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Posts posted by SASHI.7260

  1. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > Where is the proof that it's not simple supply and demand?


    Just look at the statistics and that gigantic wall for the Mystic Coin (I already provided the link on my previous comment). It's not hard to see. Especially if you are a BIT aware on whats happening outside of the Trading post (such as on reddit and discords).


    Someone went mad cause they got banned on the Trading Discord for RMT that they sold 32+ Chak Egg Sac at max gold value just to get enough liquid gold to put a giant wall on Mystic Coin just to fuck the market. Now said WALL keeps moving from 1.8g to 2.0g because of that trend. (Obviously you would defend that "How I know its not just random people but only one person? Can you show proof?" and my answer to this one is simple, I do not have. Just numbers to look at.)


    The price on Mystic Coins at that time was floating at 1.5-1.7 per piece. Ever since that wall came up. it went from 1.8 to 2.0g in just a span of like what? 3-4 months? And now it fixed itself at above 2.0g since there are 3 sets of walls preventing it to go down (444,732 on 2g, 17,554 on 2g5c, 89,988 at 2g,10c)


    Tell me if that is NOT market manipulation (Obviously me pointing at the fact that people erect WALLS of buy order that is not feasible by the market to overcome based on the supply and demand statistics). Or are you implying that hoarding and market manipulation is supply and demand?


    If you really want a theoretical / speculative answer then this manipulation is directly involved with Legendary Armory since those rich people who only trade outside of the Trading Post started hoarding legendary weapons. How to hoard a lot more? Simple, inflate the currency they are using (Mystic Coin) since by doing that, they could pay LESS Mystic Coin for 1 Legendary Weapon (only at most around 900 MC per Legendary Weapon)


    This would ALL be avoided for years if Player Trading via Mail/Guild Bank was NOT ALLOWED at the very start. There is a reason why Player Trading was not implemented here and there is a reason why TP has a 5% posting fee and 10% selling fee. And that is to avoid this very incident.


    Edit: Woops. Did not know that would BOLD the letters up

  2. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > Yes and this is a sign that berserker probably is deserving of a buff. Doesn't have to necessarily be the removal of the toughness penalty, tho.


    Like what others above already said. Berserker have like 2 trade offs. First is the Core F1 Burst which affects a majority of the core warrior traitlines - Because it was build that way. Second is the addition of the toughness penalty (300 is a big reduction which I believe puts warrior's rating more or less equal to that of the light armored ones). If we gotta choose only ONE trade off, the toughness reduction is uncalled for. (also, wonder who QQ'ed alot back then resulting in the state of warrior? "We do not know when he will berserk or use Core F1, its unfair!! yada-yada-yada")




    > This whole discussion here resolved around the fact that berserker has a toughness penalty installed while in berserk mode.

    > So what is it now, does armor matter or not? If having additional armor doesn't matter, then this entire discussion is meaningless and berserker can keep their toughness penalty, since it doesn't change anything anyway.


    But it does. PvE wise,

    1) If you go on like raids and fractal groups then sure it doesn't matter that much since you'll get protection and heals.

    2) Solo PvE on open world would cause everything that hit you feel like your getting hit by a truck unless you kill them fast - sure I can equip the Trait that adds back the 300 toughness loss but it removes the 10% you get from Blood Roar (heck I can even use defense trait line if needed or MMR on STR line to compensate) - so yes, it still changes something.

    3) PvP and WvW wise, your a walking glass cannon in the literal sense (unless you trait for that +300 toughness GM trait) much like how you would use a light armored full zerker build character on those fights without the fancy teleports, stealths, etc. etc.


    > Completely missing the point I made. My point was that the weapon swap allows warrior to slot in a second defensive weapon in the offhand, which engineer can't. Engineer can get more defense by dedicating utility slots to it, but warrior can do the same with their defensive utilities.

    > Also the only really defensive kit on engineer right now is tool kit, since it has a block. And no one is using it, since it sucks right now.

    > Photonforge doesn't add any more defense to the holosmith as long as you are not investing into it through traits, which once again, berserker can do the same.


    The down side of this is that you kinda forgot engineer in general has access to a lot more defensive boons that warriors do. Also heal blasting does a lot more than warrior's heals (passive or active) considering it was nerfed so much in the previous balance patches years ago. And yes, you have a passive healing via heat therapy which you don't even need to slot in). Heal Turret drop -> Blast, F1 utility waterfield + 1 blast, Heat therapy, elixir gun's #5 VS Mending/To The LImit / Signet of Healing + Adrenal Health (if u can stack it up via burst skills - means you gotta hit them first) + MMR (if strength line but still gotta hit and crit cause u gotta have that GS trait line to gain might)


    Sure warrior can equip a shield with 1 block skill every 25 seconds for 3 seconds - Sword 5, Mace 2 (oh wait, its over 1 weapons wap now), and that's about it. Our utility is basically stance or bulls charge or something which are majority offensive oriented. (Stances was a thing back then but hey, it got nerfed so yay?!).


    If you are gonna argue about how warriors can travel miles without issue then how about holo's Rifle 5 + rocket boots + super speed on holo leap 2 which is basically every few seconds?


    The point is, the argument of warriors weapon swap being greater than engineer's tool belt is simply false at this point.


    > Who says holosmith is overperforming in damage? It isn't top damage dealer in the game in any environment as far as I know.


    True that on meta comps and/or group comps Holo ain't the VERY HIGHEST but between warrior and holo's DPS, holo win by a mile (unless you haven't seen those holo that does insane damage?) Pre cooking Heat to 75% for an insane burst.


    Add also the fact that holo has this nifty trick that a lot of holo players use to compensate lack of skills that Anet tried to fix but was easily bypassed a few minutes after said patch. Most holo players knows this. Heck even non holo players knows this and its kinda irritating to say the least. Obviously I wont say what it is.


    > I thought toughness doesn't matter? So how can it not be justified if it's meaningless?

    > I agree that the placeholder traits need work, tho. Unfortunate that balancing is on halt right now since they are working on EoD....


    Because between having access to a lot of boons (quite easily I might add - elixir and alchemy), having access to a lot more ways to sustain and be defensive while being able to inflict a lot of damage, melee and/or range wise, access to barriers easily VS a class who needs to literally go near a target, hit them to even trigger some of the sustain it should be having, prone to range attacks unless can LOS, has the defensive stance nerfed, passive healing nerfed. Getting 300 toughness reduction matters quite a lot.


  3. I like how


    1) Some people not even using the Trading System of the game.

    2) Hoards a majority of the mystic coin market.

    3) Goes into Mail Trading over a 3rd party communication line using MC as major currency.

    4) Inflates the prices so much by limiting the amount in the trading post (as seen on the statistics from gw2bltc - https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/19976-Mystic-Coin at 920K Demand over 31K supply as of this posting) because why would I sell it over the TP when I can use it as a conversion method to get other stuffs over a 3rd party communication line (i.e Discord, Reddit) without paying for taxes.

    5) Makes a gigantic WALL @ 2g flat (444K buy order - already half of the demand and was originally at 1.8g but well, gotta inflate those riches) by using the same funds obtained from said 3rd party communication line to make it more expensive over said 3rd party communication line.


    and is still NOT Price Fixing at this point.


    But hey! According to ya savvy economist on this thread, Its simply the basic law of supply and demand right? nothing wrong with it. It's simply the flow on the price. It will always go up when demand goes up.


    Edit : Added a small set of texts somewhere

  4. Sadly we can only right click report them for botting and hope that Anet actually do something about it. This issue has been around for years now and there are not much impact at all so I won't really expect anything at this point.


    You haven't seen those AFK necro on sandswept isles yet. THERE ARE A LOT of them. probably on a lot more maps to be honest

  5. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > So pve is group content, but a 5v5 pvp match apparently isnt. Kinda sad, to say the least


    Yeap! Unless I am mistaken, you cannot queue as a 5man group on ranked matches. Hence I cannot be with 4 of my other friends thus it is not a group content for me nor my friends. What I deem as a group content means I can have fun with my friends as a group.


    Sure we can do the AT but happens on a 3 hour timer with a 15min registration period and our schedule of playing is not that concrete to the point that we will be online before an AT (we still have personal lives too)


    P.S: This is only my personal view of things.

  6. > @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

    > ther was any one shot mechanic?


    On CM, the charge attack (slam) the boss does puts a giant fire field that when you kinda step on it. you get massive damage every quarter a second making you die in like a second or 2 (not one shot but literally kills you fast). The area is big too that they had to patch it to show how big it was and even then I noticed its not enough since you can still get damaged even if you are outside the area (think of it as an extension that is not visible - for me at least on low model quantity and quality)


    If you manage to evade it (cause it has a big telegraph), you can get pulled towards it by the boss if you manage to not dodge it.

  7. > @"felix.2386" said:

    > the irony when having access to the most weapon type is actually useless because you can only wear 2 sets and also having the least viable weapon..


    Made my day! Thnx for the sadge laugh!. It really hit the spot on how warrior weapon feels


  8. I like your outlook OP. This is also how I play now. Dun care if I die a lot now in sPvP (actually, I turned off chat at all). I just go with the flow on what I want to do and how I wanna do it. Of course when it comes to group content on PvE with my friends, I try to be better than yesterday so I can yell a lot in our discord with the phrase, "BOOM DECAP! BOOM DECAP!" everytime i press F1 on Berserker Mode :)

  9. Hi, a floating warrior player here.


    To answer your questions :

    1) You use outrage in tandem with Headbutt (You headbutt first -> Outrage). This is to extend your Berserker uptime by 2 Seconds on headbutt + 5 Second on outrage (breakstun)


    2) Depending on the group, if you are to run as a DPS Berserker (power / condi wise) and you have another warrior in your party to bring banners, it is still better to bring Double Standards since it will still affect you (that is 200 stats on power/condi/fero/prec - on Strength and Discipline Banner).

    * a) On the off chance that you are the only warrior in the group, I would still suggest to run the banners with the Double Standard trait line (if you want to really minimize the banner usage at this point then an option would be disc banner + double standard trait).

    * b) On the off chance that you are the only warrior in the group and do not want to bring any banner, I would suggest swapping runes to either thief or eagle (assuming you are not using them already) + a couple of assassin gear to still maintain crit cap (you can mix them up if you want depending on which runes you go to since eagle is 125 prec lower than thief). And choose either Destruction of the Empowered or Brawler's Recovery.

    * c) On the off chance you are not in a group, probably Open World at this point, then you can go for either Destruction of the Empowered for more damage on enemies with boons (which is kind funny cause you'll lose damage a bit if your enemy has protection). Or Brawler's Recovery for 1 condition removal.


    Either way, going with either a) or b) here would lose you DPS in a group setting. C) is more of a meh considering Open World.


    3) For actual DPS Option, the best trait to choose is Smash Brawler since it gives you an extra 5 seconds on your Berserker uptime. Now, why use Savage Instinct? There are fights for group content in which you wanna start dps-ing right away (such as Skol on 99CM, Mama on 98 CM, etc. etc.) If u use savage instinct, its normally paired up with Mending with Peak Performance for that sweet 15% dmge increase for a few seconds.


    Assuming you'll use it for OP, then i would recommend using Savage Instinct for the same reason; DPS THE TARGET FAASSSTTTT XD

    The Last Blaze, as far as I am concerned is normally used with the Condi Berserker Setup. You can also use this as a power setup assuming you play a mix build - Grievings or something? for some extra burns.


    Regarding the headbutt opening, like I said in #3, it is highly situational as far as DPS-ing is concern. If you follow some guide, they go for headbutt -> wait 1 sec -> Enter Berserk Mode then start DPS. Some ppl would go for Headbutt -> Outrage -> Berserk mode which is OK still (since if you go with the rotation, you would have enough berserker extension for headbutt to go out of CD again so you can headbutt + outrage.) The other way if you dont wanna do the headbutt opener is to cast Axe 5 until full adrenaline then Berserk -> Decap -> Blood Reckoning -> Decap -> Headbutt -> Outrage -> Decap -> so on and so fort (just press outrage every CD since it will line up with Headbutt at the end)


    If there are some mistakes or missing info on this one, people can correct me. :)



  10. I just don't like how the meteor AOE does an instant KB + Dmge upon impact and another set of KB + Dmge on the following shock wave which reaches WAY OUTSIDE OF THE AOE INDICATOR.


    Other than that... meh I guess. The One Shot fire field is fine as long as you run away as he cast it or something and dodge the follow up pull skill which he sometimes do (rare times is he does it two in a row after the AOE slam)

  11. > @"DAN.7314" said:

    > I just bought 200 of the new deldrimor supply chests that can drop the volcanic weapon boxes. They cost me 4 thousand tyrian defense seals. I got zero volcanic weapon boxes. I've opened another 50 of these boxes previously and got zero as well.


    > I've opened 250 DRM end chests or more (mostly gold chests from CMs). I've gotten zero volcanic weapon chests from there.


    > I could understand if it was a rare weapon collection with no mastery point tied to it, but this is a STORY achievement with a mastery point! I haven't gotten a single weapon for this collection, and I have played DRMs a ton!


    Same here, all my game play right now revolves on DRM (I need to go away from some things I do in the game). No Volcanic Drop at all. What is even the drop rate? 0.01%? Feels soo sadge.

  12. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Break Enchantments + 1 cc skill is enough. I've done this countless times solo, unless he gets more boons with more people. I have done this with Greatsword + Axe Axe.


    it is enough for solo. on 5man, rylands AA hit is around 5K on prot, 7K without. the icicle barrage is around 3K if hit. the 3rd hit and the icicles on the ground does like 25K-ish dmge (literally downs you the moment it connects). Has higher health pool compared to solo. Hence you want to remove the 25 might he gets after the channel spell fast and as far as I noticed. Break Enchantments and a CC skill together with F2 (since he sometimes does the channel to the spin attack) leaves the 25might boon. (this is not an issue on solo since ryland's AA dmge there is around 2-3K only)


    The boon removal has no priority as far as I know since you can probably remove the 25might on your break enchantment on time, then you wont be able to remove it even after break enchantment + CC + F2.


    Also you gotta consider that since u have 4 extra ppl, a lot of them might get hit by ryland's random AOEs thus downing them thus ppl reasing leading to a down chain leading to a wipe. And since its a 5man scaling, you need to group's dps.


    But why are you pushing for SOLO situation at this point though? You gotta consider that the thread owner is ASKING for a GROUP not SOLO. Solo is different since you only have your own skill to rely on.

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Boon stripping is perfect for a spellbreaker. Break Enchantments removes 3 boons, all it takes is one cc skill to cover the rest thanks to traits and they can do it solo.



    Break enchantment remove 2 by default + 1 from ~~loss aversion~~ sorry this was supposed to be Enchantment Collapse. if they have other enemies near them that has boons to be strip. Break Enchantment is also NOT a control skill so the +1 from the major trait line on spellbreaker wont activate. Sure u can fully strip ryland with dagger main hand (3 + F1) and a Bullscharge to rotate with an A/A subset. but considering how many ppl dont do that anymore i opt to not add that in the explanation and just say its a Bit Tad Many for spellbreaker (which at this point is false :P )


    And yes, you can solo with spellbreaker (since I am solo-ing with it for like a week and a half now on all DRM CM). But the question here was "As a Group" So i responded as a group hence I answered as a group comp.


  14. I dunno exactly the DPS you are supposed to aim for but generally thru my times playing fractal CM on a warrior (Fractal God, 227 AR, +9power+5 agony infusion) I would say at minimum (if your not focusing on CC-ing much) is around 42-47K burst dps while maintaining an end DPS of roughly 15-22K depending on the fight. - Assuming you dont pepega and mess up the initial burst rotation XD


    Do take note that these numbers are the things I normally get. Some people might get higher than me since they have more min-maxing experience over warrior in a good group setup. Although I do see some warriors in CM struggling to reach even 20K burst DPS sooooo my numbers might not be on the average side of things.


    Oh yeah. this is on a BannerSlave Warrior.

  15. For group comp. I would suggest running either a power reaper /. mesmer for boon strip. (you can go with alac too if you want but we kinda need damage and not CC cause as @"Ayrilana.1396" said, the CC is kinda bugged). You can also do with a spellbreaker but the number of boons you'll be stripping is a wee bit tad too much for a single spellbreaker.


    For heal, its healbrand that can time aegis procs for that 3rd auto hit chain and the icicles popping on the ground - for insurance since both of these are telegraphed. (although both of those deal high damage that it can down a player instantly - seriously, why anet implemented this on top of the ice barrage on top of ryland at mid phase of 75%-30% is beyond me. This is already considering that the area is smol with a lot of pillars, attacks are telegraph and sometimes if you are unlucky, all avenue of the dodge for the 3rd hit will lead you to an icicle popping out downing you with 25K damage.).


    For DPS, anything can work as long a #1, they can comfortably hit ryland thru his mechanics. and #2) do a minimum of like 7K - 10K dps. (the dps gate is kinda low to be honest as long as you don't wipe and get to ryland at like the 7-8min mark. Just remember to kill fast and apply swiftness to the NPC during the escort portion).


    All in all for comp wise, you want to run either a reaper / mesmer for boon strip (reaper with corrupt boon or scepter 3 or something, mesmer with disenchant + domi traitline). Healbrand for heals (blocks, quickness, protection, cleanse, regen, might), DPS of any kind that can comfy hit ryland while taking his mechanics into consideration (holosmith, dragon hunter, daredevil, etc. etc.)


    For guideline, the comp me and my friends ran was a Spellbreaker that manage to hold ryland in place. A mesmer that does the strip with the spellbreaker, a holo that dps, a healbrand and a reaper. (its not meta mind you but it worked for us). Hope this helps

  16. Great sword 5 (Rush) on a static target at 240 ping = Overshoots LIKE... HOW?

    Bulls Charge on static target at 240 ping = Stops mid way to the target and just "hits" but so far off you might as well shoot a rifle to chain

    Sword Leap on static target at 240 ping = Hits, Passes thru, then turns around but stayed on the same spot.


    Warriors Movement Hitting (?) Skills in my General Experience

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