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Posts posted by thundermarch.5643

  1. it's not an argument but okay we should stack classes by 6 now and the only condition is to have one perk different ? In any case this is a problem.


    And what garduan didnt burn in this screen for you ? just kidding , the main problem is that this isn't healthy and we cannot even roam to return the fight as they could put to many trap on far

  2. And i dont talk about DH avantages, to begin with.


    if you wanted to do it please be honest and say they can opressure pple and block , invlu , TP too , stealth etc etc


    Saying you can walk away and clean you when it perma burn you and push pressure isn't true for a lot of classes

  3. Nah condition in general is not blockable like the wiki Said.


    And no they don't only have spear of justice on damage hit that is unblockable :)


    Weapon skills

    Guardian tango icon 20px.png  Zealot's Flame Zealot's Flame — Torch

    Guardian tango icon 20px.png  Pull Pull — Greatsword

    Guardian tango icon 20px.png  Ring of Warding Ring of Warding — Hammer


    For exemple....




    The concept of having a alteration to burst in m'y opinion is not a problem it s when a class spam it like it breath AND have monstruous modification on it. Plus i dont mention that there is more rune to boost than other alteration (like confusion or bleed)

  4. And for our beautifull skyhammer we can all check what to spam who is actually unblockable on this little tiny point ...


    Basiclly whatever is an condi aoe spam on this point and not a projectil will land


    I think it's a problem when the result of a fight there is partially made by a factor like '' xx spam most in condi '' it's unhealthy in m'y opinion

  5. > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > @"thundermarch.5643" said:

    > > yes it totally give favor DH burn , massive alteration (like ranger trap and rev) and thats it's not normal.

    > >

    > > Secondly the game is totally broken by which team will have the DH burn on their side to win...

    > what a false and bias comment. Like i can say the map favors “insert class here” witch team has “class here” on their side to win...

    > Burn does need a nerf but comments like this just spread false information...




    "Most skills that only apply conditions or control effects (and are not projectiles) are unblockable."


    What do gardian ? Flame, that are not projectile , so they are unblockable .


    What dommage flame does with gardien ?


    - Way too much


    Can it kill in 3sc people and that's why everybody complain ?


    - Hell yes


    Is it a good reason to carry the game and over represented actually in Every game ?


    - Yes totally


    Thanks you

  6. Add some new game mod in player versus player , i'm bored in conquest game mod , we need diversity ! No more roaming ! No more decapping ! Let's give us some kind of new PvP objective maps !




    1) capture the flag game mod : flag in middle people need to bring back to their base. Player who hold the flag cannot fight (?) and need to be bumped to drop it


    5v5 game




    2) escort :

    (like the game ''team fortress 2''* )


    One team should be next to one caravan on order to make it move , enemy should push them back. If the caravan is in the opponent team they win ! 5v5 game


    *hat not included




    3 Siege mod :


    (like the game ''chivalry'' or ''mordhau'')


    In 3 point to hold.


    ennemy should take the strategic objectif against defender in order to attack their base and kill lord.


    It will be a bit like stronghold but with only one side and ennemy should hold point enough time in order to go forward



    10v10 game




    4 soccer death match


    One ball in the middle of the ring that can only be controled by cc. Should be pushed in the other goal. When the score reach 7 goal the team win


    A 5v5 game in team deathmatch





    I think this could adds a lot of fun and a lot of new build

  7. 3sc of super speed AND 3sc of shealth without cooldown is not balanced


    We should stop hidding behind the sheet that this rune is stupid and give mechanics to the gard that have already all the tools to deals without it. Like invulnerabilitty, aegis, block, regeneration ...


    If you cry because gard isn't tanky enough maybe try not to go zerk ? Thief full zerk cannot do that much damage and didn't have so this amount of survability and i don't talk about mesmer.


    Gard use it rarely in order to defend it but instead, he use it **offensively**.

    He just put on the feet of the opponent the trap in stealth as he can insta kill it with or he come in stealth and insta burn pple as the rune give alteration boost (30k of fire damage, we all know that already way too much).



    In my opinion this is a bad design that this rune could be used for the gard : dragon hunter rune already exist in the game :




    (1): +25 Ferocity

    (2): +35 Power

    (3): +50 Ferocity

    (4): +65 Power.

    (5): +100 Ferocity.

    (6): Apply 5 stacks of Might.png might for 8 seconds when you place a trap.



    the trap of gard that is oriented DPS and she match more with the first gameplay of DH


    for reminder this is the description of DH :


    ''_As dragons continue stirring in the land of Tyria, guardians have been honing their light into a physical nature, sharp and deadly enough to pierce scales. The dragonhunter specialization will look to viciously purge the lands of dragons and their ilk, with longbow and traps now at hand. As their prowess with light has increased, they are able to physically manifest their virtues into the world._ ''


    **The DH was created to do physical damage and have the crow control to do it. And not in alteration for insta kill everyone while being in stealth**


    and this is the description of the gard trap :



    Fragments of Faith. Lay a trap that deals damage and unleashes multiple fragments into the area when triggered. Each fragment grants aegis to allies, as long as they don't already have aegis.


    Light's Judgment. Lay down a trap that creates an area of pure light that reveals enemies and pierces their armor.


    Test of Faith. Lay a trap that creates a ring of weapons that punishes enemies that attempt to cross their threshold.

    Procession of Blades Set a trap that whirls around and damages enemies when activated


    Dragon's Maw . Lay a trap that pulls enemies and creates a barrier that holds them in.


    the trapper rune match more with the ranger classes as the trap that he can use are alteration




    (1): +25 Condition Damage

    (2): +5% Condition Duration

    (3): +50 Condition Damage

    (4): +10% Condition Duration.

    (5): +100 Condition Damage

    (6): Gain 3 seconds of Stealth stealth and Super Speed.png Superspeed when using a trap skill.


    This is the ranger trap


    Flame Trap. Set a trap that burns foes.

    Frost Trapp. Set a trap that chills foes.

    Spike Trap. Set a trap that bleeds and launches foes.

    Spike Trap Set a trap that bleeds and stuns foes.

    Viper's Nest. Set a trap that pulses poison on foes when triggered.


    Trap match way more to the damage expected for ranger -the 3sc are still stupid btw but it's more coherent to the design of ranger class -


    To finish anet are reworked thief trap in order that they cannot use this rune (and for thef the rune where powerfull too in this class) so why not change the name of trap of gard so they cannot use them too ? Why not leave this rune to the ranger as she is originaly designed .


    We have different rune design for some classes for exemple :







    This one should be reworked to be only used by ranger AND reduce boon + CD




  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Trapper_(PvP)


    3sc of stealth and super speed without cooldown is not really the definition of balanced game


    Combined with a tank classy and who can spam burn and block / got many defensive boon and one invulnerability and it's the perfect receipe for a broken gameplay


    In my opinion this rune need a rework :

    Add cooldown on the last perk

    Reduce duration of stealth (1sc) and super super speed (1sc)

  9. As i say in other post I propose one trade off for burn guard : it keep is insane flamme but it can only do one evade or use one weapon xD


    Jk but lets face one fact :


    Being instakill by grenade barrage was unfun , same explosive entrance

    Being killed by 'mirage bombing was nerfed

    Condi Trap ranger was toned

    Elem osbidian flesh too .. Etc


    So if people think it's unfair, braindead and unfun to play against it can be a least talk to give an alternative to other opponent ? A counterplay


    What is the counter play when the opponent can insta kill you and TP and bump / grab/ and control then go stealth or invul .../ aegis / protection ...


    When you play thief or war or every medium/short armor classes ?


    It's a real question

  10. Finally m8 we did it ! Thx you and the community for highlighting the stupid overbuff that give this skill.


    we may finally break free from the plasma dispenser circle x)

  11. thanks for Finally take a look on consume plasma, mesmer is too hard counter by thief with that and it needed to be at least reduce.


    >! for more informations from the mesmer forum it check this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73483/consume-plasma


    for the rest i'm very happy that they check what make ingeneer very unpleasant to play against aka the barrage grenade and grenade entrance and i see what they wanted to do with the shortbow but they could not hurt the good spot (if they wanted to reduce the mobility of the daredevil), core thief may have trouble after that.


    daredevil maybe should be more looked up and balanced if they wanted to give him mobility but more catchable ? Dunno, in other hand the roamer role will be less easy with that so it may force thief to play in other way i guess


    9/10 patch thanks again for listen the community

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