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Posts posted by Sinfullysweet.4517

  1. I will admit I block, compose a message, then unblock an opposing player.


    Difference is I never have sent a toxic email. It’s always “That was an epic fight! I appreciate you and the fun. May my bag have dropped ascended mats. Have an awesome day”


    An 99% of the time we become friends. I have even asked what am I doing wrong because I should be able to counter. And again I end up becoming friends. That’s how to be non toxic. ?

  2. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > Its not hard to open discord app and just listen. I rarely speak in discord because "reasons" but i can listen to what the tag wants when he calls for sneak gyro or positioning changes etc. Seriously how can anyone think its such an inconvenience


    I only have myself to speak for. Discord #1 chomps through my data at an unholy rate. #2 Running it is basically useless cause I am hard of hearing (old). That’s why I still use mapchat and instead of being part of the fight I scout calling out numbers, guild, location, havoc/blob/whole kit and kaboodle of a server, siege and wall/gate percentages. (Yes as a permastealth thief it’s the best class to scout, and no I will avoid any fight possible)


    That way I help the way I can and throw a disable or two out to grant the big groups time. But the kicker is, I never will get actually close to our guys so I don’t snatch a boon or mess up a stealth push. Sometimes I get invited to the squad and get that delicious shared participation but I never pitch a fit if I don’t get it.


    Work with what you have and don’t worry about the rest. Also I do my callouts in /m if I know we have a big enough force on the map or /t if I know we have forces elsewhere. Helps folks realize the game isn’t dead.

  3. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > it is so frustrating. it getting worst and worst. i dont know why is not switched sever from last week. we still need to deal with JQ this week and keep getting rxpe by them. this is suxk.


    That I apologize for. A lot of us on JQ was not happy to still be in T4 when DB & MAG tied. We know we outnumber our opponents now. And a good bit of us is is wanting to face different servers. Cause I know it’s not fun getting locked down by a more dominant server. Been there and it after a while becomes demoralizing. Hopefully Friday we will move up and out of T4 and some semblance of normalcy can return to T4.


  4. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > The reason why players stack is actually the boon system. There are plenty of other games with no collision that have less stacking happening.


    > Finally, someone who gets it. Add in the combo field/finisher mechanics. Social awkwardness discourages those mechanics.

    Yeah I know. It’s to help the team synergy.



    But come on you can’t say the image of everyone being bumped off a wall or cliff wouldn’t be funny. I can imagine our commanders going “for gods sake quit pushing me!!!!”


  5. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > Well, no. Every class out there has mechanics tied to the downed-state. Some Elite Specializations are designed to utilize the downed state in a special way. During the no-downed-state week, each of those is kicked into a trash-bin. We do not get a compensation for all the skills that stopped working.


    > Oh and btw. ANet is selling finishers. Good luck removing an income source in one of the two game-modes, finishers actually matter.


    Tbh most of the time you cleave a person to death. Pressing F to finish is not the most efficient way. I rarely see finishers being used.


  6. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:


    > The thoughts about the fractal instabilities is interesting......


    I am thinking of the social awkwardness instability. Now of all that would be hilarious. Group of 50 “stack....then we push. I didn’t say push first!!!” Bumper car treatment where folks just bump people off the walls or worse ones a red bl off a cliff.

  7. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sinfullysweet.4517" said:

    > > If you got a survivable build and can take camps solo as well as defend off another roamer then life is good.

    > Yes, roaming on roaming builds and being able to fight roamers usually helps when it comes to roaming.



    Ah I lumped in scouting with roaming (instead of vs or duels). I rarely fight but scout/tap on my thief to give the server a heads up if there is massive movement and direction since I don’t use discord or TS. So my build is squishy but can out run a mount easy.


    Massive respect to the roamers who do fight though. I have watched some impressive fights.


  8. Good for scouting and call outs. If you got a survivable build and can take camps solo as well as defend off another roamer then life is good. Bad on the flip side of you are not running a take on 3-5 vs 1 beast build. Cause you will die and find yourself looking up at the sky as siege is thrown upon you wondering where you went wrong in life.


    So it has its ups and downs.


    *ba dum tish*

  9. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > The point here is it's another option. I know many have not done pve hell, ive only done it this year and I see so many good mechanic that should be made applicable in wvw. Hoping it will overlap.


    > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > The point here is it's another option. I know many have not done pve hell, ive only done it this year and I see so many good mechanic that should be made applicable in wvw. Hoping it will overlap.



    Make it interesting. The pvp folk get a copper for a kill. The pve folks get a gold for each hit.


  10. > @"ullahhallu.8762" said:

    > people who constantly tag keep(s) are just some of the most saltiest players there is, their paper server couldnt win the matchup so they resort to this tactic


    Nah with me its just retribution for bad sportsmanship. Also I don't gank players, or target them. Enough taps, and they call for roamers to hide and seek with me which sometimes I win at it, sometimes I lose at it. I don't even desiege keeps if I do tapping. And honestly, its a good tactic, if you are on the defense, and you need to slow the enemy path back to where you are defending, tapping that wp can turn the tide of battle.

  11. I raise my hand as a keep tapper. Simple reasoning, if I am on my scourge and I legit get killed (which is ok, and encouraged) and either siege is dropped upon my corpse or jumping occurs (not ok and childish), you betcha I am on a mission to keep your keep tapped for a good two hours while I browse my phone. Water taps for green, ruins taps for blue, or stealth taps in the corner for red. Tit for a tat.


    Btw, use stealth traps please. You will prevent folks like me if you use the tricks and traps as needed.

  12. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sinfullysweet.4517" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > > > Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the servers are experiencing lag, because they had to shelter in place. We hope you understand.

    > > > > -Anet

    > > > *Server log, day 47:*

    > > > *3 hamster deaths, 7 more infected. WvW hamsters are running dangerously low on supplies and are still in lockdown, PvE hamsters are running around hoarding while there is an orange hamster in the corner running in circles for some reason. We tried to separate him due to potential brain damage after claiming you could cure the disease by ingesting network cables. Please send help.*

    > > >

    > >

    > > Tell me Willy The Three Legged WvW Server Hamster is still alive. Please. I can't bear to think of any other hamsters who have faithfully ran their lil legs off....literally for wvw like our Willy the beloved hamster.

    > He ded.


    I shall light a candle in his beloved memory. We could always count on Willy. He wasn’t perfect and didn’t run quite right due to a missing limb, but he gave his little heart to all of us. The new hamster although he is more balanced can’t seem to keep up the traction on the wvw wheel. That’s why we are lagging cause the poor feller can’t run right.


  13. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the servers are experiencing lag, because they had to shelter in place. We hope you understand.

    > > -Anet

    > *Server log, day 47:*

    > *3 hamster deaths, 7 more infected. WvW hamsters are running dangerously low on supplies and are still in lockdown, PvE hamsters are running around hoarding while there is an orange hamster in the corner running in circles for some reason. We tried to separate him due to potential brain damage after claiming you could cure the disease by ingesting network cables. Please send help.*



    Tell me Willy The Three Legged WvW Server Hamster is still alive. Please. I can't bear to think of any other hamsters who have faithfully ran their lil legs off....literally for wvw like our Willy the beloved hamster.

  14. Hi there!


    As the title says, I am looking for a active PvE guild that does fractals, dungeons, and world events and doesn't require voice communications like discord/ts. I have a bad time with sounds and get sensory overload bad to where I get migranes. I play the game in silence yet can type and research game mechanics (know most from doing them over 7 years) I can't transfer due to being with DB and run with the gods guild on raid nights (wvw) where I don't have to get into coms. So looking for a active PvE guild that doesn't mind taking in a ol gal that can contribute to a good time. I do all my communication via typing.


    If I sound like someone who your guild would like to have on board, please contact me. I look forward to hopefully finding another home for pve events.






  15. I agree with you. I won’t step foot in a raid. But there needs to be more raids for the raiding community big time.


    I love doing strike missions in my full healing guardian though. And do many speed runs of the new strike Forged in Steel. Perfect time allotment for me. Not to short, not overly long with simple mechanics that some might start doing raids from it. Win win in my opinion.

  16. > @"Syrus.2174" said:

    > I've been pointing out that retaliation is a broken mechanic for quite some time by now:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87062/retaliation-should-be-removed


    > Sadly I forgot to get more screenshots of taking massive retaliation damage today, as standard screenshots don't capture arcdps sadly.

    > Happened a few times, it really feels like zergs run retaliation more often since the patch, or it's just the servers we're up against.

    > It's really stupid, when you drop one bomb and die from retaliation alone, what are you supposed to do if there's no boon cleanse around, not every class can do it. It's one thing to have to learn your class to play right so you don't die, but when you can't attack because it will just straight up down you, there's little you can do. It's not a skill issue, but a broken mechanic. The enemy doesn't have to react, they just have to keep the boon active.


    I don’t have anything to contribute to the discussion but wanted to let you know of a way to capture tour screen with arcdps.


    Press SHIFT S and the windows key all at the same time and you can take an instant screencap with everything on your screen. (TaCo and arcdps included) then just click and save it when it goes to your clipboard.

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