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Posts posted by Smety.5379

  1. So i normally play S/D core thief in conquest. The games i play go either really really smooth or super bad. When i play i try to constantly decap points and +1 in fights while taking advantage of my mobility. Howerver, sometimes i find it really hard to pick +1 fights and when that happens the game goes terribly wrong. Is that my fault (which could be the best scenario here as i can influence that and get better) or can it be caused by my team? This mostly happens when the enemy team has atleast one guy who rotates fast on far and mid and renewing my decaps paired with one more guy sitting on our close where i mostly can't 1v1 him. Now, theoreticaly we should be now 5v4 at mid while i am having more movement then the enemy rotator making it then 4v3 mid but we usually loose the game anyway - sometimes i get caught decaping far making the decap not succesfull, could this be the thing making us loose the match? Thanks for any tips for this scenario.




    i am struggling quite a long time now getting a legendary wep. To be specific - Nevermore. I already have built the Raven staff, have Gift of Nevermore, Gift of insights, Gift of Maguuma. I am currently missing some really expensive mats for Mystic Tribute and for completing Gift of Maguuma Mastery which count up to 1000g. Now i know this is a lot to ask, but i would really appreciate ANY help because my time for the game is really limited and i am enjoying it to the last bit. Here is the list of mats i would be really glad if someone could help me out with:


    **250/250x Amalgamated Gemstone** (0 received)

    **400/400x Glob of Ectoplasm** (400 received) THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    **250/250x Mystic Coin** (0 received)

    200/200x Vicious Claw (10 received)

    200/200x Armored Scale (10 recevied)

    200/200x Ancient Bone (10 received)

    200/200x Vicious Fang (10 received)

    200/200x Vial of Powerful Blood (10 received)

    200/200x Powerful Venom Sac (10 received)

    200/200x Elaborate Totem (10 received)

    200/200x Pile of Crystalline Dust (10 received)


    Playing on EU - Piken Square


    I know this is way too much to ask for and i am not expecting super generous gifts, but if someone could contribute to my journey for Nevermore i would be really really glad as i gave up many times already. Thanks to anyone who will be willing to help me out in advance!



    So i farmed a bit and completed Gift of Maguuma Mastery, gambled up all laurels and farmed some T6 mats. Got one donation so far from a kind man which is really apreciated! :) The journey is comming to the end and i am really looking forward for my future Nevermore!! :)



    Currently missing only mystic coins and my journey for Nevermore is done! :) So excited!



    So my journey has ended! I am now a proud owner of Nevermore! :) This helped me alot achieving my first legendary wep!



  3. No, what i meant was that you have to land F1 skill first to "unlock" usage of fullcounter. This way FC could be used only in return of more aggressive and precise gameplay and wouldn't be just a nobrain skill. But i also do agree with your idea of increased cd if the FC does not get triggered.

  4. Make full counter usable for 5-10 seconds after landing your F1 burst skill. I am not sure now how would that affect adrenaline management, just wanted to give this idea for discussion. This would make FC less spammable. As a spellbreaker my self, I think FC spamming is just stupid and this nerf would not be really devastating for SB.

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