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Fat Cat with Hat.9781

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Posts posted by Fat Cat with Hat.9781

  1. I am experiencing a similar bug since tonight.


    On one of my characters i use 2 Gear Templates, 1st one for PvE and 2nd one for WvW.

    The WvW one is using seperate Legendaries (Claw of Khan Ur with Incinerator Skin, Quip with Hope Skin, Dreamer with Chuka Skin).

    Im using other Legendaries for my PvE Build so i can still swap Weapons via Inventory (for Blasting in Dungeons without them having sucked into the Gear Template Storage or having Sigils and Infusions removed on unequip because it is used on another Build).

    The PvE Build is using The Shining Blade with Bold Skin, HOPE, Incinerator and Chuka (none of them used in the other template) and various Ascended Staves.


    When i equip other Legendary Weapons on my PvE Build (say i swap from Sword/Pistol + Staff to Sword/Pistol + Shortbow for Stealthstacking and then replace Shortbow with Staff again) the Legendary Weapons that land in my Inventory unequip the infusions (atleast not getting destroyed if that is actually the case for OP).

    So i would have to reapply them whenever i reequip the Weapon again.

    I do have enough Infusions so they shouldn't get shared between these Weapons (i think that is the case tho).

    The same Gear didn't unequip Infusions on the other Template or on other Characters.

    No Sigils are getting removed for me. All Infusions used are the +5 Power Mighty Infusions from WvW.


    So im thinking of these possible Problems:

    1. The PvP template is getting confused with similar Weapons (or Weapons that use the same Skin) from the other Template and removes Infusions like it was the same Weapon in two templates. (This seems unlikely because it would be a two-way problem then, it is only occuring on one template tho)

    2. Specfic Gear Templates unequip or destroy Infusions from unequipped Weapons automatically.

  2. Im not even sure if it is an exploit or a bug, looks like it hasn't been adressed since Lunar Festival 2018 where the Mini got introduced.

    Basically, when a Mirage dodges with Infinite Horizon Trait (yourself/enemy/ally doesn't matter) and has the Mini Lunar "Horse" there is a massive Animation taking up half your screen (when in melee range).


    ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/453974310881853452/634536952602951681/eyecancer.png "")



    The easiest fix for this would probably be an option to toggle off Minis.


    Or disable this Mini in WvW atleast (although it works in PvE too).


    I apologize in advance for the incoming increase of people abusing this, but maybe it will raise attention.

  3. Hello


    another person and me are looking forward to build up a static for smooth CMs+T4 dailies. The exact time will depend on what suits most ppl.

    We are aware that a lot of ppl are raiding in PvE or WvW or have RL stuff to do on some weekdays. Because of that we are also looking for backups. If you want to join as a main member you should be able to make it atleast 5 days/week tho (depending on what time we will choose).

    We would like to go for a nonHeal comp. Recruitment is open for all roles for now, we will have to see who can play what on what day etc:


    Power Firebrand

    Alacrity Renegade

    Banner Warrior




    we are not aiming for super duper speedrun times, so having healing gear for situations where it makes things a lot easier is highly appreciated (Last Laugh on Bosses with Adds or sth).

    While we dont put any KP requirements you should already have a decent amount of experience, we dont want to start at 0. Since this is a newly formed group however it is more important that you dont go full REEEEE when things dont go that well.


    Most likely we will create a Discord Server for the organization, using Voicecom is not required.


    If you are interested please contact me on Discord (Znark#5423) or ingame (Fat Cat with Hat.9781)

  4. Hello


    im looking for a daily static for CMs+T4, up for recs too but i can also lfg them.

    Mainly played Warrior in Fractals, sometimes Druid or DPS too when i had to use lfg.

    Used to play in a Chrono/War/3DPS static but i took a break from fractals for 6 months and the static disbanded in that time.

    Id love to only play Warrior but i can reroll to sth else if War is taken in your group (it would take me a bit to learn the new role tho).

    Since i returned to fractals a few days ago my LFGs went pretty smooth but the waiting time is meh so here i am :^)


    If you got a spot left or are interested in building a new static with me feel free to contact me (german/english speaking groups preferred)


    Discord: Znark#5423

    Ingame: Fat Cat with Hat.9781

  5. Heya


    If you are still looking for a guild, feel free to join us for some games. We are currently 3-5 players online around your prefered playtime everyday and we usually play some unranked games, also looking forward to do daily ATs if we have the numbers.


    In terms of Skillrange it is pretty much mixed, some beginners or returning players but also some with ESL experience.


    Really chilled atmosphere so feel free to give it a try :)

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