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Posts posted by Talos.9608

  1. > @"Hex.2579" said:

    > This must be a troll post. But anyways, for starters, don't afk. Just because you're matched with top players, it doesn't mean anything. They still lose. Period.

    > There were matches I thought it'd be a waste of time, but we steadily turned things around half/end of the match.

    > The monthly AT is a different level of stacking the most OP classes on a team. They have been running double/triple revs for so long now. There's nothing new here. Imagine the other team runs triple rev, the score would be different.

    > If you feel the need to afk instead of trying to finish the end of matches, I agree with DoomNexus, at least leave the match.


    it isnt "i am with top players so i afk" it is "i spawn and see nowhere to rotate without it being suicide or just a decap at best, so i just stand still and eventually afk" and problem isnt that is singular matches, it is the streak of hopeless matches... at such a specific points... that althought it is maybe coincidence, it for sure takes away your temper

  2. oh, but i started afk-ing during this loss streak, it just aint fun being farmed by top players or tryharding while your team decide to just 4v1 bunker on close... if i see the game is going downhill fast, i afk. For the reason of fun, it isnt fun playing matches like those, i would reather watch some memes on phone. it is just... too much, i found myself afk games in the row, then i imagine just deleting the game, bc whats the point. And dont tell me games can easilly turn arround, y'all watched montly AT with 500-0 finals. if the rating means nothing, why push myself trought unfun game? If it isnt worth stressing out, why dont let me chill and afk?

  3. in one day i got 3 matches agaist p3 (erazik, rank 55 dragons, some other streamer) as g3 player... i was p1 at begging, having imposible matches (loosing streak) until g2, then sudenly, 2 easy matches as of point of writing this. not a first time, probably not the last, but skill rating is all about luck it seems, and "skill" part does little to nothing. just streaks of loss/wins on obvious points... sorry for matches i afked but those were lost as seen from the plane, and on loosing streak i couldnt play my best so it wouldnt make a difference. I wonder if anyone else who constantly plays ranked found same thing happening?



    > Pls understand.... i can 1v1 any rev but if another 2 port through wall to me im dead. If there are 2-3 revs in team you cant have a single 1v1 fight. Herald has better healing skill, better burst, another stun.. thats why herald is bigger problem than renegade



    So a build that is designed to be good at +1ing is doing good job at +1ing? And that is a problem? Also, a build that can benefit a lot from comunication(bc fast rotation) is also great at AT? But honestly, i would agree with infuse light nerf, 3 seconds is bit too long, it should be used skillfully, but it wouldnt make big difference, so whatever. But herald is far from being biggest menace in pvp right now, it is balanced. Also, heralds burst is hard to land/easier to play arround, and revenant as whole has attacks telegraphed from a mile. Before rev, you had thief doing his job, nerfing rev would make pvp dumb as brick, just faceroll bruisers.

  5. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > It needs more Stunbreaks and wider utility array.


    More stunbrakes? It has good acces to stunbrakes, for swithing legends plus legends got one stunbrake in utillity. Stop using all you energy in burst rotation at start of the battle, it is predictable, enemie can dodge, block or whatever and you dont have energy so enemie easilly counter burst you. Revenant is great, have good survavibility (i play with zerk amulet), use blocks and evades, you have bunch of it. (and use shield, 3 secs can give time for CD and energy recharge, plus heal). .. Rev is maybe not the meta but it is not garbage, even in condi meta he was viable (even more to be honest). Sure the powercreep makes it hard to play anything outside the meta but rev is not THAT bad.

  6. I remember that long ago I was searching trought medium armor skins in bank's wardrobe and found **Striders Medium Armor Skin**. Found out it can only be bought by gems in BLTC. And when it came in I had really little gold. Farmed a week and sold bunch of materials I had to only reach about 150 gold. I need about 80 more gold so i can exchange it for 800 gems. You can gift me directly item from BLTC and i will mail you gold I have at that time. Also i will return the rest of the loan when i get enough gold i am just afraid the item will leave BLTC before I farm enough gold.

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