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Posts posted by KidRoleplay.3615

  1. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > I've made two Rangers so far that have been able to fit around the color scheme of the green cloud. My issue is that said cloud seems a bit too... large. If only it were a bit more subtle.

    > >

    > > I mean, I'm not too fond of the color myself, but every class has its unique ability colors. This one just happens to be so very dominating.


    > I think this is intended. It is a visual indicator for your enemy in PvP "this guy is merged with his pet now".

    > You can actually be glad, that is way more subtle than the indicator for holosmith's photonforge.


    Yeah, I'm aware. Granted, holosmith's effect seems like a bigger deal for the opponent to know than Soulbeast. It's akin to Reaper Shroud in that you know a sudden shift into dangerous skills has now happened. Soulbeast gets a few skills and stat boosts, and you can otherwise tell that their pet is missing. Maybe it's more of a benefit for really hectic fights.

  2. I've made two Rangers so far that have been able to fit around the color scheme of the green cloud. My issue is that said cloud seems a bit too... large. If only it were a bit more subtle.


    I mean, I'm not too fond of the color myself, but every class has its unique ability colors. This one just happens to be so very dominating.

  3. Nah, I'm good. She's a bit too serious for my liking, and rather manipulative and gets everyone to give her stuff and do what she wants them to do, and is otherwise kind of a jerk. Even makes everyone call her "commander" at that! Has all that expensive equipment while being homeless too? Too high maintenance.


    Great bod though. Especially those loooong legs, but way too many cons otherwise. Also she never showers and hangs around animals, or "mounts", all day. Can only imagine what that smells like. Not a fan.

  4. A lot of times I'm reluctant to /gg because of my precious Bloodlust stacks, but it's become very common with most groups wanting to do fractal skips... Or just groups plain wiping. I'm tempted to just solo stuff when I got full stacks and haven't even lost my Rigorous Certainty yet while everyone else keeps getting wrecked by Outflanked. Oh well. It is what it is.

  5. > @"Timbersword.9014" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > @"Nymeria.1653" said:

    > > > I agree. Also for the faces customization, never understood why there are some faces only npc can have, like this one for example (I swear there is not in the character creation, not even in the total makeover kit)

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/Z5k9rZ0.jpg "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > I've wanted that face for a looooooong time.


    > That face is column 2, row 3 at character creation. Mouth is made WAY wider, eyes are bit tweaked too. I think slightly lowered height, and slightly raised width?


    > I think outside of a few select named NPCs (destiny's edge for example) virtually every NPC uses player character assets. Just have to play with the sliders, even if what they do from face to face is inconsistent.


    I've wanted to wish it was that simple, and even as the face you're speaking of is the closest to it (I'm not in game to verify the exact positioning but know which one you're talking about), it's still not the same as what the NPCs have. I've even sat side by side with them with a total makeover kit on multiple occasions. No deal. :(

  6. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, Jump has a keybind. Glide does not, but I don't know if changing Jump changes both.


    Well, I'm home now. Unfortunately, there is no keybind for gliding. And I'm sure the OP would have already looked for such a thing were it the case. :/

  7. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > This had been asked for many time already, but you apparently never saw the request.

    > >

    > > here it is once more : when will you make an option to disable gliding when we don't want it to happen?

    > >

    > > It's ******** frustrating to miss a difficult jump because that ********** glider activate at the worst moment.


    > I'll offer some help, change the key bind for your glider to a different key from the jump key...problem solved.


    Are we certain it has a different key? I'm not home/ able to get into the game to check.

  8. > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > Adding this feature would change nothing for you (keep it enabled if you want), and would greatly help people like me who find it annoying.


    Yes, yes, I know, but I also have a strong feeling that what you're asking for wont ever be implemented, and even more so if you say this is something that's been requested for a long while.


    All I did was try to encourage an alternate solution for the time being, what with gliding activating when you dont want it to while it can't activate without your input.

  9. Even as I'm sure you already know all this:


    The glider doesnt activate automatically nor at random. If you hold down the spacebar (or whatever button is bound to jump) while falling when you're high enough above any ground, it activates. Likewise, if you press the jump again at any point during this time, it activates. This is entirely within the player's control, so at most, there may be an issue with your keyboard.


    I highly doubt a No Glide toggle will be added as its functionality is solid. Cheers and good luck.

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