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Posts posted by Serkroth.2708

  1. I'm not much of a social butterfly, but I do enjoy doing group content. I am usually laid back and like to explore and learn new things. I like to contribute where needed and help others when nobody else will. I cannot use Discord/TS etc. due to being in such a small home.


    What I'm looking for in a guild is one that is actively doing things a good portion of the time, as my play schedule varies.


    And yes, I am a male who plays both male and female characters...whatever suits my mood at the time.

  2. > @Serkroth.2708 said:

    > Race: Sylvari

    > Sex: Female

    > Class: Warrior


    > When dying the lunatic armor, the coloring showed up at first, but upon logging in the next day, its just the default colors. I have tried several color combinations, unequipping/equipping the armor, clearing cache to no avail.


    > Am I the only one having this issue?


    > Hero Screen: https://imgur.com/6O7cdW0


    > Login Screen: https://imgur.com/WeQhFub


    > World: https://imgur.com/Nk8JVEt


    > Update:

    > I originally dyed the armor in the Mad King's Clocktower instance. The colors show up there.

    > Also, I tried erasing the colors and then reapplying: no luck with that.


    > Update 2:


    > Others can see the dyed armor, but I cannot. Maybe an issue with the local client?


    > Update 3: After eating the meat for the hero point Veruta Beefhawker, I could temporarily see the properly dyed armor. Within a few seconds, it went back to the full green color.


    > Update 4:

    > When close to an object and the camera zooms in close, the default orange/black colors can be seen.


    So a final update to this: I found the cause to the coloring issue! It's due to the amulet I was wearing: Oontz's Necklace of the Ghoul. It add's a greenish ghastly appearance...however, even after removing the amulet, I still appear all green. Removing all your armor and then re-equipping it (sans amulet) lets me see my dye colors.


    Hope this helps someone!

  3. Race: Sylvari

    Sex: Female

    Class: Warrior


    When dying the lunatic armor, the coloring showed up at first, but upon logging in the next day, its just the default colors. I have tried several color combinations, unequipping/equipping the armor, clearing cache to no avail.


    Am I the only one having this issue?


    Hero Screen: https://imgur.com/6O7cdW0


    Login Screen: https://imgur.com/WeQhFub


    World: https://imgur.com/Nk8JVEt



    I originally dyed the armor in the Mad King's Clocktower instance. The colors show up there.

    Also, I tried erasing the colors and then reapplying: no luck with that.


    Update 2:


    Others can see the dyed armor, but I cannot. Maybe an issue with the local client?


    Update 3: After eating the meat for the hero point Veruta Beefhawker, I could temporarily see the properly dyed armor. Within a few seconds, it went back to the full green color.


    Update 4:

    When close to an object and the camera zooms in close, the default orange/black colors can be seen.

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