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Posts posted by Ruisen.9471

  1. I really like the HoT map metas, because you had to actually play the game and know what's going on. Most of the map metas after POF doesn't really have much gameplay, imo, because you just mindlessly press 1111111111 like a bot, they all play exactly the same which gets pretty boring and repetitive pretty quick.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


    > Full disclosure: plenty of Outfits that I will never, ever buy because of one element of the design that I can't accept. I'd love to see some of the outfits offered in multiple configurations, to avoid that. At the same time, I think it's fine because we get enough Outfits that I only need to like a few.


    That's pretty much where I'm at. I hate 99% of the helms on those outfits, especially.


    I realized that you guys actually described the issue much better than I did. Its not the lack of skins, but the fact that alot of the styles of just... similar, much more similar than previous MMO's I've played (where fashion wasn't part of the endgame, but there was always new armour sets every raid release and they all looked very unique and interesting, and really enforced the idea that you're wearing powerful magical armour, but without having too many darn lights on it - a theme that GW2 seems to have very few of, and those few light you up like a x-mas tree).

  3. Considering that fashion wars are a big part of the endgame, does anyone else feel that the amount of armour skins to choose from feels a bit lacking?

    Almost all of the gem store skin pieces aren't available except for rare sales, and for outfits, you're forced to take the entire outfit, so you can't really mix and match the pieces, which is a shame since alot of outfits have some pretty cool armour pieces. Overall, it feels a bit restricting, and it doesn't really feel like you have alot to choose from at any given time.


    Edit: To rephrase a bit, its not that there's a lack of skins, but a lack of unique styles of skins.

  4. Everything is always expensive when it first comes out. If you want it right now, ofc you'll have to pay up.

    Imo, this has prob been the single most effective thing they've done that gets gold out from the people with millions and to the average player.

  5. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Ruisen.9471" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > Except for being tradable (which would discourage particpation surely?), I think it's a neat idea

    > >

    > > Why would that be the case? If it wasn't tradeable, than it wouldn't make sense for anybody to participate who wasn't crafting the item for themselves.

    > >

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > "where the recipe could drop"

    > > >

    > > > Nah, I think we have enough RNG in this game.

    > >

    > > I imagined it as being a common drop and not a rare drop, since being a rare drop would defeat the purpose.


    > The problem is combining these two options. If the recipe is a common drop and once you've got it you can craft and sell it the end result is a minority of people rushing to get the recipe and crafting weapons to sell, competing with each other for sales which causes the price to drop, so that then other people who want the weapon can simply buy it because it's relatively cheap and never have to enter the map at all.


    > Unfortunately there isn't a simple solution here, it's a common problem with any game. You can't have something which is both common enough that most people can get it without too much trouble and rare enough that it's profitable to sell. Well, at least not without odd work-arounds like having a complicated and restrictive trading system so most players are locked out of that option and it's actually easier to farm your own than to buy it, but I think that's (thankfully) out of the question for GW2.


    > There are other options like making the recipe common but require rare or expensive components to craft it, or making it time-gated so it's harder for a small number of sellers to flood the market, but those have their own downsides too.


    > I think it's a good idea. Anet did something similar with the design a weapon contest winners, with collections that required going back to some old maps (for example the Scion's Claw collection takes place in Drytop) and it was fun. But it's not a permanent solution to lower populations in older maps, it's either a one-time thing per player to unlock the account bound reward or something a minority of players farm and others buy from them on the TP. (Or both.)


    They could just make some of the materials drop the way amalgamated Gemstone does (which has lost some value, but hasn't become worthless as far as crafting mats go), and you can balance out the price by the amount of those mats needed to craft each weapon.


    The reason I felt that the mats and the weapons needed to be tradeable was that,

    if the weapon wasn't tradeable, very few items would be crafted overall, and if the mats wasn't tradeable, then very few people would actually go back to farm the mats themselves, both of which would defeat the purpose.


    It would definitely be something that they would need to do continuously, and not as a one time thing (or get new LW weapon set recipes will use these new mats as well, which I guess makes it unecessary to actually add named exotics, but more standalone named exotics would be nice compared to the mass produced sets).


  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Except for being tradable (which would discourage particpation surely?), I think it's a neat idea


    Why would that be the case? If it wasn't tradeable, than it wouldn't make sense for anybody to participate who wasn't crafting the item for themselves.


    > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > "where the recipe could drop"


    > Nah, I think we have enough RNG in this game.


    I imagined it as being a common drop and not a rare drop, since being a rare drop would defeat the purpose.

  7. As much as I'm enjoying the new themed based weapon sets we're getting with every new season, I think it would be really cool to see some "artist specials" for any cool ideas the artists might have for a particular weapon added as standalone exotics, where the recipe could drop from the new meta boss event, but the materials would come from meta events from old living world maps that are less popular (maps like Bloodstone fen, Lake Doric, etc come to mind).


    Allowing both the weapons and these new mats to be tradable on Tp would give some incentive to return to those older maps as well.

  8. I really wish there was an outfit template, so that you can choose what outfit/skins your toon is wearing no matter what gear you're using, and swap between different presets like you'd swap between equipment templates. Had it in a previous game and it made everything so much more convenient because you didn't have to reskin something everytime you changed a piece of gear.

  9. I feel that the way GW2 plays, there's just alot of anonymity for open world PvE (which is mainly what I play). You don't need a party, you don't need another player to team up with, you don't even need a guild. Hop into a meta and there's 50+ people. The only times that I talked to people was when I started trying raids (or a few specific metas like Octovines where you have to coordinate kill), but outside in general PvE, there just isn't really a whole lot of reason to talk to anybody. Its like living in a big city, just another anonymous person going by their business. There's no names in the trading post either so buying/selling is also pretty much completely anonymous, you wouldn't message them to try to strike up a deal with them like in other games.







  10. Hi all,

    I'm trying to dye my gloves brown, but when I change the colour and click save, the dye changes won't save. It shows up as brown, but when I switch tabs then back to the dye tab, its back to its previous colour. I can dye it to any other colour fine, but just not the same colour as the rest of my armour.

    I'm not having this issue on my other pieces, just my gloves for some reason.

    Does anyone know what's going on?





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