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Posts posted by Josh.4132

  1. > @"Chips.7968" said:


    Its a tough one really but I think its more an internal issue with Gandara more than anything. As i've said one of the best things about Gandara is its chill, relaxed community, but its community is also its biggest issue as a lot of people don't want that but then are also the server loyal/refuse to move. Having once been on Gandara for 4+ years I did enjoy it until we got stuck in tier 1 with deso for what seemed like forever. Wasn't how I liked to play so ultimately moved, yes I miss it but it all comes down to what people want from the server. Like you have no link, but you still have your community, which is worth moving there for. If its not the community that people care about but instead love fighting/ppt, they should probably move to a better suited server where they'd have more fun.


    Since it seems Gandara has lost both its home defender roam squad and its commanders, its very doubtful that Gandara will ever become the t1 server it was before. Even the last link with Fort Ranik, which is one of the least populated servers, Gandara didn't get above T3? The reality is Gandara has players but they don't all want the same thing and so are scattered across maps doing different things, but because they have that many players overall there will never be an appropriate link to be paired with.


    I don't think there is any point waiting for this miraculous change to happen on Gandara , because I doubt its ever going to happen now. Instead people should just pay the what? 150g? to transfer, go explore and play with your friends. Same goes for guilds, most guilds that stay on one server eventually run out of people to recruit. Go explore god dammit! :)

  2. > @"adammantium.8031" said:


    > I think this starts to miss the point a little bit. Every server can get a blob on reset, every server "runs from fights/humps siege/can't roam" etc.


    > Gandara is a strong server, it has a great community, and enjoys to PPT more than most I've been on.

    > Frankly, we're as well-equipped to deal with being an unlinked server as any.


    > That doesn't make it any less frustrating to have drawn the short-straw in EU by not having a link, and not being ocassionally open to mitigate that.


    Well obviously but you said it yourself, he's uncontested for hours, that implies that even vs. some linked servers gandara , at least at the weekend, has better coverage than most other servers. If even a single player follows that commander for the 10 hours he's tagged, across the weekend, thats like 30 hours, i'd say that is more than an average casual player. Now if 50-60 people are all doing that, that's a lot of hours.


    As for pulling the short straw, clearly in anet's eyes Gandara has the best chance of competing as a solo server compared to all the others, take it as a compliment, its the people boycotting that are ruining it for the server.

  3. > @"Deratrius.4035" said:


    > He still tags while every guild has stopped playing and Gandara has been the lowest activity server since. That shows you the overall impact that these 2 nights have. It's basically the difference between being hard stuck in T5 and being competitive in T4.


    But it’s also overall impact of probably being full and very high population. As a server you can’t complain about being outnumbered but then have 60 people golem rushing servers with no defenders. The reality is, gandara is full and all that commander shows is that gandara does have the numbers, they just have no motivation to 1). Do things without a commander. 2). Rise to the challenge of being a solo server, instead people would rather sulk and not play until the easier fights come around. I should imagine if gandara actually tried to effectively play wvw in wvw and not pve in wvw they’d stay at least in tier 3, because coming from a server that has been against gandara many times, you certainly have the people, it’s the organisation and motivation that’s missing

  4. > @"adammantium.8031" said:


    > I'll give you that we are lucky to have a single commander who tags up like clockwork on a Friday and Saturday night (often the only one), and can be largely uncontested for a few hours after 2am. We do come into Saturday and Sunday morning's quite strong. I don't feel that having a pugmander who runs particularly late twice a week negates the overall population difficulties, though.


    But then you’ve hit it on the head with being uncontested, which means you have more coverage than the other 2 server basically across the weekend, which is quite a strong position to have for a server which people believe is empty, but like I said, it’s close to 60 from reset to about 3/4am, thats a big contribution.


    I’ve said it for about a year now, as nice as it is to have a commander which does that, it does absolutely zero favours for gandara. It’s keeping you in tiers that you can’t necessarily compete in, boosting your average playtime and adding to the problem of always being full. Gandara being full is basically your reward for golem rushing empty maps with 15 golems and 40 people vs 2 servers with 10 defenders between them.

  5. > @"Arky.3072" said:

    > My comment was removed due to it quoting a comment that was also removed. I'll state it again in its own comment.


    > For all the people stating "just move servers, ez", you're forgetting that Gandara has a lot of players that are stubborn and server-loyal. They would rather not play for a month than transfer servers, just to prove a point.


    But then you have your answer to why gandara is always full. People don’t leave. And then when it does open up, for like a week, that many people move there that it most likely becomes too full again, which is an issue if people never leave.


    It also kinda comes down to what people want from a server. If it’s just for the community, which you can’t really fault on gandara, then being outnumbered doesn’t really affect that, other than people complaining about being outnumbered, but you can still have fun with friends nonetheless. If it’s just easy fights then you get situations like bandwagon servers which generally lack any form of community.


    You don’t need to be winning to be having fun with friends. What kills a server is people that stop playing because they have to actually put effort into fights rather than stomping on smaller groups. It ruins your own server, and the MU for the other two servers


  6. > @"adammantium.8031" said:

    > I'm on Gandara.


    > At prime-time and in fights we can hold our own.


    > But we are not competitive without a link. Just not enough people.


    It doesn’t help that as soon as gandara is without a link, people just up right stop playing as some attempt of defiance against anet, but then forget about the 60 people following Cormac for 10 hours on a Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sunday until very early hours. It was not long ago that gandara had one of the biggest blobs I have ever seen in the 6 years I’ve played this game, golem rushing eb at 4am....


    One thing I have noticed about gandara atm, which is very different to what gandara used to be known for, is that it’s roamers don’t actually do anything anymore, they’d rather just gank players at the side of blob fights rather than flip/defend objectives. Another thing that is apparent is if there is no tag, people won’t even leave spawn, which again is odd for what gandara used to be like.


  7. > @"Neukku.5713" said:


    > How is herald the problem here?


    Because no one ever complains about core rev or renegade, because they aren’t even comparable to the sustain herald has.


    The glint heal is a 100% hp reset button and can easily be a 20k+ heal in group fights and even zergs, not because it’s icon isn’t visible, but because there is always gonna be pulsing aoes and ticking condis. Heals like this are quite big carries, especially when all they need to do is change legends and have yet another biggish heal. That paired with true nature demon transferring 25 stacks of torment and then proccing torment runes is yet another hp reset button. They’re some extremely broken skills for people that are quick to defend herald. These issues are not seen on core or renegade


  8. > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:



    > Could we, please, not mix up reflect (from skills) and retaliation (boon)? They aren't the same even as both are "returning" to the one that are attacking damage.


    > Retaliation do still give damage to target even when attacker will also get damage from using its skills to attack. Reflected damage is mainly preventing projectiles to hit target and that way also do prevent target to get any damage from projectiles (but will still take all other type of damage like from ground AoE or non-projectiles).


    Who's mixing them up? because if you read my comment again, and my other posts in the thread, you'll see I do nothing but compared them which obviously implies they are different things, because they so clearly are. If you mean I shouldn't be comparing the two because they are so different then thats fair, but thats not what I'm trying to point out. My point is reflects are a counter to projectiles and are active defence options. Retaliation is practically the complete opposite and I think its purpose in a competitive game mode is completely out of place. If you are fully bursting a target, no matter how many skills you use, that target should die/ or be low, not the player doing the burst. It should be up to the player to actively counter the other player's burst to avoid being downed, not relying on a passive boon to cause damage.

  9. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:


    > Reflects are handed out like candy to Firebrands, and there's also like an overwhelming amount of projectile blocks. I suppose there are unblockable attacks that counter this, but that's another topic. Point is full glass + bad execution = you can blame a lot of things.


    You mean F3 skill 3? On a tome with a rather large cd? On the spec that is basically made to support a team through utility/boons because its heals are garbage? The difference is popping a reflect is active gameplay. The player has purposefully used a skill to counter projectiles, regardless of if its spam or not, its active gameplay. Retaliation is passive, and didn't anet say they wanted to promote active game play and thats why certain traits now have 300s cool downs? The problem here is that people stack firebrands, and therefore have tonnes of reflects.


  10. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:


    > Hmm, full glass ranger point blank fires into the enemy frontline (he is distant from his zerg) while blowing 4 of their utility skills, doing absolutely nothing because the group is together and will have full boons. Even if by some miracle he downs someone, what is the follow up? If there were reflects this would be the same story; would anyone complain that reflects are OP? (they are) as well as the zerg just breathing on the ranger. This is just a classic rallybot.


    Although ironically people have said "wait for retaliation to end", which isn't really possible, where as you can wait for reflects to end because they generally have short durations and mostly highly visible. Reflects are the counter to projectiles and that's their exact purpose. They also mostly require some input from the player rather than being granted passively like retaliation. Personally I think its insane that that ranger just went from 60% hp to 0% in 3 seconds for hitting enemies that had a completely passive mechanic.


    > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > Now I will concede that retal does make Marksmanship's piercing arrows unviable and does push forward the case for some limitation (eg, you can only be hit by 1 source of retaliation), but even without this, this is just suicide regardless. However, you also bring up this being a problem against a single target, which suggests this issue goes beyond just retaliation if you cannot deal more than 200 damage per hit on a target that basically cannot fight back otherwise. For example, Ranger could run Natural Healing and that regen on shout trait to almost negate the damage.


    But this is just one example, there are quite a few builds and weapons that can not be used because of this one boon. Its also quite shocking that a boon can make builds unviable. Imagine if scourge inflicted aoe confusion instead of torment on shade skills, the QQ here would be insane, yet retaliation is literally the weaker, boon version of confusion and what did anet do to confusion? practically deleted it because it was bs.



  11. What makes me laugh is that some people here are talking like retaliation is a skill or tactic used actively to punish enemy players that attack you. This is Bull. Its a boon, which is often granted passively through traits and often requires zero input by the player. Telling someone to wait until the boon goes away is not counter play, its not like the guardian is also just gonna wait so you can take turns hitting each other lol. Waiting is not an option when guardians also have bursty damage and when there are builds which are passively pooping out this one boon, not to mention the amount of aegis, blocks and blinds that some of these builds also have whilst still being able to go full offensive. Anyone that thinks retaliation is ok should go play staff ele in a blob, use meteor shower + Lava font and count the seconds it takes for you to die from a boon... Is the ele supposed to just wait for the fb heavy blob to not have retaliation before it should start attacking? because I can assure you, that retaliation is going nowhere in any part of that fight.

  12. > @"Sobx.1758" said:


    > Apparently it was strong enough to create a need for a "counter-to-a-counter" button. You also claim that it's not strong, but right after that say that thief needs to run away and wait it out. How exactly is this "not strong"?


    I mean we can pretend Dead Eye is a well thought out spec all you want, but there is no doubt the DE elite is just lol. I think anyone that has roamed can see the issues and usefulness(?) of Reveal . As for reveal not being strong, I should have said that Reveal is not as useful or impactful as it should be because not only is Reveal countered by Reveal removal but it is ALSO countered by the mobility on thief, which all good thief builds should have regardless of spec. Notice how reveal is more effective vs. engineers, ranger and to an extent mesmers when they try to use stealth to resustain?



    > @"Sobx.1758" said:


    > Thief got their dmg/healing (and bonus stealth duration from SA) reduced just like any other class.

    > And -"cleanse on evades"- conditions weren't really hit by nerfs, so not sure how it's relevant here. You seem to be hard set on just listing as many random things as you can to paint the picture you want everyone to see regardless of facts.



    I never mentioned thief's damage/healing because I think its in a good place. My point was that everything hits for far less now, meaning that thief can obviously take more hits now, as can all professions, however most other professions don't have the mobility to completely escape melee range instantly or stealth and disengage should things go wrong. As for listing random things, I was listing some of the tools thief has to sustain more, which was my entire point? Regardless of if its spread across specialisations, the fact is thief atm is not this squishy, unforgiving class it was made out to be, purely because these mechanics are now allowing it to recover from multiple mistakes and promoting play styles with few counters. I'm not saying thief should be one shot every time it accidentally wastes a dodge or gets stunned, but it should not be able to recover and survive the 3th or 4th mistake or completely leave the fight if its in any kind of danger.


    I'm not sure even why you even commented because you've just shown that you disagree with me more than anything else, which is fine but then you've done nothing to show that I'm wrong in what I'm saying. My entire point was to say that thief has its unique form of sustain via mobility, stealth and evades, which atm don't have a lot of effective counters because these mechanics counter each others' counters. Reveal counters stealth, mobility counters Reveal.


    > @"Sobx.1758" said:



    > Aaaaaaalso another player pretending thief can pick every trait/skill/spec at the same time and uses no resources in combat, so it can just do everything at the same time with no repercussions.


    Did I ever say "meh nerf deadeye with its triple dodge and staff 5 evades"? As for repercussions, in what way is thief punished for using any of these mechanics? At the moment the only real punishment for thief is when it spams its skills with high costs. Where as professions like Revenant, which also have a similar resource to Initiative, actually do have repercussions for using its ports and evades, except for rev its even punished for using a stun break and can be locked out of its healing skill lol lol lol.


  13. Also need to remember that now that damage has been nerfed, thief is now more forgiving if you make a mistake. While I understand that the idea of thief is to be squishy and hit hard, there are many traits and options which give thief so much more survivability now that that original idea is no longer true. Whether it be cleanse on evades, stealth on dodge/Heal, life steal, extra vitality etc add that to all the evades, ports, 3 dodges and stealth, then what part of that profession is now punished for making a mistake when it has so many survivability options? Especially when it only takes 2 skills to get out of combat, should the thief mess up for the 4th time and come close to dying....

  14. I honestly don’t think reveal is that strong if you think about how Deadeye can remove reveal and how much mobility thief has in general. Unless you’re a ranger that has just popped Sick’em and can pew pew, that thief is 100% gonna change to short bow and get out of combat until reveal is gone. It’ll then come back and start the bs stealth, backstab, restealth chain until you’re dead.

  15. > @"lodjur.1284" said:



    > But they are better on rev than on most classes and absurdly good against condi.


    > I personally use dwarf, it has overall good skills.


    > Between resistance and the clears that rev does on condi rev I feel about as good against condi as I do on most other classes


    The thing is though If you’re using cleasing sigils, plus dwarf for the cleanse, plus the condi transfers, plus the resistance. Then you have dedicated a lot of traits and adjusted your build to counter condis, this is how it should be.


    Cleansing works the same for rev as it does for all other classes. Changing our utilities on legend swap sometimes doesn’t help us especially now since you’re forced to swap legend to use the other legend’s stun break because of the loss of empty vessel





    > @"lodjur.1284" said:


    > You have

    > Cleansing sigil (all classes but very good since stance swap counts)

    > 1 on swap with invo

    > Dwarf heal 5

    > Mallyx resistance on trait and active

    > Some various stuff like removing chill/immob/cripple in assassin.


    > Presumably permeating and true nature could be replaced with normal clears or something too


    I didn’t mention cleansing sigils as it’s not a rev specific cleanse so it’s an advantage all classes can use against condi. How many people use dwarf? And it’s a 30 sec cd and forces you to use your heal just to cleanse condis. Also now with less condi stacks but longer durations, the usefulness of resistance is somewhat less. Now compare these to things like mesmer’s cleansing mantra, ranger and guardian cleanses and to an extent necro’s transfer/condi cleanses.

  17. > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > >

    > >


    > I mostly talk about about true nature - demon. Permeating pestilence is less annoying. The problem isn't rev being able to deal with condi (which condi rev has never struggled with). It's getting hit by like 30 torment and 20 burn in one untelegraphed hit (real example from yesterday). If these things cleared condis or had a cap on the amount of stacks transferring they'd just be like any strong clear which is okay


    I agree with you here :)


    > @"lodjur.1284" said:



    > It has plenty of ways of dealing with condi, at least the transfer builds would even without.


    When you think about it though and compare to other professions, outside of the transfer, rev doesn’t have a lot of good cleanses, and this has always been one of revs biggest downfalls. The only realistic ones I can think of are one cleanse on legend swap, 2 on staff, and 6 On the dwarf heal? The others would be traited shield skills and Ventari but these in general aren’t really worth including unless playing support.

  19. You also need to consider than condi rev is essentially a melee build. And in most cases, unless using herald, a rev also won’t have swiftness so most classes can and will literally walk away from you. The leap is not only a cc, it’s a way to close the gap, as is axe 5. Since near enough all damage has been removed from axe, it is now just a utility weapon to close the gaps imo. Both of the skills can not being spammed, can be easily dodged and are highly telegraphed as well as costing a lot of energy as mentioned.



    > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > Remove the condi transfer from herald (and permeating pestilence). A class with resistance shouldn't have condi transfers.


    But this transfer has already been sneakily nerfed in the patch. They gave it a new name sure but they also made it transfer 2 condis instead of 3. When you think about how many cleanses rev has in general, I think this trait is fair. Also bare in mind that this transfer only works in melee range and is on a legend swap cd. As for a class with resistance, the only realistic way to get it is through using Pain absorption and maybe the trait, which still is less than 5 seconds of resistance and it just so happens to be a only stun break on demon, so it’s not exactly like you can stack this resistance reliably.



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