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  1. I wish I could make the writers see this thread, but I am not sure how much it would change at this point. I am getting really frustrated with the amount of unexplained/handwaved things in this story. I shouldn't care this much, but I've been following the game's story for years now and I wish it would respect itself as much as its fans did, because _the potential is there_. And it makes me really sad. Of course, they still have the time to resolve many of these points, but I really dread that they will not do it. They SHOULD already have started doing so. After this patch, these are the things I struggle with in particular: - There is not enough talking about magical fallout in the Icebrood Saga. Either Primordus' death or Jormag's death would mean that yet another Elder Dragon will be dead, but with all that happened in S4, it seemed like **we need at least 4 active Elder Dragons in order for Tyria not to collapse**. Yeah, that's the main reason why we went to stop Balthazar in the first place! Where has that notion gone? Has Tyria been fully healed by Aurene, to the point where we can just kill dragons as we please? If so, why was this not said? Is Aurene currently taking the roles of multiple Elder Dragons/"orbs", so more dragons can now die because Aurene is now the successor to Mordremoth, Zhaitan AND Kralkatorrik at the same time? If so, **why was this not stated?** - Which leads me to my next point. We know that Aurene is "the first of her kind", a Prismatic Elder Dragon who can absorb all the magic she damn well pleases. Okay, fine. But we were never told how this is possible. **How** is she the first of her kind? I have my theory for this, but it's just that - a theory. Don't the writers believe they should somehow tell us how Aurene came to be that special? Or what her limits are? Can she replace every last Elder Dragon and take their place? If so, that's a) a pretty cheap way to resolve everything and b) they didn't say so in the game. And now that Aurene is reluctant about even joining in on the whole Primordus vs. Jormag thing, it seems like she herself forgot about the possibility to maybe replace one of them - the necessity even. (See my first point.) Does she just want to let Primordus absorb Jormag, or vice versa? And even if so, what would that even _mean_, considering that... - Jormag and Primordus are each other's weakness. Yes, it was a big thing in Season 3, and no, it's **not come up this far in the Icebrood Saga.** No one is mentioning it - not Aurene, not the Commander, and not even Taimi, who almost doomed the world upon trying to exploit this weakness, but then figuring out that MORE DRAGONS DYING IS BAD. (See my first point.) Especially without having a replacement! (See my second point.) I was especially dismayed that the story summary of yesterday's patch claims that "we need to find Primordus' weakness", even though we should already_ know _that his weakness is Jormag, and it should cause us to completely re-evaluate what Jormag has been saying to us! - And here is my next point. Everyone seems to be underestimating Jormag in favor of making this new plot direction work. Taimi shouldn't be this careless after all she has already witnessed about the Elder Dragons. It's also a bit weird that she references what Primordus did to the Asura with such personal bitterness: She never witnessed any of those events, all she knows is the surface world, and the Asura have a pretty supreme and comfortable position in surface Tyria, especially because of their technological superiority. If anything, she should remember the destruction the OTHER dragons caused within the last decade. Caithe shouldn't be this accepting of Ryland being Icebrood after her experiences fighting the Dragonspawn in the Destiny's Edge novel, and fighting Icebrood at the Honor of the Waves. She should have been at Ryland's throat with her blade, threatening to end him if she doesn't like where the whole thing is going - but she just sort of rolls with it, just as the Asura do. Braham is put in a position where he is suddenly the paranoid one because he still cares about Jormag being manipulative and a liar. Is this really realistic? People are now contemplating that he will become Primordus' champion, but I think that would be a terrible direction and totally destroy the effort that they've put into him as a character in Season 4... Other things that bug me: - A piece of dialogue mentions that Primordus adapted to the magics from Mordremoth and Zhaitan. What does that mean, "adapted"? Shouldn't they be at war within him, as they were within Kralkatorrik? Is Primordus now a Prismatic Dragon as well? How does this not go against everything they established in Season 4? - The whole thing about Jormag and his "domain of persuasion". Jormag claims he never forcibly corrupts, yet Bangar kind of was given a role he did not want. And how has Jormag aligned his goals with that of the Frost Legion (or their goals with his), when the Frost Legion were technically created to serve Bangar, not Jormag? How are the Frost Legion currently willing soldiers of Jormag/Ryland? I just don't quite understand how all this is supposed to work. I will edit the post if I remember other issues.
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