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Posts posted by ShaunIOW.1672

  1. Apart from buying the recipies and crafting the boreal weapons for the collections will there be any other use for the Eternal Ice Shards or should I just destroy them? I was hoping there would be a new use in todays update as I have over 9,000 of the bloody things clogging up the bank and inventory and have done the collecitons, bougt the mini's, ascended trinket etc, be nice if the new map currency could be bought with them.

  2. > @"aleron.1438" said:

    > It's baffling how you all (players not Anet) don't even use your brains. If you would have checked your achievement point score by hovering over it to see the daily+monthly score and the permanent score, you would've noticed that the +1 AP you get from each Light Puzzle counted towards the daily score, as they are daily reset puzzles. This is why the complainers are 'losing' AP on reset. Because you've already reached the daily cap of 15K and you can't cheat the game to getting more ap over it.


    > This repeatable Light puzzle is made for those that haven't reached their 15k daily cap. So essentially , those can get up to 10+4 AP daily. Think of it like a boost to get to your account daily 15k cap faster.




    Rubbish, I lost the 4 AP's and am on 12,232 for daily AP's so not close to the 15,000 limit.

  3. This morning I had 24,499 AP's, I got 10 Aps from the dailies and got the reward chest for 24,500, I've since got AP's in Fractels and completing a Halloween Collection, but I just looked in the Hero panel and have 24,164 now instead of the 24,514 I should have. I did send a bug report, but thought I'd post here as well.

  4. Thanks for the reply. The problem isn't the gem store as thats fine, its the trading post thats empty (and my inventory is full of rares i want to sell). I can't see it being my settings as nothing has changed my end, it just started appearing empty, I asked guildies and it is fine for them (so I doub't it is overloaded especially as it's now 17 hours since I could last use it), so I'm stumped as to why nothing is there for me - I've tried different characters, used the icon at the top left of the screen to access the store, tried o, tried the Trading Post in LA, Mistlock Sanctuary, WvW and PvP areas all with the same result.

  5. For some reason since last night whenever I go to the Trading Post it is empty with no options to do anything, just an empty screen (although Gem Store is fine). This started last night, I've since logged out/back in again, tried a different character, restarted the GW2 client, restarted the PC, left the PC off over night and logged in again today, and it's still the same, any ideas?


    ![](http://www.llamedos.co.uk/gw079.jpg "")



  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"ShaunIOW.1672" said:

    > > If the sigils were just for the armour skins I wouldn't give a toss as it's ugly and I'll never use it BUT it pisses me off that the cost is preventing me completing a collection for AP's and consequently other achievements linked to it. The convergence of Sorrow II requiem is worth 10AP's and is needed for the main A Star To Guide Us mastery which is needed to complete the palawa staff collection achievement. So this issue isn't just affecting getting pointless skins but game progression, especially as the longer you play the harder it is to get AP's - its already next to impossible to get the required AP's to finish the Hellfire set without adding further hindrances.


    > The collections tied to it don’t give AP.


    > There are more than enough achievement for the episode to complete that mastery achievement without doing this one.


    10 APs for the requiem collection, and there aren't enough to finish the main mastery as some of the achievements rely on speed and dexterity which precludes me due to arthritis in my hands, so i can forget the griffin ring events and the run around one.

  7. If the sigils were just for the armour skins I wouldn't give a toss as it's ugly and I'll never use it BUT it pisses me off that the cost is preventing me completing a collection for AP's and consequently other achievements linked to it. The convergence of Sorrow II requiem is worth 10AP's and is needed for the main A Star To Guide Us mastery which is needed to complete the palawa staff collection achievement. So this issue isn't just affecting getting pointless skins but game progression, especially as the longer you play the harder it is to get AP's - its already next to impossible to get the required AP's to finish the Hellfire set without adding further hindrances.

  8. Add me to the list as well, I lost 5 devices, but what made it even more annoying was I never noticed that they'd gone and when I didn't get recordings after doing some event thought it was more bugs and didn't realise that the devices had disappeared, add to that the two days previous I'd wasted hours waiting for the events to start and they never did.


    Will we be getting the devices restored or do we have to redo the heart to buy more? As I don't want to waste time and crystals then get devices restored that are then useless.

  9. Totally agree, I have 6 characters that only need the exotic weapon to drop to complete them, but with my luck with drops I doub't I'll get them to drop and they're way to expensive on the TP as i don't have much gold as I hate grinding and farming and like playing the game by following missions and quests. The weapons should be availble through quests/missions like the other items and like the HoT specilized weapons collections were. The collections were a very good way of getting ascended weapons without having to grind or farm for gold, as they could be earned just by playing thre game, but now that is ruined.

  10. New Specilized Weapons Collections:


    What idiot thought it would be a good idea to make one of the items a very rare drop and consequenlty an expensive TP purchase? Especially as once bought and bound is useless as it is replaced by an ascended weapon. I hate farming/grinding and like to earn things through actually playing the game and doing missions/quests for things like with the original Specilized Weapons Collections in HoT which gave a way to get ascended weapons without grinding/farming or being rich. I have 6 characters now that each need a rare drop to complete the collection or I need lots more gold than I have to buy them and that sucks big time - as do the standards of drops I get.

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