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Posts posted by Canakun.8031

  1. In my view, there are two main things that contribute to Revenant being impractical in PvP and to a lesser extent WvW.

    First is the energy system. Thief works with their similar system because it's only their weapon skills that use energy. Their utilities are on cooldowns (like revs) but aren't restricted to the use of energy. Making this change for revenant would be the first step, in my opinion.

    Upkeep skills don't need to change (impossible odds, embrace the darkness, etc.) Leave those as upkeep skills because it plays into the class in a good way. But all the other utility skills should be free from any energy cost, as they already have a cooldown.


    Second is the legend system. It's far, far too restrictive in PvP. Any semblance of a build right now needs to take Mallyx for the condition management. I tried power herald in PvP for a couple of hours, and the only games I won I was taking glint/mallyx, because the resistance was far too important.

    I don't know how it would be changed, but there needs to be some system put in place where our legend skills can be swapped in and out regardless of what legend we're using. Whether that means we turn our legends into passive effects, or what, I don't know. But currently the legend system is the most restrictive aspect of the class and IMO contributes a lot to why this class is so underpowered.

  2. Hi. i'm looking for an OCX raid team to focus on full raid clears weekly.

    I have experience with all encounters up to the new wing.

    My current class roster is as follows:

    Chrono - support dps

    Berserker - condi dps/banners

    Firebrand - condi dps

    Druid - healer/support

    Soulbeast - condi dps


    I'm currently looking to expand my roster to include Chronomancer tank & Dragonhunter power.

    With this in mind, I'm looking for a semi-serious OCX raiding group (static, progression team, etc). that is looking to fill it's ranks.

    Please reply to this message, or contact me in game to discuss.


  3. Hey guys. It's insane how much conversation my post has started here.

    I'd like to clear a few things up regarding my story.


    First of all, to the person saying I should be out playing with my dog instead of trying to get a mount that resembles him, that dog is sadly no longer with me.

    To the rest of you, I don't think of myself as an expert on gambling or addiction or anything, really. I was just sharing my story. For me, I kept buying 'just one more' to have a roll on the reward that I wanted. It was the same feeling and the same urge that I had when using a machine at my local. Whether it is or isn't gambling to me is irrelevant. I spent money on something because there was a chance that I'd get something I wanted. That's all there is to it. Arguing the semantics doesn't really help me. And I get that people are trying to convince me that because it 'isn't TECHNICALLY gambling' I haven't actually relapsed. I appreciate the thought, but the reality is that I just opened my wallet to roll the dice. And that's what I've been recovering from. That's all that matters.

  4. I can't see any threads so if there is another one covering this topic please feel free to move it there.

    I'd like to share a bit of a story with you all. I'm not looking for sympathy or for pity but I just need this out here.

    I'm a 'recovering' gambling addict. Recovering is in inverted commas because I think I just relapsed.

    GW2 has been my home since it was in beta. I've always found solace in this game. It's helped me relax, unwind, recover and generally just cope with my anxiety and stress and inability to manage my funds efficiently.

    I've always loathed the idea of lootboxes. I think a lot of the current gaming culture is incredibly anti-consumer. I was always so happy that GW2 tended to lean away from that sort of thing.

    Then I logged on today and saw I could get a Jackal mount skin that looked like my actual dog. I didn't even think about what was happening. But before I could stop myself I'd bought enough gems to get 8 of those mount packs. I opened them (I actually got the mount I wanted) and after the dust had settled I realised that I had just ruined 5 years of gambling addiction recovery on an online game.

    GW2 I cannot express to you how sad I am to know that I cannot use this game as a tool in my recovery and rehabilitation anymore. I don't know where I'm at or what to do.

    Lootbox gambling is disgusting. Please don't repeat this mistake with future releases. Please. I beg you.

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