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Posts posted by Halbarz.3854

  1. It's been over 3 months since the last Dev or community manager post on this forum (except for the relinks) To me this says enough.

    People have asked for their input but they rather reply to someone on Twitter that made a drawing then give an update to their community.


    I would prefer that they say: Hi folks, WvW is not going to get that much attention but we are keeping an eye out. After the expansion, we will revisit it. OR Alliances are delayed/not happening we will focus on X.


    They are just letting everyone hanging right now. Ignoring a part of the community feels wrong. Especially with other MMO's around the corner or giving regular updates.


    Part of running an MMO or a live service is community engagement, this is partially done by keeping that community involved and informed.

  2. > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

    > > @"Halbarz.3854" said:

    > > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > We would appreciate a simple yes or no on alliances still being developed.

    > > >

    > > > Might be selling point for next expansion.

    > >

    > > hopefully, it is not just that, WvW needs next to alliances a big overhaul. There are so many pain-points in the mode as we speak.

    > >

    > >

    > > if it's a no I am fine with it, the linking as it is kind of works. All I want to hear is what the status is for WvW, a roadmap


    > For there to be a roadmap, there needs to be a road. It's been so long now the roads are gone and nature has grown over them- all that remains are an echo of what once was and a whisper in the wind.


    you are not wrong :open_mouth:

    The whole "we refuse to communicate with our community thing" is one reason why I would rather not buy the expansion.

    Besides adding alliances as part of the expansion would be a very cheap trick.


    They repost stuff on twitter more per day then post on their forum in a year xD

  3. In the last 3 weeks in this thread and others people have said that Anet is giving up. It is extremely sad to see that clearly Anet doesn't even care to give an update to prove all of us wrong. For once I would not mind a "I told you so"


    Do they evne monitor the WvW section of the forum still? :open_mouth:

  4. > @"Flee.5602" said:

    > Arenanet. No prospects for the future


    Sad to see that this thread was created on the 5th of September and that we still didn't see any Anet post just popping in to say "hi folks ... do not worry we are on it, we working on wvw! "


    @"Fire Attunement.9835" and @"Rubi Bayer.8493" Can you give us an update pls?

    It should be obvious that your community is eager to know more, by not saying anything you are just fueling these negative thoughts.

    In case there is no news then at least we know where we stand :)

  5. it all comes down to one thing, yes maybe WvW/PvP has a lower pop then Pve. Nobody will deny that. BUT


    Anet isn't even communicating with their community, I said in the WvW forums as well.

    PvP and WvW players are also Pve Players, we are part of the games community and not lesser creatures :)

    Would it be that much to ask for them to give us an update? To just say hi folks we are hearing you and working on X, Y , Z?


    Just check the forums in general and you will see that you can count dev posts on two hands for the last few months.


    That Pve gets more attention I understand and consider to be normal. While what the OP says is not false, I think the majority of the players in pvp/wvw just want to hear from the devs.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > They’re better off not giving any details until whatever aspects that they’re revealing are ready. Anet has gotten burned several times in the past when they were open about their plans but some players treated changes in those plans as broken promises.


    this is true but at this moment they are not communicating with their community at all.

    the only posts we get are patch notes, nobody can deny that there are a lot of questions from the community when it comes to the future of raids, WvW, etc. No update in months.

  7. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Why should $team be the cause for any changes?

    > If Arenanet didn't bother to make the changes by now, I doubt $team will cause any changes.


    > I doubt the $team release will suddenly cause Arenanet to replace the invisible shoes with the toggle **that they should have been to begin with.**



    Again as mentioned before, I am not saying there should be a patch. I am pointing out that people are talking about it and this might set wrong expectations from the community.



  8. Siege:

    - Reduce sup cost for golems to 80.

    - increase siege weapon damage (siege vs siege and siege vs player)

    - Remove blue siege, just give us the purple one.

    - increase arrow cart and Bali HP by 100%



    - Move Anza to the other side of the dredge entrance (toward the sup camp)

    - keep all walls destructible to balance out the fact that it is out of range from SM.

    - Make all the walls in WvW wider and higher - to stop the Aoe SPAM covering whole walls.


    Skill balance:

    - Projectiles in WvW should not be neutralized or stopped, all skills that reflect, etc should just reduce projectile damage by 25%

    - All skills that are ranged and do damage (so everything exceeding X range) should be impacted by reflects and etc, damage reduced by 25%

    - This would open up more class builds and would make ele's and necro's still usefull but not at a 200% rate vs some other classes.


    Make defending fun again, make the attacking teamwork for it! right now defending is not fun and very unbalanced!



    - Anet to communicate with its community, at the moment this is not happening at all. Feels like maintenance mode communication aka patch notes posts and that is it.


  9. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > Yes it would be ncie to see ANet interact more, but they wont. They do not wish to communicate or interact extensively with the community - at least on the forums (I understand some are more open on Reddit and Discord though). That is just the way it is - sad, but they obviously have issues with the forums and the forum community.


    > one would actually expect that they would interact with the community more here on the forums rather than reddit or discord (since they own/manage this space in the internet). i regularly lurk the gw2 reddit and (outside of official announcements or the like) you do see more random/casual replies by arenanet employees there than here on the forums though still not often/regular -- very seldom actually -- wish they talked and interacted with the community more


    Exactly my point, if you look at the forums you can count the number of posts from them in the last few months on one hand. It's a shame, to be honest as I think people would love to see more interaction. To be honest, they have a forum for a reason, in my opinion, all game-related info should be available right here. We should need to go on 3rd party websites to find info :)

  10. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > Why does the game need to change just because it will be offered on Steam? I don't know why anyone would expect it to.


    > As far as the expansion, Anet has been burned in the past for providing early commentary so they are very wary about early info. If they say that "WvW alliances" is part of the package, and it is not ready when the expansion ships...well, not good. So don't expect much of anything to be announced and let it all be a surprise when it is revealed.


    The steam reference is there as some people make posts about this, what could be and etc. Speculation is good until a certain point, but the moment it goes overboard it tends to backfire. Not saying Steam should mean big patch :) maybe I worded it wrong.

  11. With the steam release coming up and next year, we are visiting Cantha a lot of threads are popping up regarding possible changes or races, classes, weapons, features, etc.

    While we all love to speculate and some people have come with some really cool idea's I do think Anet should set expectations and be transparent.


    Also, there is a noticeable lack of red tags posting on the forums, which is sad to see. As a community, I think we all appreciate Anet's input even if it to share some bad news.


    Steam release:** (not saying there will be an update or should be, this is a reference to people discussing potential changes which could lead to unwanted hype or expectations)**

    - Share with people what the possible changes will be

    - Will, there be a patch along with the release?


    Cantha release:

    - set expectations, we all want to play this but it is very dangerous to let people overhype something. Especially with the potential influx of new players who might see a lot of discussions as a certain. For example New race discussion --> some might think we are getting a new race for sure.

    - Give an update (high level) on features that are coming, so we are more aware



    - Looking at for example the WvW forum section, there are a lot of questions, and yes a lot of people that are starting to think WvW has just been moved on the side.

    - Give us an update on each game mode, what can we expect. People would rather hear what you are working on and having to wait X months then receive a silence treatment.

    - Maybe another roadmap post, to give people an idea of where we are heading to. Even better if it would be per feature/mode.


    I think most of us on the forums really love this game and the team working on it :)

    I and many others (I believe) would love to hear more from the devs. Anet should not be the outsider and it would be great to see the team being a bigger part of the community :)

  12. > @"Atomos.7593" said:

    > One benefit Anet may get from making a mount accessible to f2p players, such as the warclaw, might be more sales of mount skins from the gemstore. I, for one, would never have bought a skyscale skin if I was not able to use it because what would be the point.


    I agree but I would also update the mount for Pve, maybe making the sniff on the mount like the sniff from the pig on the ranger pet :P to find truffles or to find other resources.

  13. To be honest Gw2 is already one of the most consumer-friendly games on the market. In my opinion, it is too much even.


    The warclaw is a must for wvw these days like or not, so making part of F2P would be great.

    In PvE it has little to no use, you can maybe run faster to a meta event but it would give people a taste of what's to come when they buy PoF.




  14. > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > They've shuffled us off to this little corner of the forum. We can spout off (within reason) and they just let it go in to the circular file. Enjoy it as best you can for this (aside from the occasional bug fix) is all wvw is going to be.


    What developers (in a lot of MMO's) often forget is:

    - People that only PvE will only PvE

    - People that PvP are often more active, as the majority of those players is also involved in Pve

    - For a game to survive you need everyone, if a Pve player loses his or her friend that used to PVP a lot --> they could also be less interested and leave.


    By ignoring PvP/WvW they discourage a group of people that impact every game mode they offer, in the short/long run demotivating them and this leads to people leaving the game. In this case ... it affects every game mode, everyone lost 1 player to play with.


    Also with the steam releasing coming up, they should be posting on every section of the forums about future plans for each feature.

    This will benefit them as people will talk about it, media attention, etc.


    Communication with your client base is the best marketing tool out there, it is better to give people bad news than no news.


    Nothing wrong with saying: Hi folks, look we are working on X, Y, and Z but it will not be for the coming months, we are at least 6 months away but we hear you.

    Based on that give a monthly update and you will get support as a company, the first reaction might be less pleasant but in the long run, people will accept it and be happy with it.





  15. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > Anza is not worse off than Durios or Klovan, so I dont see how that should change.


    > Anz has 3 walls that can be destroyed, Durios and Klovan have 2.


    > The only spot Durios cannot defend against is catas/trebs built high on the hill in Ogre camp. Klovan can defend from all angles and can also get treb support from both keep and Jerrifer's. Anz can get treb + mortar support from keep and Mendon's as well, but only for the gate and close to the wall on Dredge camp side.


    > Anz can be hit from every side, sits in the bottom of a valley with hills on all sides of it so players can reach further on to the walls with AOE's making it more difficult to build defensive siege, it can be hit from the top floor of SMC which cannot be countered unless outer SMC is open, and it can be hit from the field on the west side of SMC in a spot that siege cannot hit _(it can be countered if there are enough players to go outside to kill the catas, but it cannot be countered from inside the tower or if there aren't enough players)_


    > Siege can be built in Anz but compared to most other towers it can be destroyed a lot more easily. You can even go up on the hill with the Vista to hit everything inside with a Ballista or Catapult.


    > The whole tower needs a rework. Making one of the walls indestructible would help a lot, but I think the easiest solution would just be to raise the entire tower so that it sits on higher ground rather than on lower ground like it is currently.


    Very true, I also tested the time it takes for dollies to travel (in EBG) from all the towers Anza is the tower that takes the longest to receive 1 dolyak, also the supply camp is further away from the keep than the other sup camps on blue or green so it is more difficult to defend.

  16. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > We would appreciate a simple yes or no on alliances still being developed.


    > Might be selling point for next expansion.


    hopefully, it is not just that, WvW needs next to alliances a big overhaul. There are so many pain-points in the mode as we speak.



    if it's a no I am fine with it, the linking as it is kind of works. All I want to hear is what the status is for WvW, a roadmap

  17. PvP will never be balanced, this is a continues effort + doesn't help that some people create posts Class X is OP every single day because they died or do not know how to counter it.


    My biggest concern about this expansion is the lack of information we got so far, a lot of people are speculating and this leads to hype and hope. While the expansion will be great that I am sure off. a lot of people are overhyping it. Talking about new weapons, specs, classes, races, features, .... Anet would be better off:

    - clearly set expectations

    - be more active on their own forum as I barely see any responses from their side

    - give an update on the roadmap for each game mode


    This way even if they do not go into much detail people will know more or less what to expect. Then they can focus and dream about what is really coming.


  18. > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

    > Projectile hate being toned down Alot. Currently blobs or smaller groups can have a near permanent reflect share - projectile destroy uptime. Its absolutely ridiculous. Give it the same treatment as other invulns have gotten recently.


    500% agree with this, this has been discussed several times but Anet never did anything about it. Especially since we are affected by retaliation, reflect, block and every single anti projectile shield out there (which every class has now these days)


    This also impacts siege, making defensive siege weapons even more useless

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