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Posts posted by Skobel.6920

  1. Because people love min-maxing everything, I have a feeling this is gonna end that only specific bonns/classes will remain in meta.

    Also what about class-specific effects, like banners, spirits? Some classes have them, other do not. When will equality in this field arrive?


    Couldn't you merge sigil patch with this one? Because of all this changes, you provide a lot of chaos to the market and gameplay.

    But what grinds my gears is that you ruined chrono for WvW. There already wasn't a lot of them in zergs, and they were unable to tag enemies like necro or guard so farm was significantly lower than on these classes, but they were doing it anyway because it was needed. Now it's over. I spend time and gold to make gear and change server and now it's over.


    Thanks, ~~Obama~~ Arena!

  2. And I, on the other hand, **do not** feel like raiding is the most difficult and competitive content in guild wars 2, and I think **rewards are adequate** for time you spend on it.

    If you spend hours on it because you raid with pugs/lfg it's _your_ problem, not game problem.

    Try to win AT match if you get thrown against high league players, then you will know most difficult and competitive content with kitten rewards.

  3. I would probably max out bank/storage/bags on my 2 'main' charcaters.

    Buy them legendary armors. Craft few legendary weapons.

    Buy some dyes and utility/cosmetics/fun stuff from gem store.

    Build almost everything in my GH.

    And make some gifts for my guildmates.

    I think 100k gold would be perfect.

    After that I would ask Anet for disabling this infinite gold for me, to secure the ability to gain fun from this game.

  4. > @Miellyn.6847 said:

    > GW2efficiency data is skewed as there are people that don't play anymore or people that aren't registered at all.

    Yeah, I can say even more: only aware players have efficiency account. Majority of regular players do not have. I would even say raiders are more likely to have efficienty account than non-raiders. So yeah, we can easily say that numbers I provided are inflated.


    > Urgoz and Depth also needed more people than the regular group. In what way are they different other than GW1 actually needed way more specialised builds to complete them? Failing in GW1 with a full wipe deleted all progress, GW2 is way more forgiving.

    They weren't 5 minute time-gated, dps-oriented, narrow boss->boss->boss instances.

    They have a lot of encounters along the way, are bigger and suitable for more players. You were more likely to complete them with random pug group than you are likely to complete raid with pugs, and still they remain considered elite.

    And how is this forgiving? Boss HP is getting back to 100% anyway. No difference if you will be thrown outside or stay in. And if we talk about pre-boss fights like 3 guardians in Spirit Vale... well, if your group is able to kill them there is no difference to kill them again and if you struggle with this, there is no difference either because you probably won't kill main boss. Super-forgiving.


  5. 40% in WvW and PvP are developers own words from interview in Forbes some time before PoF.

    Raid data is from efficiency:

    Up to 65% have no LI at all.

    Further situation is little bit different for each group basing on time they played:

    4000h+: Up to ~35% is raiding, some more often, some less. I mean; they have 40 LI.

    2000-4000h: Up to ~15% is raiding with the same regularity as first group.

    Up to 2000h: Only ~5.5% is raiding with same regularity as these two groups.

    If we take efficiency's estimation for whole database then we can say that ~13% is doing raids regularly, the rest do not do them at all or have only finished them few times.

    We can also extract group with exactly 125 LI, which can be ppl interested only in armor and forced to do Raids: 8%.

    I know about how people approach lore and story from observing community.

    And elite zones from GW1 are VERY different from GW2 raids.

  6. Well... great! They intentionally and willingly spent resources to provide content for <10% of players when for eg. ~40% plays WvW and PvP but we do not see any major updates/changes in these modes as often as we see new raids.


    I know they provide LS or fractals for free, but I do not count that because:

    1) This is targetting almost everyone (LS) and majority (fractals), besides:

    2) A lot of raiders are just performance-freaks, who don't give kitten about story, lore or anything like that, keep skipping cutscenes, dialogues et cetera et cetera.

    They can do it as well in every other MMO


    Almost everytime someone post the idea of bringing something new to the game, eg. new playable race, the answer is that this will cost too much of Anet resources and not everyone will ejnoy this. Well, as we see there can be whole team responsible for deliverig for group of max 10% whole player base. So now I wonder how many players would be interested in playing new race like Tengu or doing instances similar to GW1 elite zones and will these people get their desires fulfilled? What makes raiders so special that despite the fact they don't care about a lot of game content, Anet keep providing for them?


    We have 5 raids already. Maybe it's time for another content, for ANOTHER 10%?

  7. > @"Vella the knight.6072" said:

    > they don't want short easy fun content that is rewarding. they want grueling long boring Grind/timelock content i mean look at crafting ascended/ look at the AScension look at legendary armor etc etc.



    Yeah...that's why they change UW from being big instance with multiple quests and groups of mobs to story-less, time-gated boss->boss->boss mechanic.



  8. Primarily the GW1 elite zones were WAY MORE accessible and available to do with way more tactics than GW2 raids, yet they remain considered elite.


    GW2 high-end content is locked behind skill-door. One need to have properly eye-hand coordination, reflexes, be able to perform complicated rotations, combos, be aware of AoEs



    I'm not even talking about time you need to learn this (which not everyone have). Simply not everyone is able to 'git gud'.

    Collecting materials for legendary items required time, and you want to tell me that I need even more time to learn how to do some boss? And still I can't be sure that every group would take me and that every other player will also be capable and allow our group to succed? I'm not even considering buying kills.

    And if someone want to start with: "If you don't like it, leave it" talk:

    Listen here, punk, I'm in this franchise 12 years by now. I'm not going anywhere.




    On the other hand almost all GW1 elite zones were possible to complete with patience: by avoiding aggros and pulling/luring groups of mobs.


    You were able to do FoW with pugs on meta builds, you just needed to be patient and kill mobs group by group - sometimes it took 3 hours with unskilled group but was possible for everyone.


    DoA had build called DwG - it was almost failproff: required 3 of 4 skilled, aware players and rest were allowed to be even complete noobs; they were just cliking 1,2,3,4,5 repeat. This were allowing almost all players to do 4 or 3 zones (Foundry was hard part) and then Mallyx. Again: sometimes it took over two hours, and you had to be patient, avoid groups of mobs etc.


    Deep and Urgoz were doable with pugs on random builds but again patience was primary value. Final boss was challenging tho, but not infeasible.


    And like I was talking about multiple tactics: this 3 hour long attempts were for regular players, with heroes or with pugs, on meta builds but not neccesary.

    Some better players were able to do this in 1 hour.

    And pro, skilled players were able to do this instances in up to 30 minutes.


    But these locations were not like GW2 raids where you are fighting almost only powerful bosses. There we had large map, regular mobs, some champion/elite-like and some boss-like. And I lack this kind of challenges. I value patience over performance, GW2 end-game content is not.




  9. A lot of arguing among players have it source in lack of knowledge.

    People claim that raids/fractals are accessible only for small group of players but we do not know how many players are actually doing these.

    People claim that thay know how playerbase is feeling about certain things, when they actually do not know.

    Et cetera, et cetera


    I know we got a lot of data from sites like efficiency, from reddit, pools on forum and so on and so on. But not everyone is using these.


    My idea is to do annual in-game survey, maybe with some small reward for completing it to encourage people to do so, and anoymously ask people about these things and then publish it.

    Then we will know, for example, if it is 2, 5 or 10% players who do raids.


    I think we could help to create lists of questions here, on forum.

    And whats most important i think such survey can deliver a lot of interesting info about our community, both to players and devs.


    What do you think?

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