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Posts posted by Karnasis.6892

  1. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > You also seem to be nerfing Deadeye when the concern is actual builds to be too good for Thief, like condi DD or sword DD, not cheese builds which will now be gutted to unviability when the backstab build folded to any tanky target. My concern being that balancing is done from the bottom up instead of from the top down.


    I mean, you said it right there "cheese builds". Anything that is truly awful to fight because it can't be beaten by player skill on any class. My personal thoughts would be like Perma stealth Deadeye. Yes it can be beaten, but you have to somehow be a god tier player (or just very lucky) to catch them imo. I'm an average player and I can't beat it. However I am also playing the wrong class to be able to compete with them (mesmer). My understanding is necros have a really good chance to take em out, but even then it's not a guarantee.


    permastealth is bleh imo just in general, no matter the class.

  2. > @"fixit.7189" said:

    > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > So.... for the OP.... when do you play. I see lots of people in T4 NA >.>


    > good old t4 where we flip t3 keeps, towers, camps, garrison, and even SMC with 12 or less people: no one comes to defend b/c the other servers are dead at that time. conversely, the same thing happens to us when our 16 hour dead zone comes about. ya, when i play there is barely anyone around which isn't much fun. but that's just me.


    But, you aren't answering the question. The question is "When does he play?" because it matters. Yes, on most NA servers, NA is stacked pretty hard, but outside that timezone there is a lower population for sure. Which is why he thinks it's dead. It's not, I've played at OCX and EU times through out the week and typically it picks up quick, but there is definite lulls between those times.


    But I've been linked to BG in the past and been in some of the higher tiers that basically have sizable groups running at different times.

  3. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > WvW is not a PvPvE mode, it's a large scale (3 servers) PvPvP siege game mode. The NPC lords are just a time gate to allow defense, this is why a keep lord can be soloed, they are not meant to be strong, but waste time for people to try and defend/respond.


    "World versus World (also known as WvW) is a combination Player versus Player/Player versus Environment game mode where players from three different worlds (which can involve 6+ servers), battle in the Mists." - GW2 Wiki


    While it's not obviously the main focus of WvW, it absolutely IS PvPvE


  4. > @"Timelord.8190" said:

    > WvW went downhill with HoT, no doubt. The WvW team is clueless.


    > I just want to remove all the unbalanced defender's advantage garbage they added with HoT and the game would be much better. Keep aura buff and bloodlust buff. It's a very bad game design which leads to stale boring scenarios where people don't even try taking keeps anymore. Roaming is now pretty much dead because of all the sensor towers and mounts that make the enemy blob able to react faster and avoid fights.


    I have NO idea when you are actually playing, but yeah..... that's not true. Taking keeps is attempted or happens all the time. I spent like an hour and half the other night defending a keep on an enemy bl that we managed to t3 up AND was being hit from the other two servers. And we fought in it with multiple walls down, no supply coming in. And held it for a long time until the multiple guilds defending just gave up.


    So yeah, for "No one" trying to take keeps anymore, you might want to get your facts straight.


    Also, roaming isn't dead because of sensor towers and mounts. Roaming still happens even with those things. But it's seen as less necessary because every server ignores the towers until they are t3 or have been claimed long enough to HAVE a watchtower tactic placed in it to allow a quick response. If you deal with the problem of the tower being claimed long enough, you deal with quick response.

  5. Oh boy, I really thought we were out of the woods on these mounts threads. Hadn't seen one pop up for like... a week or two. Lol.


    Honestly, and I keep having to say this, when the dismount skill comes... it probably will solve some of the "issues". I'm sorry but you'll just have to deal for now with the "issues".


    And just like another developer I know, it will get patched... eventually.


  6. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:


    > Because its a fun and interesting map to play on (more so than deset bl) with unique and non intrusive mechanics, but from a competitive stance has very little influence and very few rewards.

    > This is a valid thread.


    I've been there, it's not that interesting. Also it was never supposed to be a replacement to the WvW, it was designed to be a glorified waiting room for wvw when there were huge queues.



    > When is the last time _any_ server (server pairing, for that matter) has had all four of their maps queued?


    Not for a long time... honestly they could remove the maps and what.... 20 people or more might actually care? Eotm is just a waste of data/space at this point.





  7. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > > Yes, with 1 hp and no dodges.

    > >

    > > No, because that's ridiculous

    > >

    > > Also, thread necromancy


    > Still relevant tho, 3 months with no fix


    Doesn't need fixed, hence no fix. I mean aside from a "dismount" skill

  8. It's too late, they are here to stay. I prefer having them for every aspect of wvw. Sorry you don't like them, shame to see you go but as with all games some folks like change, others don't. Nothing to be heartbroken about.

  9. > @"Apollo.7819" said:


    > I highly doubt Alliances will happen. For Alliances to work and not be terrible they will have to make WAY bigger maps even bigger than Desert BL. They will also have to setup whole new servers because they are taking 24 servers and compressing it down to 3. Also they will have to increase the WvW Population limit by a lot or WvW will always have massive Qs. And right now i doubt the servers are stable enough to hold all of those people based on how low the Population limit is now. Plus not to mention even on a good computer I get like 10 fps when the blobs get big so imagine that by like 10 fold.


    I dunno where you are getting the impression they are making only 3 servers from 24. Based off what the official posts (possibly outdated but with no updates we dunno) I think they were looking into a cap of 500 players per alliance so no one alliance can force a Blackgate situation into existence as there will be other alliances potentially that large. Also in addition to that they were looking into alliance locks so that if you want to transfer alliances it wasn't instant, and you had to wait till the end of the proposed 8 week cycle (much like world linking).


    I know there are more than 500 players playing wvw, so there is a likely possibility that there will be more than 3 servers in total. Without specifics I would hazard there will be about 9 to 12 alliance servers if it ever goes live, but that's a guess based off the fact we currently have 12 host servers and not all of them are full... at the lowest I could see 6 total alliance "servers" but also keep in mind that some alliances will have less numbers than others and "pugs" could be used to fill indiscriminately holes in each alliance "server".


    As to how stable the servers are, I suspect they would be fine. They were under a much heavier load back when GW2 started then now, with EotM being a place to wait while in queue. But things have changed and I won't speak to how HoT and PoF and all the changes may or may not treat huge server loads compared to back then (I suspect now well based on how much skill lag complaints have gone up over the years)


    > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:


    > Hilarious imbalance and stale gameplay are not mutually exclusive, and adding things to contribute only further to one or the other or both does not signify any improvement.


    > Warclaw by its sheer existence dials up what made the backbone of the playerbase who left the game mode in the first place to 11.


    I mean, "hilarious imbalance" as you put it is always going to be an issue in any MMO. To this day WoW and other MMO's like it struggle with making all classes relevant in any game mode, GW2 is no different here. Someones favorite class is gonna be less desired/wanted/useful than others. And then the balance shifts and people want that class in their squad/raid/fractal party. A really good example in WvW of this is Scrapper Engi.


    However stale game play is why they added the warclaw in the first place. I can see why they chose to add a mount over say a total map overhaul or a new event of some type into WvW. Historically.... the WvW community has basically hated change. New maps (admittedly the DBL had it's issues) basically got regulated to one BL instead of all 3, and there was potential that we would lose the dbl forever because people didn't like change. There were other minor things they tried but ultimatly many of those ideas never came to light.


    So they tried making a "small" change and like always the WvW community basically said before they even announced it they didn't want it. These same people who cry about a stale boring game mode that never gets change. I wonder why that is......

  10. > @"Sinester.3572" said:

    > Why is FA and CD working together to kill HOD, FA zerg is protecting CD while they take the stuff and they dont fight each other this is supouse to be WvWvW, not w and w v W


    The question is : Why does it matter, it's not like if roles were reversed HoD wouldn't do the same thing back to either FA or CD?

  11. > @"Apollo.7819" said:


    > Warclaw is the most unskillful thing added to WvW. If you are fighting outnumbered Warclaw makes it so you can never win most of the time because they either have someone sitting on their warclaw the whole fight waiting for a stomp or they run back from spawn for the 10th time and get a random stomp. Also mounts dont even work in WvW the maps are way too small and it just promotes mindless zerging. The only class that can dismount right now is Soulbeast every other class has to waste every Cooldown on 10-12k hp on Warclaw. Sure you might get a dismount but then you just die or have to run away because you have to use all of your abilities.


    I dunno, I've been dismounted by a gunflame warrior out of no where and he put up really good fights after the fact. Soulbeast isn't the only build that can dismount a player off mounts, it's just the easiest.

  12. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > One helps the outnumber, other helps the outnumbered. How your comment has 4 likes idek, it is pretty obvious.


    Honestly both help the outnumber more then the outnumbered, however at least with no downstate the outnumbered have a chance of doing something to the folks outnumbering them.

  13. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:


    > Typical "fite crew" expecting you to push when they outnumber you; when people are asking why people aren't coming to fight them, this is what happens.


    I mean, it's a waste of their time when you won't leave the boundaries of your keep. Here's how this would go down, they push into you and either one of 5 things will happen here. Also I assume that's you and not a random youtube vid.


    1. You try to fight back, get killed

    2. You "fight" just enough to annoy them and run into the keep so you won't die

    3. They push into you and you just run because they outnumber you.

    4. They get bored and set up siege to force you to come to them

    5. They get bored and just leave.


    Also, keep in mind that had nothing to do with Warclaw. Which was nice XD

  14. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > Except WvW is a dedicated PvP mode, why should it make a difference whether it is a game or a gamemode?


    "World versus World (also known as WvW) is a combination Player versus Player/Player versus Environment game mode where players from three different worlds (which can involve 6+ servers), battle in the Mists." - GW2 Wiki.


    Both PvP and PvE is acceptable, but both will intersect at some points.


    Also to answer the question whether why it should make a difference between a DEDICATED GAME and a game mode is that the game is DESIGNED from the ground up to be a pvp game, everything that is made from maps to weapons, to classes/builds/pick 10 systems, etc. Balance is designed around that pvp game.


    MMO's however, especially GW2 was designed initially to be a PvE game first, and PvP second. Proof of this is a) the fact mounts were added to PvE before WvW. b) Balance has happened and will probably continue to happen based of PvE issues (though they have slowly been splitting skills occasionally). And c) That WvW gets a little attention, but the attention it does get is from a very small core of GW2 devs.


    > Except it didn't take longer to find someone to interact with, because you could interact with others while traveling.


    Really? Because I've crossed maps without seeing people BEFORE mounts, I've also seen people run away BEFORE mounts when they have seen me. No interaction. I've actually gotten more interaction with other players SINCE the mount has come out.


    > You keep saying that WvW wasn't made for 1v1ns but WvW wasn't made for PvE ktrains or brainless farming either, WvW is a PvP mode first and foremost, the devs said it themselves, it just fails to deliver the intended result. WvW was supposed to be big battles over castles and towers and smallscale fights over ruins and camps, not a monoblob ktrain avoiding enemy contact with the farming pips while some players just press 1 vs camps and then WP out when they see an enemy, this sadly is the majority of WvW right now, heck, even in other MMO's WPvP is mostly roaming the way i do.


    I never said it wasn't for 1v1's, however if that's all your doing, only looking for fights and doing nothing else then you might as well be just in sPvP, not WvW. In fact sPvP has MORE fights than in wvw since aside from capping a point you fight, a lot. If you bunker on a point you will get fights XD.


    You also assume that there is ONLY blobs. I was running a rally with my guild last week where I didn't blob up with them at all. I scouted, roamed, took camps and got lots of 1v1's and 2v2 fights with no blob in sight. I had 0 issues, and had MORE fights than I would have had I not had the mount because I covered more ground than I would have pre-mount. Also, got dismounted by a warrior a lot more often than I did from soulbeasts on my time playing during that rally. I also dismounted and attacked others with no issues on a condi mes. But you might want to try ACTUALLY roaming.



  15. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > I was sarcastic, compared to dedicated PvP games this game is dead, wierd you didn't see that. I quit WoW a long time ago for being a bad game lol, just an arbitrary grind to keep you paying sub no ty. Warmode also sounds like kitten yes.


    You keep comparing GW2 to a dedicated pvp game. That's your first mistake, once you realize that GW2 ISN'T, and has never been, a dedicated pvp game you might be able to see anothers point of veiw on the warclaw and wvw as a whole. Also, in what world do you think WvW is dead, it hasn't died. You think it has becuase of this notion "you don't get fights anymore". But I've seen more new players and some vets coming back because of the changes, not in spite of them.


    > Also why would i see less players if i could also see players before while moving to objectives instead of just at objectives?


    Because of the time it took to cross the map between objectives was longer, therefore you were less likely to see someone you could interact with. Also because of that time frame, your opponents had a longer length of time to avoid you. Having the mount shortens that time of running cross map and potentially running into another player to interact with.

  16. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > This is simply not true because any player running past you with a warclaw would have been a possible fight before so there must have been more fights before, i see more poeple run past me than i have actual fights which means my total amount has been lowered by over half, just not worth playing this garbage when there is better games.


    Lol, so you don't have people running back to try to stop you from doing things? Before you'd kill someone and then they wouldn't get back to you quickly. And now they can, which increases the amount of fights you have. If people are running past you and you don't even try to stop them or grab their attention that's on you. Also, I never understand why people who don't play games they used to play still post on forums of a game they don't care about anymore.


    > >A game that allows poeple to not fight when they join a open PvP mode simply is bad, look at all popular PvP games, none offer that, now look how popular WvW/Gw2 is in comparison.


    You know GW2 isn't a pvp game right. Comparing a strictly pvp game vs a singular game mode in an MMO isn't a good comparison.


    > >Why do you think a well-made competitive fun and interactice PvP game requires heavy handholding and carebearing when reality shows otherwise? 99% of poeple who play MMO's for world PvP play for the exact same reason as me, they want to run around and kill random poeple.


    Again, GW2 isn't an open world pvp game. WvW HAS pvp, but isn't ONLY pvp. If you want that pvp game style, play sPvP.


  17. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > I have considered that i myself have never tpd out of any fight ever and even try to flee but never tp.


    So because you've never done it no one should? Wow.... some people don't want to waste their own time, and if it bothers you that they just tp away from you before a fight then I guess they win? That also didn't answer what I mentioned before, that you might be trying to get fights during a low pop time of play. For example, on many servers OCX has WAY less players on some servers, so finding a fight during that time is a lot tougher than say NA time. You could also just be playing against lower pop server. Which is a pretty good chance why you aren't getting fights all the time.


    In addition, if you log in once a day, play for 15 minutes without doing anything but looking for fights than your doing it wrong, especially at the south camps. Try the north camps, look at any that might be tiered up or look at some that have tactics. As long as those camps are being used to tier a larger objective up you might have a better chance at getting defenders to fight. But hey this is all basic roaming stuff that I doubt you tried.


    > Engaging in combat should be encouraged to avoid passive and uninteractive gameplay so it should have no downsides as engaging in combat itself provides no inherent advantage.


    There are a lot of people that disagree with you that there is no interaction since the warclaw. My experience is the opposite (for the most part), and many people I play with on a regular basis are saying the same things.







  18. > @"Anput.4620" said:


    > This is my experience most of the time, also why would i play low quality gameplay in low quantities if i can just play a good game?


    Have you considered switching servers? Have you considered that maybe you play in a low pop time zone? That the person in your "proof" is hard countered by soulbeast. Also, a well made warrior build I fought recently deals with mounts just fine (Gunflame build).


    I've gotten a lot more fights with the warclaw than without. You just have to find the right people. But hey, if you aren't playing GW2 anymore.... why does it matter to you?

  19. > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > Add the dismount, but leave it as implemented. Don't change the skill after the fact, and don't change the mount further. Anyone that's having trouble getting fights has been doing it wrong lol.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/960319


    Right because ONE camp proves your point. You only have your own "proof" to try to back up your claims. I also say your doing it wrong becuase I've been getting a ton of fights as a mes, I just stay dismounted, or dismount first. If they wanna fight they fight, if they don't, they run away. You just expect all fights all the time. You didn't adapt, you just took an awful video and tried to make it sound like that's your experience all the time. I bet it isn't, or you only log on, find out you aren't getting constant fights and log off.

  20. > @"Redponey.8352" said:

    > I dont say nerf all damage condition , it's a way to play different from power damage, but i blame it not on this way to deal damage but on the fact that damage relies on 1 attributes instead of 2 at least or 3 as power build. Actually if u compare a Power , robutness vitality build vs a condi robutness vitality build xD PRV is pretty useless because of it relies on a certain amount of attributes (precision / ferocity) to be really efficient.


    > I'm blaming the fact that we have no counter or alternative versus condi tank raids or zergs because of permapressure/permapushing , the only alternative we got is to play the same thing and it's actually no fun at all.


    You do realize that condi builds DO rely on more than one stat right? Toughness is key due to having to keep being in the thick of it to reapply their condis that keep getting cleansed/ignored. Vitality for the extra hp. Expertise is nice (not necessary though, especially with the amount of cleanses out there) and condition damage. That's 3 (or 4). Yes it's one for the actual damage, but there are other factors at play when playing a condi build. Also, you need to still know HOW to play your build and how to be effective regardless of how "easy" it is.


    Most power builds need Power, Ferocity and Precision. That's three stats, it just so happens those are 3 key stats for Power Builds.


    Regardless of build, a lot of this comes down to individual player skill and what you have fun with. I like condi builds, feel they are in a "okay" place right now. Power builds are too I think, but I don't play too many of those in WvW so others might know better than I. But I feel there is room for both in PvP/WvW. But also keep in mind there will never be a true balance between styles, but they are supposed to be different.

  21. > @"Doug.4930" said:

    > Mounts are great, I love not having to fight in a pvp game mode. Last night there was a player back capping the blood lust, but whenever I approached them they just rode away, which was excellent, i was worried I might have to fight them. But thanks to mounts fights are a much more rare occurrence and we can now all focus on what we love about wvw. The karma train. I sure hope anet don't add dismount skills, or maybe lower the mounts health and immunity to cc.


    > Wouldn't it suck if mounts were only good for out of combat movement speed, and not used as a tool to avoid having to fight anyone ever. If that happened players might actually end up having to defend themselves or hold their ground or some other ludicrous form of pvp game play. But none of us would want that, who wants to fight when you can just ride to the next pve objective and fight the pve mobs like in pve. When a player turns up just ride away to the next camp or tower.

    > Mounts are a great addition to wvw, all us wvw players who avoid pve like the plague sure do love that we don't fight players anymore.



    Then you are doing it wrong, I spent 4 hours getting into constant fights with other servers roaming on multiple maps a few days back. Mounts never changed the ability to have those fights, and actually I had MORE fights because of enemies running back to kill me faster than previously. Also, want more fights? Take stuff, defend it (not just hiding in objectives but going out to fight). I had so many bags doing that.


    Occasionally you'll get someone running from you, you really should accept that you won't get a fight EVERY time you see an enemy. I did and had a blast fighting those who wanted to. (Not duels either)

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