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Posts posted by RoyalPredator.9163

  1. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

    > > Omg... We're talking about optimized builds, the best Rangers can do. Even if it's not THE Meta

    > why you think that the build optimization is good thing ? people and now can use any build on wvw. Classes should be different, otherwise there is no any point have more than one class.


    Seems like you're clearly NOT playing the game... Or your server may be so rubbish on WWW pairing that you don't get skilled players as enemies?

  2. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > You're running LB ranger and you can't deal with downstate necro life syphon?

    > I don't understand.


    > And what "tryhards" have to do with any of this? By definition(?), tryhards would pick the best, most efficient way to win the fights.

    Well, tryhard is wrong word then. I mean, those who keep trying and trying and die until swaps to a "nice" META char and Win.

    But yes, I have like 19k HP, and they syphon as hell. I'm ofc mostly berserk but have some survability up. They're Insane... Try with Ranger.

    AND it's LB/GS. Downed with GS, there is no range all the time.


    To the rest of you:

    Tell me then I'm fighting with casual cheaters then. But I'll may put up a video, just to see that how OP they are.

    It's quite ridiculous that some just cries on these forums and they're "the voice of the players", lmao.

    Try that pewpew and see how you **FAIL**. _But NO EXCUSES please._


  3. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

    > Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.


    > And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

    > Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.


    Nope, for WWW 1v1 and hunting. Not zergs.

    **Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

    When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.


    I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|

  4. **Okay, so there are problems with the RANGER in WWW.**

    I'm running on GS/LB on almost **9 years, daily.** Main Char.

    Tried many different builds for DPS and all of them lacks DPS... Or when has some, it seriously lacks survability, which is a huge suicide in WWW roaming.


    FYI, a Ranger's Skirmishing would be to be a balance between Warrior and Thief. The trait lines are just rubbish for this... If you specialise on 2 weapons at once, LB + GS in my case, there will be a lot of sacrifices. And whatever dmg we deal, will be outhealed. We're destroyed by conditions in matter of seconds, since cleanishing takes ages, meanwhile some random stupid kid just spamms torments and bleeds with chilled and fears, which means we're on uncontrollable row of stucking and skills recharging (even DEFENSIVE skils omfg) to counter them...

    Reapers, they're the worst. Can kill any ranger in 2 seconds, no matter what. Once locked, poof dead. Spinning that scythe dealing twice the damage of our total HP and even the conditions.... Because what? We should have nice condition resistances anyway.


    **It's NOT okay that some dude always cry on WWW Balance forums and Rangers getting nerfed to the ground!! Kitten not okay!**

    Is there any actual devs that knows rangers and playing it a lot? Sure there isn't any...

  5. Rangers has no META. The best builds are about **HALF as good as other classes's.**


    We lack **everything.** Damages are low, condition protection is like non-existing, longbow's targeting is glitchy, and pet AI is ... jeesh.

  6. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

    > Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.


    > And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

    > Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.

    Talking about CORE rangers, especially with LB/GS. Not healer druid freaks, but True rangers who skirmish!

    We're not welcome in any games. WWW roaming is different, you need no invitation there... but you'll be targeted first.

    You ask why? Because we're kitten weak Af.


  7. Dear Arenanet, I think it's **pretty bad for Core Rangers **since the few "Balance" patch notes, which only made all other classes's META even more lethal.... 6 stack torment applied in 1 second?


    **I CAN'T SUGGEST STRONGLY ENOUGH** to finally give some love to Rangers in WWW at least.

    Our DMG is lie nothing. Survability is like nothing. Pet's AI is dumber than ever. And they're weak.

    Longbow's skills are good but it's so slow and players glitch it's hit detections.

    Greatsword's skills are also good but weak as kitten. And slow.


    _No wonder why Rangers aren't really welcome in any game mode..._


  8. Well, stealth glass cannons are a thing, annoying sometimes. But they're OK, yet i wish some penalties after making the strike. Just to react better, since the targeting in GW2 isnt so fast.


    I.have more trouble with shatter kittening mesmers more. Or infinity HP reapers.

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