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Posts posted by Zenakou.7853

  1. I didn't mean those skins specifically, I was just throwing out ideas to make map completion or revisiting some old areas more exciting. Tribal, Orrian, Ceremonial etc. are easily bought of course, but sexier weapons like Infinite Light or Spirit Links are not. They could of course adjust the caliber of item I just would like specific rewards tied to some maps like you see in other games.

  2. Why doesn't ANet tie some specific weapons and such to certain maps? It is not game breaking for players to map complete the straits of Devastation and receive an Orrian weapon of their choice. Revamping map rewards would encourage players to revisit old maps and play for certain weapons or items they like. It also would not be difficult to exoticize some rewards such as the Shiverpeak and Krytan sets. It is a common complaint that loot is too randomized in this game which I agree with. If players know for certain that they're guaranteed an Etched weapon or a Corrupted weapon from completing Frostgorge then they absolutely will carrot on the stick those maps.

  3. Land spear would be a great idea, a simple auto attack chain could feature

    Spear swipe: strike target for x damage

    Vicious attack: strike target for x damage and inflict 2 stacks of vulnerability

    Maiming attack: strike target for x damage and inflict cripple for 2 or 3 seconds


    Elementalist wielding fist weapon auto chain could be

    Burning jab: strike target for x damage

    Flaming hook: strike target for x damage and grant 2 stacks of might

    Double dragon: strike target twice for x damage and burn for 2 or 3 seconds

    Fist 2 "bed of coals" stomp the ground and unleash burning hot coals that strike nearby targets for x damage and cause burning for 1-3 seconds

    Fist 3 "dragon's tail" perform a flaming sweep attack that does x damage and cripples foes for 2 seconds

    Fist 4 "burning uppercut" perform a flaming uppercut that knocks foes upward and delivers x damage

    Fist 5 "starburst" shadow step to target and deliver x damage and cause burning for 2 seconds


    Mesmer wielding orb auto chain:

    Chaos bolt: shoot a bolt of energy at foe

    Chaos blast: shoot a second bolt of energy at foe

    Chaos explosion: deliver damage to foe and inflict 1 stack of confusion for x seconds

    Orb 2 "blackout" strike foe with chaos magic and cause blindness

    Orb 3 "shame" strike foe and immobilize for 1 sec

    Orb 4 "phantasmal sorcerer" summon an illusion that strikes foes with chaos magic and inflicts chill

    Orb 5 "wastrel's collapse" deliver x damage to foe and pull them to you


    Guardian wielding a scythe auto chain"

    Zealous sweep: strike foe for x damage

    Lacerating sweep: strike for x damage and inflict 2 stacks of bleeding

    Radiant scythe: strike for x damage and grant 2 stacks of might

    Scythe 2 "rending sweep" strike foe and inflict 2 stacks of vulnerability

    Scythe 3 "chilling slicer" strike foe and inflict chill

    Scythe 4 "smiter's boon" strike foe and remove 2 boons

    Scythe 5 "purifying ward" deliver damage to nearby foes and place a symbol on the ground that removes 1 condition from nearby allies for 3 seconds


    Those are just some examples of skills I think could fit some new weapons while being somewhat in line with the theme of each class.

  4. I would love it if this bill came to pass and ANet had to cease using BLC I hate them with a passion. Playing a gambling game just to get a skin I want is arduous and frustrating. Many players have all said for years that ANet should just sell us what we want. Bundle the gargoyle or phoenix weapon sets for like 5-10 bucks and let players buy the bundle and unlock EVERY skin. I guarantee players would spend way more money in the gem store if they could simply purchase what they want instead of gambling on these idiotic loot boxes.

  5. I agree completely. I was thinking about that the other day myself. Adding new weapon types would expand gameplay and bring some freshness back to the game. GW2 prides itself on customization so adding more weapon types would further allow more players to do that. I would like to see orbs, tomes, fists/claws, scythes, chakrams, or whips for examples.

  6. I like conquest the problem is as others have mentioned is that is has grown especially stale because the objectives never change and solo queuing is horrible. Why ANet caved into the minority and removed 5 man queues is still a mystery to me because they really killed a lot of PvP interest with that decision. We could have some pseudo guild teams going at it in conquest had they not made that idiotic decision. I would love to see GvG return like it was in GW1 with trying to capture the enemy's base and having a large map to fight on. GW2's combat is perfect for a 10 v 10 or 8 v 8 type of situation for that to occur.

  7. Elite skills are a joke indeed. In GW1 WoH, GoL, or boon prot were defined by their elites. Time warp while useful has a 180 second cool down lol I use it sometimes for fun, but for serious comp it's way to useless for a 10 second quickness buff. SoH also sucks balls 180 cd for a transformation and some condi buff whoopteedo. Elite skills are so trash in GW2 it's quite disappointing really. I wish we could leave them off since nobody builds around elite skills like we did in GW1.

  8. They hardly sell direct bundles or skins. Players should be allowed to solely purchase the items they want instead of gambling on the BLC. If players want to convert a ton of gold to gems to unlock the entire zodiac skin collection then they should have that choice. I personally don't believe we should have to spend let's say 20 bucks on gems just to get a chance to unlock a zodiac sword when I can spend said 20 dollars on the entire zodiac collection and unlock them all.

  9. ANet why don't you allow us to just directly purchase the items we want? Why does ANet not just bundle a collection like the phoenix skins or gargoyle skins for example and just sell them to us for 600-800 gems? I think a lot more players would be apt to spend money in the gem store if they can just directly buy what they want instead of spending a lot of money on stupid BLC keys in hopes of unlocking the skins they want through the wardrobe. I've been playing for some years now and I'm still confused about why we have the RNG instead of direct purchases? I think the micro money they make from BLC key sales and what not would pale in comparison to the amount of money players would spend on items they actually want. Anybody else think so?

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