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Posts posted by Serotoninjunkie.4162

  1. Hey community. I've recently stumbled upon this thread and I too have a wish I'd really like to be fulfilled, as some sort of christmas present. Over the years I've amassed over a hundred blacklion chests, but keys are quite hard to come by, so:

    I'd really like to have 100 keys. Right now I'm at 0/100

    Every single key donation would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I'm on the EU server.

    Thank you for even considering helping out.

  2. First of all I absolutely love that skin, I bought it immediately, even though it's quite expensive, which in my case says a lot, but there is a teeny tiny gripe I have with it and it's about the eye colour. You can't dye the eyes, they're always grey. My suggestion would be to tie the eye colour to the dye channel which affects the skin pattern of the mount. Other than that I can only say that this skin was an unexpected, early christmas present for me.

  3. This is a pretty minor suggestion, but how about adding some more idle animations for ranger pets. Cats stretching, canines rolling on their backs and the like and more interaction with the player character. I find them a bit lacking right now, especially compared to mount animations.

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