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Posts posted by Sabs.3962

  1. Throwing my two cents to toot again on couple times already requested items...


    This sounds great, but I do wish as well to be able to control which legendary footsteps I could use.

    Even if it was as simple as just choosing which of the currently active legendaries footsteps you currently use.

    Silver tier would be to have the first but also the ability to turn them on and off as well.

    Gold-tier would be to be able to have both footsteps from both feet.

    Platinum tier is all of the before-mentioned options as something I could control from said lege templates.

  2. Quick photo edit... Not really art, but idk where else to post.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/3SY8XRV.jpg "")


    I love exord anims. But I wish I could theme around it just a little more. So I thought it'd be neat if it changed colours a bit depending on which prof. wieds it. This comes from a place of: Love using it on my necro, but the cyan/orange ain't cutting it for my edgy dark-green look.

  3. I recommend skipping to the ending of this comment as it's just alot of personal venting.





    This discussion is pretty much literally why I started GW2 in the first place. (GW2 player from the launch) Casual mmo with no worries in the world as to what you can play. In a way I think GW2 having been my first mmo was a mistake, but I like to think I've grown abit as a player of games like these aswell as having obtained a little more of a understanding on other MMO's aswell. (Played FFXIV and WoW umong other nexon f2p stuff) Albeit py perspective is one from the eyes of a person who first started GW2 over others.


    To this day, it is unbelievably tiring to see behaviour even in fractals where if you fail a boss once, people fuck off. Ridiculous, but a fact of life is that self-important people are gonna be around us no matter how the devs design their game. Online games are like that. (I mean we as people could just... you know, not be dicks?) Raids weren't even supposed to have come to the game initially, thing is though. Almost everyone was happy about the addition to the game, as nothing within it provided good enough of an endgame loop.


    I haven't even raided yet because I'm terrified of kill proofs, insights or other stupid shit people do to justify their assholery with (Listen to my jaded ass). I kinda just wish it wasn't a "performance" thing. Folks playing the most optimal-numbered dps spec and then clammering about how other people refuse to "improve" their gameplay. It really just sounds too dang cold to say that. Ffs, it'd sure be great to just enjoy the game as you like. (Yes I know you can play literally anything anywhere except maybe raids)


    I can agree with OP hoping there was an LFG section which catered to non-meta mindset. But I'd actually rather suggest that maybe it'd be nice to have a section for players who wanna have their first raid impressions by themselves. "Blind lfg" or "hard way" - "LFG for those who want to learn it the hard way and don't care about dying more than 500 times to figure shit out." Rather than a youtube video? (Games shouldn't require databases to play)


    That said, I'm not really so thoughtless that I'd try and force my way in to this content on my own rights asking to be carried. This content has been designed for people with a time investment to do so. It is hard. I just wish that it didn't become a wall for the community to surpass. I've seen people (including myself not too long ago) who still haven't even set foot in raids because they didn't realize that they can squad up without a commander tag... I'm airheaded ok.


    It's content that's meant to be played for fucksakes, but there's all this jargon in lfg's that probable majority have no idea what it means, people acting way too busy if they can't just play without their excel spreadsheets and schedules open on a second screen, players who are too scared of the content and then accuse other players who do have the time and investment to actually play the raids.


    Once again, comment of a nobody on the internet. But still, if there was anything I wanted to say with this vent... Maybe just break out my own can of worms about all these tideous unnecessary extra entry barriers that really annoy me. Meta and raids are going be hand in hand. You don't get around it, because people will always figure out what's the best type combo generally. Even if it was off of a dumb website or just by playing the game.





    Tl;Dr - It's hard content that's meant to be played! Challenges are supposed to be surpassed. Can everyone (all sides of this discussion) just forget their bullshit and play the game together without being obnoxious about it?

  4. Yup, been trying some stuff to improve as per suggested but doesn't seem to do the trick. I even tried some stuff like fiddle with the graphics settings. Thinking maybe it was caused by the LOD or something else of the sort? No change either way.


    Gonna post another screen, though this is from amnoon which generally has a heavier strain. Nonetheless, this is roughly after 1-2mins of loading.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ca9xlDB.jpg "")


  5. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Qy1q6sX.jpg "")




    Pretty much as it states. I feel like there's been some kind of optimization or graphical update. But along with any subtle improvance on my fps, loadtimes went from some 20seconds to 1 minute or longer aswell as maps loading incredibly slow/not loading at all. (granted i do have an old-ish hdd, but none of these problems were apparent until few days back.)


    I attempted few options from repairing the client, defragmenting my harddrive, hell even reinstalled gw2 clean, so as to make sure there weren't any corruptions.. Which actually seemed to fix the problem.. It was nice to see that Lion's Arch had been (seemingly) better optimized to drawcall all of the city assets before entering the game. As my last reference of LA was long loadtime and assets taking few seconds to fully load in.


    That said, this issue seems abit jumbly. I couldn't find anyone else having similiar problems in recent days or weeks. My guess would be that if there is something broken it would've come with the Winter's Day update? But, again I can't really say.


    So I'm now mostly just wondering if anyone else is having similiar issues currently. (Could it be increase of traffic due to WD?) Also raporting in case there might've been some kind of technical hiccup causing these issues. Whatever it is, I'd hope to get clarity, suggestions or a fix to this problem.


    I am still looking for the right time to put a little more investment in to my rig, but I'd rather do it later and mainly because of a overall need, rather than to fix a game that's been working fine up until now. : )


    Leaving pic of the issue in Gendarran Fields. The game eventually loaded in as I started typing this post, but that took roughly 5 mins or so, not even mentioning that the loading screen took about 2-3mins.






  6. > @Therzin.5894 said:

    > This is pretty amazing. If this was available as a large print, I'd probably buy it and hang it up.


    Thanks for your nice words! I don't know if I can do anything about the size, but I can give it a look. See if I can further this piece somehow. Make it bigger y'know.


    > @yoshifreak.7526 said:

    > That's looks awesome! They all look so menacing in shadow like that. The guy in the middle kind of looks a bit like Braham, and I could totally picture him trying to take on all 6 elder dragons at once. Solo. :p


    Glad you like that. Took me a while to get the values somewhat right, even though I still think the balance is a bit off and it is slightly cluttered. Nonetheless, improvance happens through practice. As well as giving how tricky multiple light sources are, I'm content with the result! Also a lot of people seem to see Braham there, I get it as the dude does look like him. Not to mention though this image is slightly metaphorical, taking all of them at once seems to fit the kind of idiocy he's been pulling in LW since we last saw him.. I'll have to show reference of my character which the guy in the middle is based off of!


    Admitting slight feeling of narcissism for just using my own character, but I kinda did want to encapsulate my feelings about the overall story. Despite Elder Dragons being somewhat vague as villains.. I love monsters and their influence and presence in the story inspires me in just the right way.

  7. > @Kyano.1652 said:

    > I get fantasy book cover vibes from this. It's a dark piece but not to the point where the details are hidden in complete shadow; great bounce light. Awesome work!


    Glad you feel that way. This was abit of a value study for me aswell. I feel I've managed well, but in all honesty I feel it's slightly cluttered and the flow though somewhat works, could've had more focus on the hero character in the center. Nonetheless, glad I've seemed to overall hit the proper marks. Thanks for your comment!

  8. > @Fundor.2098 said:

    > I love it. Haven't seen any art of all the six Elder Dragons together before, even though the idea is perfect.

    > You managed to capture this "The Commander against the forces of nature" -theme so well! The dragons look threatening, the colors are wonderful and the commander character looks so brave, standing there alone! Also, I love the way you picture Bubbles.

    > **This is a masterpiece.**


    Thanks ever so much! The forces of nature feel is what I wanted to establish with this one definately! Also glad you like bubbles, I always did envision that guy to have a very bioluminscent deep sea, almost ghostly fish vibe. That + a little bit of extreme sharks.

  9. ![](https://i.imgur.com/g8yVOZ9.jpg "")


    Hopefully this is in the right place?


    Really I dunno if nothing else to it, Felt like drawing some Elder Dragons! I guess why not post.. them too?

    Bubbles and Jormag are a free interpretation, but atleast something to fill in all of the 6.


    Might post more stuff if anything else turns out neat.

    Feedback is always welcome! That's all, thanks. Have a good evening, morning, day..!

  10. Really don't post on forums much, but gotta pitch in - The opinion of a nobody on the internet. The price does not fit the bill here. At all. That said, from developer standpoint. This is umong the most efficient methods of distribution in relation to the fact that we are for the better part of it, enjoying a game that is already free to play. Saying this while having bought even the core game and both xpacs at full price point of about 50-60.


    I think fans of the game honestly have to stop getting so prissy over this kind of stuff. Games are entertainment, not something to blow all the fuses over. Internet easily allows us to say some insane shit. So rather than having shitfit, I hope that we as players can show trust in developers to do a right thing here. After all, no matter how much we curse on changes we don't like, it's the very same devs who still brought this very good (I mean say what you will, but you are too here posting about it.) standard pushing title for us.


    Now all the ugly spats aside aswell as me attempting good heartfelt understanding.. I'm aswell at a disbelief over this kind of distribution. No matter how conventional this is in business or development side. I actually am very upset about this kind of policy. No matter how much I would justify any standpoint, I will preach the choire that this is something I'm unwilling to do. I mean if it remains as it is, be that way then. Not my call, but I know that I feel good about supporting devs with abit of extra sheckles here and there. (Saying this allthewhile I've spent quite alot of extra for vanity here my guys.)


    So as much as I'd love to, I can't in good comfort throw away 10 for such a small slice of the cake. If I'm gonna get these things. I want to feel like I actually bought something I feel confident is a fair trade. You know, for a nice game like this here I'm happy to throw few buckerinos at them so as to endorse what I want more.


    Even small RNG I'm ok with. Maybe the tuning is off here. Not gonna claim any outstanding suggestions here but what if instead of 2 randoms, different bundles which for example unlock 5 random skins for a specific mount I want so as to even my odds to get something cool or let me choose a ticket which unlocks 3 completely different skins for 3 different mounts. Or maybe a "legendary" ticket which unlocks one of the really cool ones for certain. Just suggestions and I'm kinda sensing someone might just choke me for even saying it, but hey. Really just how I feel about this.


    Tl;Dr - This kinda blows. Knowing Anet, I feel they could make even something like rng drops into something I don't feel ripped off over. I'm ok with businesses needing to make money, but even that small little section to offer a customer, (in my case very long-standing customer) an offer I feel good paying money for or still with good comfort turn down.


    This, not to even talking about the 2k (I love the skin, all the kudos to the modeler!) gem one makes me feel very bamboozled.

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