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Posts posted by Garn.7502

  1. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Garn.7502" said:

    > > Just curious. I bet everyone has thought about it already. Would it be a good idea or a bad idea if the devs made something that can change your level 80 character's class? I know there are character slots and you can have multiple toons with different classes.


    > one good use for a class change consumable or a race change consumable is if you want to keep the character's birthday age


    > i would want a class changer thing, if it's properly implemented:

    > 1. upon use, all equipment is unequipped and moved to a withdraw-only (cannot deposit items) temporary bank tab (or tabs if using multiple equipment templates are present). this tab will disappear once all items have been taken out.

    > 2. all hero points spent will be refunded (resetting every trait/etc. back to 0) and return to the unspent counter

    > 3. all character-bound equipment and build templates (equipped or otherwise) are reset to blanks

    > 4. all utility skill slots and the elite skill slot is set to blank. heal skill is set to the initial heal skill

    > 5. a database-backup/snapshot (1 week expire) of your character is created when the process is initiated to save it's before state. this is so incase of any issues, customer service/gms can revert you back with ease


    > i may have forgotten something else that's critical when transitioning a class to another but more or less that should take care of most potential issues that could arise.


    These are some awesome points!

  2. Just curious. I bet everyone has thought about it already. Would it be a good idea or a bad idea if the devs made something that can change your level 80 character's class? I know there are character slots and you can have multiple toons with different classes.

  3. > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > Honestly, they should just cut the losses and make them account bound.


    > Earning a bit of exp for crafting a bunch of stuff is not a particularly huge part of the game. And if it was, you'd see bots leveling up via crafting (Given you can switch crafting disciplines at no cost... Grab one, level it up. Grab another, level it up. Grab another, level it up etc. Now your bot is level 80 and has a ton of crafted items to sell)


    > I'm not sure how profitable the crafting discipline boost is on the gem store, but it can't be doing that well can it? Since it's not particularly hard to simply have an alt sat around being level 500 in 2 disciplines that you simply log into whenever you need to use that craft and take your **account wide** crafting materials to create your **account wide** recipes. (It's just needlessly annoying to have to do so, as well as not be able to check recipes for other disciplines without relogging to a that character)


    True. The whole crafting system needs some looking at.

  4. So we all know crafting disciplines will never be account bound, though it's annoying its understandable. There are many reasons why its this way (e.g., affect earning exp). It's an idea Arenanet has probably thought about before.

    Since that's not possible, how about making crafting disciplines transferable between characters? I know that will still affect earning exp, etc, but it is an idea worth looking through IMO. What do you think?

  5. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > I'm ocx player in EU. There's more population here. I recently joined a guild moved to Eu from Na.. been playing with them since everyday on my night time.


    I've actually been wondering what's it like being an OCX player in EU servers. What about ping though? Is that a big problem?

  6. > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

    > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol


    Thats basically what it is happening most of the time though. I think ocx players are quite spread out. maybe too much? Because its always ktraining and ktraining and ktraining. And its getting tiring. Is there a way to find a wvw tier with high ocx activity? don't really care what servers are in it.

  7. > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

    > > > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol

    > > How people judge fun after so long in game:

    > > Winning fights > Complaining about not having fights > Having equal fights > Bandvagoning (often to winning server) > getting shrekt

    > >

    > > I mean they're entitled to winning nearly all fights after spending so long in the game? Right? :3


    > They need to lock server capacity to take only a certain amount from each timezone.


    Don't they already do that?

  8. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

    > > Getting pets for the first time is fun. But doing it 8 times for each pet is just a chore. Account bound pets would be fine and you still have to do the “quest” once on your first ranger. Maybe if they made future pets harder to obtain but make them account bound. More fun less chore.

    > Do you actually have 8 Rangers?


    8 rangers?! how many toons for the other classes do you have

  9. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Collecting the pets is part of the fun on Ranger, it's a very unique open world "quest" of sorts that's exclusive to Ranger.


    > Tbh I wish there were more elements like this in Gw2.


    > For us long time players there was a time when you would have to actually travel around the world and complete quests, events, Jumping puzzles and other open world things to actually earn/unlock your traits.. or buy them from a profession trainer.

    > I actually loved that change to Gw2 but most people hated it and to be fair for many good reasons so Anet removed it.


    > I wouldn't want to see pets automatically unlocked on your account once you've tamed them once.. that would diminish one of the things I enjoy about the Ranger.

    > However.. I think Gw2 can take a page out of Gw1's book here and recreate the Zaishen Menagerie feature for Gw2.

    > A small map Rangers can go to where all the pets you've found on one character get unlocked and now roam around freely so your other Rangers can just pop in there and tame whatever pets they want as early as level 2 when they beat the introduction mission.


    > I think this is something a lot of players regardless of whether they enjoy the quest to find pets or not would like to have as it allows you to access late game pets like Fire Wyvern, Reef Drake and Jacaranda right from the begining of a new character without having to go to HoT, Southsun or PoF.. and you'll have a choice on what pets you want to collect while playing the game and which you just want to skip over and get early and easily.. be that 1 or 2 or all of them.


    Never played gw1 but that Menagerie thing sounds nice. I can see how that would still keep the pokemon go element for rangers and the immersion of it.

  10. > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

    > Some places you'll never visit. And if you want certain pets, you'll need the Expansions. Otherwise, how would Anet really make any money? I've helped ranger's gain pets from main game and expansions. The only one that was really locked was Tiger in Heart of Thorns. But show up on a sunday in dragonbrand and there will be huge groups at least doing the meta. Be a little easier to get after that.


    True. That can be annoying. Sometimes it feels like anet made it that way so getting pets is like trying to get hero points in the maguuma maps to unlock specialization classes. A bit dump imo.

  11. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > I wish there was a way to get the black moa in GW2. I bought GW1 but dislike the game so much it's a struggle to grind it out even though I want this pet more than any legendary in the game. :anguished:


    I know what you mean. But I think it's understandable why Anet made it this way.

  12. > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > @"Chokolata.1870" said:

    > > Ranger is viable/meta in all content except organized squad based WvW.

    > >

    > > In Fractals,Strikes or Raids:

    > > - Power DPS soulbeast (3 variants)

    > > - Condition DPS soulbeast

    > > - Heal Druid

    > >

    > > PvP,WvW roaming:

    > > - Core power ranger

    > > - Sick them soulbeast

    > >

    > > Hope this helps. There are sites with specific builds you can check out.

    > >

    > I have played ranger main for years, this response is spot on. There are plenty of nonrangers who dislike other people playing ranger but it is a fantastic class and apart from the excessive nerfs recently to soulbeast in WvW it is in a really good place.


    yup condition soulbeast is still stronk in pve. especially using traps when agroing npcs to one spot.

  13. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Sorry, no, I disagree. Pets shouldn't be this easy to obtain or unlock.


    Is it because it would kill the immersion of the game?


    p.s. we are talking about a situation where you have already discovered all the pets on your main ranger. and then decide to make another ranger toon. so that your new ranger toon doesn't have to go easter egg hunting for the pets all over again.

  14. Finding ranger pets is a hassle for people that love the class and decided to make another ranger toon. I was wondering if would it work well if there was like a pet store buy the pets from with karma points or some other in-game currency. What do you think?

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