends.

  5. Totally agree OP....it's far too slow and a complete waste of time that could be spent having fun. And as for having other guildies put a few on....good luck with that, mine have volunteered but sadly not much siege made.


    Please pretty please Anet let us stack more.

  6. > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > As someone who play both on NA and EU I can at least confirm that this is mainly an NA problem. You NA guys broke that game mode over the years with your transfering and stacking of servers by getting paid for transfers or driving your weird "we go there for the fights - agenda" that never applied to your wvw environment. In the beginning guilds transfered for a gvg vs. some other guild as far as I remember, but after that no one really cared for good fights. You wanted to enjoy the superiority of your "group" or "prove something to someone" which needed no proof or wasn't even important enough.

    > If any guild would ever have "searched" for fights they could have stayed at their home servers and waited for matchups to happen. There was always enough to fight before you started stacking your NA timezones with "all the fight guilds". There are so many examples out there, choose your own. I mostly choose Maguuma for this, because it's the most obvious one next to Malvolents "alliance" stuff that left two or three servers in ruins by drawing players from one server to the next.

    > The alliance system won't change any of that until you don't change your behaviour.

    > Does really anyone think what didn't work in the last six years on NA suddenly starts working in year seven?

    > Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Jade Quarry, HoD, Dragonbrand, Blackgate are dead, the new experiments Crystal Desert, SoS, *SoR are dead again too.


    > My expectation for the "soon" coming alliances is that one alliance, most likely the Kaineng one, will dominate over what's now FA and the rest will be unhappy lootbags. Prove me wrong. Right, you won't.




    This post is so on point! You have encapsulated what's wrong with NA wvw along with the toxicity that accompanies "You wanted to enjoy the superiority of your "group" or "prove something to someone" which needed no proof or wasn't even important enough." sums it up but that imagined superiority and proving it means everything to a number of toxic people who go out of their way to destroy the pleasure of wvw for everyone else.

    Until this changes and people play the game for fun nothing is going to change with wvw....alliances or not. In fact being on Kaineng with an "alliance" is a horrible experience atm, not a great advocate for things to come.

  7. Are Anet looking at the numbers though?? Hurry up with the alliance changes Anet or there will be nothing left to make it for. Last couple of weeks in T1, T2 NA....wvw dead. Guildies who are diehard wvwers are now playing other games or not playing at all cos wvw so stale. The pirate ship meta is back and more boring than before.


    Oh and the lag has gotten worse with the last two patches....

  8. I think things changed in wvw when the 50 man squad utility was introduced to game. It makes it much easier to run a map queue zerg with one tag. In the day when five man groups followed a tag it wasn't quite so easy. I would like to see squad sizes reduced for wvw to a max of 25 or something else introduced to discourage the map q zerg. Map q zerg can blindly run over most groups with sheer numbers no matter how much skill a clever small group has.

  9. The lag has been alot worse since the release before the Halloween release if that makes sense. Something came into game at that time that has created a mass of lag and an increase in the memory leak that causes the "trapped in loading screen for 5 mins" bug....wvw has been alot less fun to play of late with the lag and the ever decreasing wvw population :(


    Sometimes the lag induced by patches settles down but this doesn't seem to be the case with the last lot.

  10. Marker was stuck on her camp spot last night and she was not to be found anywhere. Today revived her north of Brightwater Inlet WP completed the Help Explorer Jeppa recover lost supplies...The giant for the Defend event appeared as soon as the "recover"event ended and Jeppa disappeared as soon as he spawned meaning I didn't get to talk to her for the Lost Dolyak achievement.


  11. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > > > 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.

    > >

    > > The problem with that argument is that necro circles are also highly telegraphed and easily dodged. Yet people die all the time. How weird.


    > I think many oversee that the Scourges also got buffed around 30% steamrolling another zerg without weakening them before is in most cases impossible now except you get them by surprise or you other number them by far. This is what most people get pissed on Zerg fights got shorter and shorter with this many dmg the outcome is decided even before they finally clash into each other.


    > Ele are only a part of it Scourge will stay and I don't think it will change much also Deadeye with rifle got also a buff and Rangers too

    > In PvE the Deadeye has now 40k dps (with all boons) problem with this is they are 'only' single target damage


    > Which means we have still a lot more range and aoe dmg then before


    Scourge was gutted at the last balance patch thru dhuumfire cd....scourge isn't even worth taking anymore for wvw.


    Anet please fix the ele bug asap....wvw is pretty tragic to play atm since every person and their pet has rerolled ele to take advantage of the bug.

  12. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > I still think Anet should pipe traffic from ocx/sea through to a localised server acting as a proxy because it would drastically cut down latency/lag (even when accounting for extra network overhead) and be more stable than when we connect directly. No need to seperate them into their own world/region, just give us a closer aws server to proxy our connection into. My dream is that they proxy me into singapore's aws because then I'd get under 100ms ping instead of the avg 280-oblivion (not including the horrendous 4k lag spikes). Lag is just horrible every week now.


    Agreed NZer here. So many OCX people that I used to play with and possibly players from Asia (not sure of these guys cos I don't play that TZ) have left game because the change to AWS finally tipped them into the lag is too much zone and game isn't fun anymore. OCX wvw used to have many players but since the change its dropped markedly.


    It would be wonderful to have a more local proxy for sure.

  13. Personally, I got more loot bags than usual....but it may depend on the class that you normally play. Some people did complain that their class was disadvantaged by no downstate but it was a good week to try something new.


    However, it is time that Anet rewarded the support players who keep the dps-ers alive to get bags. There needs to be rewards for a certain amount of healing, protection and so on that the non dps classes/builds provide for the survival of their group.

  14. I have heard alot of guildies and others talk about removing the rally. I think that has been the best aspect of no downstate this week....no rallying. Though it has been amusing watching people drop straight dead or popping yourself XD


    It would remove alot of the toxicity that is generated when the more serious guilds/people in wvw call out the "rallybots", if there are no rallies....there are no rallybots.

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