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Posts posted by chedder.6302

  1. i run axe torch pistol in wvw with blink decoy and arcane thievery dueling bottom middle top and chaos top middle middle and mirage top bottom top its fun its a bit more aggressive but fun

  2. Semi experienced chrono can tank or off chrono

    Have gotten kills on all bosses w1-w4


    Have not done melee deimos and skipped greens only once for vg

    Hoping to learn w5

    Uses Discord

    Looking for a start time of 1am est because thats when i get home


    Account name: chedder.6302

  3. > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

    > There has been a lot of discussion about the player “evaluation.” We already use play hours to determine population status of a world. With this system, moving people around ever two months we would like to track a few more things that can help us distribute players more effectively. One thing we are looking at tracking is commanding. Commanders are a big part of WvW no matter if your prefer scouting, roaming, running with a havoc squad or the zerg. Commanders are not the only piece to the WvW puzzle but they are a big piece. We would use commander time and squad sizes to determine a scaler to that commander players play time. For example, these are not the real values but I am not even a full cup of coffee in so for my sake I am going to make the math easy, PlayerA, PlayerB and PlayerC all play for roughly 100 hours a week. PlayerA commands smaller havoc squads, PlayerB is a PUG zerg commander, and PlayerC does not command. For all the time a commander is commanding squads let us say of more than two and less than size ten we’ll count those hours at a one and a half times multiplier and higher than ten we’ll count it at two times. If Player A were always commanding, in the small squad range, while playing their time, adjusted hours would be 150 hours. If PlayerB were always commanding, in the large squad range, while playing, their adjusted hours would be 200. Since Player C did not command their hours, remain the same at 100. Doing this can help us get more even matches. WvW is not completely a number of bodies game. A hundred veteran players will always beat a hundred casual players.


    Why would you punish those who lead? I agree that wvw needed to change because its stagnate and something like this is honestly the best way to do it but, why say hey youre bring the wvw community together on your server were going to punish you for that whilst ignoring the fact you can pin down run the same thing and make it harder for your server to play together. This boggles my mind. You guys have a good chance of revitalizing wvw but you also have 1 shot at it.

  4. Sometimes you have to apply the old Lego method of rebuilding in which you must destroy what you created to rebuild it better. As someone who specialized it small ops/havoc this is the change wvw needed.


    For better match pairing allow guilds to specify the amount of people they run on average to br paired against other guilds of similar size in the same time zone.


    Also commander tag time isnt going to be a good source of information because people will command with out a tag.

  5. WvW was on a down turn since sor dissipated after season 1....there was never really a third server threat for t1 then everyone got bored.....im sitting on bg and 90% of the players i used to play with dont play/are on another server now. Nobody cares because there is no thrill anymore and theres just no more real rivalry.


    Also i think the shield generators make sieging and defending keeps dumb.

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