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Posts posted by krixis.9538

  1. deadeye dagger dagger is not underwhelming in pve :D.


    also this is why u have multiple gear sets / builds so you can change as needed for the content you are doing. the 2 you get for free is more then enough as a thief.

  2. Hello, was wondering if you would have a spot for a dead eye D/D thief (i also have set for Daredevil Staff) full ascended gear inc ascended weapons for all gear setups for a thief of any spec.


    played the game since launch but always used to raid in wow, fractal lvl 100 with maxed out mastery and 150 AR baseline. have all HoT / PoF mastery outside of raids so not an issue there.


    if you have a spot please contact me krixis.9538

  3. you must also remember alot of the player base are VERY bad at mmos in general as gw2 is not sub based. so naturaly it attracts alot of the really bad players with no skill at all. and so its easier to just cry on forums then it is to get good.


    hell if those guys went to WoW and fought a sub rogue they would give up and quit :D

  4. thats right i play a zerk deadeye :D and looking for a nice raid guild to join. i am not after super intense hardcore guilds ( 13 years of that on WoW is enough for me).

    My goal is just to have nice relaxing nights with a guild in a raid / fractal / any guild related event.


    with 13 years exp in WoW raiding scene (from leading 40 man raids to 20 man mythic teams to doing 5 man mythic + dungeons (thats wows versian of fractals) ) i am no stranger to organised groups farming comsumables and having BiS gear for my class / spec / build. HOWEVER i am also not one of those nasty players who rip into players for the slightest mistakes or for a failed attempt (hell after 13 years ive seen more failed attempts at raid content then the gw2 player base has haha).


    i am free to raid any day of the week UK time 18:00 onwards


    anyway with the recent WoW expansion killing the game for me (and alot of others too) i am looking to raid with my deadeye.


    full ascended zerk with 100% crit chance full raid consumables correct for my spec along with power infusions in my gear. around 4k hours gameplay in gw2 with around 900 hours as a thief.


    if needed i can also play daredevil staff either is fine by me as i have ascended weapons for all the specs i play.


    as for fractals personal lvl 95 150 AR above and below water (i would be 100 but i just farm t4 dailys now).


    if any one out there is after some one like me feel free to add me or send me a mail krixis.9538

  5. i play a dead eye rifle thied because i enjoy the playstyle and i finally get to use my predator rifle propperly :D .


    anyway im looking for a nice well rounded guild as i do enjoy pve and i love wvw as a deadeye thief.


    so who am i. my name is dean i am 29 and from the UK. i have a full time job and recently quit WoW having played it since 2005, now i have also played gw2 since it launched when i was not raiding in wow, so ive seen every change made since the beta to now.


    my gear is full zerk ascended gear with +7 power +7 ar in slots with a total of 150 AR and lvl 93 fractal.


    why do i play a deadeye rifle. i love to snipe in games, esp in third person. the mechanics are simple and the dmg is actually not that bad once you get used to it and have a goods group set up in fractals.


    im not looking for a super hardcore guild just one that understands that not every 1 cares for the meta and accepts non meta is a viable playstyle. alot of guilds confuse the word viable and the word optimal (viable being it works and optimal being the best). 12 years of raiding high end guilds in wow has taught me that viable is still a raid boss kill just not as "optimal" as others.


    anyway if any one out there is after a high exp mmo veteran who has 12 years of raid xp (be it in another game) then reply here or add me ingame krixis.9538


    just to make it clear i dont care for the meta and play the way i like and enjoy. all raids in this game can be done with non meta builds. it just needs the right mind set and understanding to do it. in time the playerbase will understand this.



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