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Black March.1758

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Posts posted by Black March.1758

  1. > BTW rev is less played then other classes since its pay to play class, MANY players start with a free class when they decide they like the game they pay and get especs and stick to their first class, this is why there will always be less revs then other classes in general.


    This simply isn't true, the reason Rev isn't played much is mostly the weird class mechanics which most people find offputting. It's quite difficult to get the hang of a class where a good rotation requires you do swap both skills and weapons every 9 seconds flat while managing energy and maintaining buffs. It's quite difficult to get a hang of and it's just not a comfortable class to play.


    Add to that how AlacRen requires you to get the most annoying to find gear in the game, and you end up with a build very few people care to make.

  2. The problem isn´t that everything is cheap as much as loot just being plain boring. When every exotic item is basically sold at the value of mystic forge food there´s just nothing fun you can get. The most valueable item I found in the past six months was a single PoF dagger worth 27g or so and a commanders gear recipe. Other than that, despite maxed MF and several hundred hours of play, I haven´t gotten anything interesting at all.


    And even worse, even the salvage is mostly worthless bar a few key items which have yet to be broken. But since only a few things are valueable, additional pressure is put on the remaining items in order to maintain their value.

  3. > @savacli.8172 said:

    > Duration based runes overwrite each other based on their duration. So regardless of who has the higher Healing Power the game first checks your Regen's duration against every Regen stack applied to your target if he's capped on boons (up to 5 stacks of regen can be applied). If your regen beats the duration of any of the existing regens on your target then your regen knocks out an existing regen.


    > The game then checks to see which regen has the most potential. So if your regen was applied at the end but beats out the healing from the other stacks the game immediately starts using your duration and puts everyone else's on standby until your regen runs out or gets overwritten (by you or someone else with a higher duration).


    > Edit: You can have the world's greatest regen, but if it only lasts 1 second it will always lose out to all other applications of regen and thus you'll never see your regen get applies. Game cares more about the duration of the regen rather then how good it is. So, realistically. the only way you beat a Chrono is if you catch her while her sigil of concentration buff is inactive or you're using Warhorn. In which case you can apply up to 30s of regen with that one skill. That or You could take the Trapper's expertise but would still need additional boon duration to get Healing Spring past 6s (caps at 9.6 seconds with Trapper's Expertise and +100% boon duration).


    Ahh, finally it makes sense both ways. So a 19 sec regen duration with 1000 healing power would work up until the point where there´s already 5 existing stacks of 20 sec regen on the target. And because of the healing power it would be prioritized over the longer lasting ones but once you cap stacks it no longer gets a spot.


    **That still leaves the question of how much toughness it´s safe to have though. **


    From what I know Firebrand has mandatory 1250 toughness so mesmers should beat that and go 1251+ but is this actually something that gets practiced? Or will I end up grabbing aggro if I get 1240 toughness on my Druid?

  4. > @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

    > > @santso.9201 said:

    > > Um, trap trait would give you free 50% regen duration from heal trap, monk runes 15% and rest comes from nature magic +sigil. Besides regen prioritizes highest healing Power, not boon duration. I would prefer magi just for this reason.

    > Trapper's Expertise increases the base duration of the regeneration, and does not contribute towards the cap. Regardless, even with Trapper's Expertise and 100% boon duration, you cannot create longer-lasting regeneration than the Chronomancer and so your regeneration gets ignored.


    I heard same but reading on wiki it says the regeneration with the highest healing power gets prioritized.


    So if you add 25 sec of regen from someone with 100 healing power and 15 sec from someone with 1000, then the 15 sec from the person with 1000 gets used up first before the regen from the guy with 100.


    I´m really not sure about anything tho, because I´ve heard both versions repeated a multitude of times.

  5. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmODxihgxEAWXNA4taYts606id9AA-jxyGQBzTFkgquxTUatUlJk7JAMk9H63BB4m6GgoSQAcBAakKB3DEA2QEwkkElkkkkEFgfB-e


    This setup for instance would loose maybe 5% of the healing efficiency compared to full Harrier gear, but you would likely both do more damage and also have significantly better survivability. You would loose some power and 120 (?) healing power but you would gain condition damage, 13-14% crit chance, 20% crit damage and almost 300 vitality compared to Harriers. And thats without loosing the 100% boon duration needed to keep regen up and overwriting chrono.

  6. > @zoomborg.9462 said:

    > If u are talking about minstrel, u can just go with harrier stats nowadays and never worry about toughness at all.


    I´m talking about posts such as this one.


    Mixing stats a bit to achieve an optimal balance. The way I see it once you got 67% boon duration + Sigil of Concentration with Harrier´s Gear it would be better to grab a little bit of vitality and damage stats. For instance going with Harrier Weapon/Helm/Shoulders/Gloves/Panties/Amulet/Earring lands you at 67.07% boon duration. Then you can use the rest of the armor slots to grab some other stats. If you can safely go for say 1249 toughness without messing with aggro then that would allow you to use some celestial armor/trinkets to grab 250 vitality/precision/feriocity/power/toughness/condition damage and all of those stats are useful to a healing druid and would most likely mean you would do more damage than simply continiuing to add more Harrier gear as well as give you better survivability.

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