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Posts posted by Ryou.2398

  1. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > PvE is mine and many other's preferred game mode. And from that perspective it often seems that PvE is largely ignored when it comes to balance which I feel is a mistake. A lot of classes under preform and the dominant builds tend to stay dominant for years. This creates a rather stale format. Although some like the consistency of it never or rarely changing, I don't hold that position at all.


    > Tackling new content with the same exact build I've been using for 4 years leads to long periods of fatigue with the game and short bursts of interest.


    > You could tell me to do PvP or WvW more. But those formats are extremely stressful for me. I don't like killing other players, I get no enjoyment from being killed by them myself. I prefer spectating those. And my involvement with spectating is directly linked to my enjoyment of PvE.


    > So this post is more personal feels on the issue. From my perspective, PvE is the most important part of the game. And new content is soured for me when the gameplay has stagnated for me. I enjoy a PvE experience that is evolving. And without new skills being added, balance is where I turn to to find my thrills with experimentation and adapting.


    We have been bringing this up for some years now.

  2. > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > The Frost Legion Infusion.


    > Ok, so yes some people will, and have, crafted it.

    > But this is just totally out of reach to the vast majority of the player base. Now, I get why rarity is fine for drops like the Chak Infusion and I'm fine with that. But for a crafted item? [seriously, 25,000 shards, 10,250 ecto, 12,500 Thermocatalytic Reagents and 37,500 Sand?](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Frost%20Legion%20Infusion&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&_run)


    > Now, if it's a material sink it still makes no sense to me. If it were 1/10th of the materials, then more than 10x the people would craft it at some point because it's within reach if you actually want it. But right now its over 5000g and that is only likely to go up.


    > Can anyone explain the logic behind this?



    To keep people playing of course.

  3. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > This is something that I've talked about before in other posts but I'd like to make a more solid discussion about the 9 professions and how it can be a struggle for new players to get into guild wars due to the expected roles being absent on those classes. Although i don't entirely blame Arena net for this, as the player base did act in an unpredictable way with HoT when arena net started to try and standardize things for the game so Tank and Healers could be a real thing in the game rather than different forms of support DPS and DPS. But the issues of Arena net's system as it is now it makes this problem rather difficult to solve.


    > New players when they enter into Guild wars 2 are going to have specific expectations from the classes that are presented without ever looking at this skills. Just looking at what they are and how they're described. For instance, Guardian has probably the biggest disconnect for new players and what it actually does and what its role is. What new players expect is a Tank that supports allies and possibly heals to a minor extent. And the way the game mechanics are set up the Guardian is just not really a good tank. They can play the healer/support role fine but they're primarily a DPS, and one of the best at that. I've heard storied of players joining the game to try out a Warrior or guardian to be a tank only to find out that Mesmer was the tank in almost all content which quickly turned them off. Although a novel concept for sure, because the game has such a drastic disconnect from genre expectations this is more likely to turn new players away than to keep them playing.


    > Human psychology is weird. Humans both want something different but not so different that it breaks with conventions that they would otherwise expect. And we're all like that in some way. It would be nice if most humans could just take on a new experience and just slip into it and be delighted with its uniqueness. And there are definitely people who can do that, but its absolutely not something you should rely on. Its nice if you have that strange option like a mesmer tank, but you should still have those other options, such as Guardian and Warrior tanks, be just as good at that job if not better.


    > This issue is a bit more complex than all the issues I'm going to bring up but the suggested solution I have would be to change the Aggro system from a "Who has the biggest toughness" to a threat system where all skill either generate threat or reduce your threat so the player with the highest threat level takes aggro. And to keep toughness viable have bosses and specific enemies aggroed on the threatened Ally deal greatly increased damage so toughness gear becomes a necessity. This way if you want to run a support like a chronomancer you could have their supportive skills generate very little threat making it very difficult for them to tank over something else.


    > Other issues we see are builds that are just not great in pve that have no right not to be at least viable. Minion Master Necromancer and Turret engineer both come to mind as these builds are extremely popular with new players but once they get into more difficult content they quickly find that these builds are not good and they have to abandon what it was they want to play. The Turrent engineer specifically being really bad is what got my boyfriend to quit the game because that's what he really wanted to play.


    > Even more issues is the difficulty of some classes in comparison to others that probably should be. Take Elementalist for example. Elementalist should probably have an extremely simple high damage build on their core spec, something that doesn't require too much if any attunment swapping. Yet that isn't viable and the builds that are viable are some of the most knowledge intensive in the game, requiring massive memorization of the class.


    > The last issue I see is the high number of junk utility skills. There are a lot of utility skills, weapon skills, elite skills that just go unused in PvE. Although some have use in other game modes in some cases they don't get used there either. Engineer I feel is notorious for this as if you're running them there are few utility you really want to take that you couldn't get better utility from elsewhere such as your toolbelt skills on more useful skills or even elite spec skills. Gadgets and turrets have been the target for a lot of these issues as they often struggle to keep up with Kits. Kits too have these issues where in order for the engineer to get the best use from their kits they need to effectively swap out of those kits after using 1 or 2 skills. Which leads to more new player confusion.


    > I'm not saying every aspect of the professions need to be new player friendly. More I'm saying that what new players are expected to learn and understand in the long run without having viable standard options as well as simpler options has soured the experience of far too many players I've attempted to get into the game.


    > **TLDR:**

    > * Redo the Aggro system so

    > * Make Fan favorite builds viable

    > * Offer more viable simple builds across more professions and especially core professions

    > * Rework many of the Underused or unused skills.


    The struggle is when people look into mmos they see anets history with balancing, as with most mmos, they are dying at this point in a downward spiral, hopefully we will see a rise of mmos again soon.

  4. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > @"ZipTaw.9841" said:

    > > > > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > > > > They did split all most balance changes between game modes about half a year ago Also, I disagree with this somewhat--alot of the problem is that PvE has been trivialised by power creep and honestly it could've been cut back alot too.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > People doing 30-40k DPS is exactly why we don't have build diversity. The DPS of a full support build is less than 1k. So no one's going to want to build for tank, healer or control support in encounters and throw peanuts at the enemy, and the group isn't ever going to want that either beyond the bare minimum of support needed for the encounter because why lose 4000% DPS from one person?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The competitive modes were migrating to this system too, luckily the devs put a stop to it. Nerfs are needed to keep a game healthy in all modes, and then you can do Quality of Life (QoL) sweeps to add fun things back in.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think there needs to be an overhaul to the whole of everything, health to damage ratio is way out of hand I think to an extreme, and I am going off GW2s own words. "No race or profession is unequal". We both know that those words are untrue, and by extreme I am referring to the Eles having the lowest health and is supposed to be the highest damage and yet that's not true. And then the Necro not really fitting in. Players wanting Mesmer minions killable when they're manifestations of things. These are just some of the things that are extreme examples.

    > > > >

    > > > > By rework the whole of everything. Everybody has the same health in the same equivalent gear, damage taken is different depending on armor type and such, and then rework skills to where everything is equal across the board. Then you can get out of the rut of having to use the only viable build to being able to experiment with different builds and not a cookie cutter build that not everyone is going to be proficient in to be able to do the content that they're going to miss out on.

    > > > >

    > > > > PvE and WvW should be separate from PvP only content, that's what Guildwars used to be. I say WvW too because it's usually story based and the only PvP available to lower levels and up. And that way there is no capitulating to the PvPers that generally only PvP and could care less about what it does to the PvE content that they don't do. And then you add a resilience to WvW that you wouldn't have when you're doing PvE so that those same skills take longer to kill a player. Then the only thing you'd have to change is the resilience and not the skills themselves.

    > > >

    > > > Personally i think that's just a dream there is always going to be some classes in some ways good and others. EG: you already have tempest and guardians with firebrands as top level healers atm and firebrands offer tons of buffs. Best bet is to work on those unique features of other classes if you want t hem to be viable in their own ways such as rangers with the spirit stones and their own. I think some instances there is just no way you are going to get nec to be useful in the same way a mesmer is with its unique buffs such as quickness and alacrity. And eles have a ton of stuff they could be messing with to make them useful such as their auras which are unique only to elementalists.

    > > >

    > > > Even eles agree that auras should be their strong points that make them desired for.

    > > >

    > > > Wouldn't making everyone the same and same dmg kill the game?

    > > >

    > >

    > > That does not mean the meta tight either, just because it may seem impossible to have really close to perfect balance does not mean it is not, I will say in my experience in many mmos they where far more balanced then a few of the more modern mmos like gw2. It seems many times there was maybe 2 or 3 classes with more quite a few more viable builds then others. What should matter is getting at equal as possible otherwise it really is not fun for anyone, you do not throw your hands up and give up and make flavor of the month worse then it already is.


    > What i mean is you are going to have some classes that are better vs others and pure balance like chess is a false hope. Even world of warcraft has issues with balance.


    > I'm not saying to throw hands up and give up but rather balance classes in such a way that you need to find tactics to overcome a class that is good versus that kind of thing.


    > What they should do, is make so no class hard counters another to the point where you get pinned down and destroyed and unable to retaliate, because that is simply not fun.


    > Playing a ele for instance and getting destroyed by a holosmith with no problem at all, and completely able to pin down the ele is not good if there is no counter for the holo while playing ele.




    I played wow many years ago and as someone was there there near the beggening is they balance the game in certain ways on purpose to get people to reroll, maybe not anymore as its been a while since I gave it another whirl, my point is in most modern mmos its pretty terrible and 90 percent of the time its greed. But I hear what your saying and appreciate you not getting defensive about it, you seem pretty objective which is really great for conversations like this. Seems they could change some core things about the game to create better balance, I have seem plenty of good ideas in these forums about them.

  5. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"ZipTaw.9841" said:

    > > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > > They did split all most balance changes between game modes about half a year ago Also, I disagree with this somewhat--alot of the problem is that PvE has been trivialised by power creep and honestly it could've been cut back alot too.

    > > >

    > > > People doing 30-40k DPS is exactly why we don't have build diversity. The DPS of a full support build is less than 1k. So no one's going to want to build for tank, healer or control support in encounters and throw peanuts at the enemy, and the group isn't ever going to want that either beyond the bare minimum of support needed for the encounter because why lose 4000% DPS from one person?

    > > >

    > > > The competitive modes were migrating to this system too, luckily the devs put a stop to it. Nerfs are needed to keep a game healthy in all modes, and then you can do Quality of Life (QoL) sweeps to add fun things back in.

    > >

    > > I think there needs to be an overhaul to the whole of everything, health to damage ratio is way out of hand I think to an extreme, and I am going off GW2s own words. "No race or profession is unequal". We both know that those words are untrue, and by extreme I am referring to the Eles having the lowest health and is supposed to be the highest damage and yet that's not true. And then the Necro not really fitting in. Players wanting Mesmer minions killable when they're manifestations of things. These are just some of the things that are extreme examples.

    > >

    > > By rework the whole of everything. Everybody has the same health in the same equivalent gear, damage taken is different depending on armor type and such, and then rework skills to where everything is equal across the board. Then you can get out of the rut of having to use the only viable build to being able to experiment with different builds and not a cookie cutter build that not everyone is going to be proficient in to be able to do the content that they're going to miss out on.

    > >

    > > PvE and WvW should be separate from PvP only content, that's what Guildwars used to be. I say WvW too because it's usually story based and the only PvP available to lower levels and up. And that way there is no capitulating to the PvPers that generally only PvP and could care less about what it does to the PvE content that they don't do. And then you add a resilience to WvW that you wouldn't have when you're doing PvE so that those same skills take longer to kill a player. Then the only thing you'd have to change is the resilience and not the skills themselves.


    > Personally i think that's just a dream there is always going to be some classes in some ways good and others. EG: you already have tempest and guardians with firebrands as top level healers atm and firebrands offer tons of buffs. Best bet is to work on those unique features of other classes if you want t hem to be viable in their own ways such as rangers with the spirit stones and their own. I think some instances there is just no way you are going to get nec to be useful in the same way a mesmer is with its unique buffs such as quickness and alacrity. And eles have a ton of stuff they could be messing with to make them useful such as their auras which are unique only to elementalists.


    > Even eles agree that auras should be their strong points that make them desired for.


    > Wouldn't making everyone the same and same dmg kill the game?



    That does not mean the meta tight either, just because it may seem impossible to have really close to perfect balance does not mean it is not, I will say in my experience in many mmos they where far more balanced then a few of the more modern mmos like gw2. It seems many times there was maybe 2 or 3 classes with more quite a few more viable builds then others. What should matter is getting at equal as possible otherwise it really is not fun for anyone, you do not throw your hands up and give up and make flavor of the month worse then it already is.

  6. > @"ZipTaw.9841" said:

    > I come from GWs so what I am about to say is what used to be. And I am returning from a long spell, so what I am observing just reading a little bit of forums has caused me to type this out cause you're going the way of killing what originally used to be awsome in the beggining of **GUILDWARS**.


    > First off, why is everybody wanting skills nerfed all the way across the board, when did nerfing across the board become acceptable? There needs to be 2 Balance teams if they're gonna do that. PvE is different than PvP, so making nerfs across the board is just gonna kill the game. And from what I have seen on here it already is killing it. One team to balance both the Player and the NPCs in PvE, and one team strictly PvP. GWs used to be two seperate games in one and now Arenanet is going the way of the other games. Do you know how hard it is to find a good solid PvE game outside of single player? I like the interaction with other players in a PvE environment, and if I wish to PvP then I can do it. And what is this health pool differences, the only ones that should have a higher health pool is the tanks with less damage, higher health pool and higher armor gives you the aggro priority, seems pretty simple to me. The Healers and the DPS should all have the same health pool in the same equivelant gear.


    > GWs had skills only usable in PvE and ones for PvP so it didn't mess with the PvE viability. WvW is a mashup of both PvE and PvP with a higher PvE priority to it, so wanting skills nerfed in WvW is petty and capitulating. If you dont' like how WvW is played then go to the other PvP only content. I hope this gets around to the GW2 devs and get them back on the right track of what was GWs, this isn't WoW or ESO or any other MMORPG out there, so stop developing it like the rest and stand out again amoung the gaming community.


    Many of us could not agree more.

  7. > @"kurth.3175" said:

    > So I read up on aggro, earth pets tank much better than fire pets, thank you. :-) The switch cooldown makes it painful to spam pets in earth, and spam fire for attack though.


    Oh yea bro just use that as a staple in rpgs as a whole, usually earth provides more defenives and tanking capability, especially on pets, I remember it was the same with the magician in everquest 1 the earth pet was the tank.

  8. > @"ShadowOme.4528" said:

    > So i decided to grind out armorsmith cause hey i actually want at least one good character all nice and decked out and iv got plans to do other professions so i can keep going so mind you im still new to the game i dont know everything


    > but me being a firebrand healer i wanted to get harriers gear so i buy the ascended recipe thing only to find out the only way to get harriers ascended gear recipes is to do map metas :| but i can buy EVERYTHING else from the vendor...


    > why? to me thats insanely stupid :|


    Those metas do not take long, I can see this is kind of an issue but its not that big of a deal.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > > > > > I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Really ... and what did Anet say they were trying to accomplish? Seems to me the changes they made are exactly inline with what they told us they want for necro. We get that you are massively disappointing that this isn't the "20% DPS increase" patch that you were looking forward to but to be frank, you DID get a DPS increase and you DID claim this would make Necros better for what you wanted for them ... so from where I sit, you got what you said you wanted.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you selectively read what I say/request?

    > > > >

    > > > No I didn't. I LITERALLY responded to you ... you can see it in the quotation I've made. I mean, if you are under the impression that Anet is going to fill a specific request from a player ... I don't think you understand how these changes work then. You made a whole thread where you asked for more necro DPS ... you got it ... now you're frustrated. Honestly, I don't think you know what you want.

    > > >

    > >

    > > You literally respond to all my necromancer or guardian posts.


    > All? I don't think that's true ... just the ones with mis-information. Anet certain DID make changes in this patch that are aligned with what they were trying to do and you shouldn't be frustrated because the patch gave you **exactly** what you said you wanted in other threads to improve necro. Maybe if you get what you want and it doesn't fix your problems, then you need to adjust your thinking ... DPS isn't going to fix what's wrong with necro for PVE teaming.




    Interesting you mind proving how some of them they are misinformation? I find it odd how many posts you label as misinformation personally and I always find your responses interesting, also he is righ, I see you constantly respond to many class criticisms since I have ever joined this forums years ago, that saids allot when you come back time to time and your atleast in the top pages somewhere.

  10. > @"Tyse the Black.6789" said:

    > Guardian (core, dragonhunter and firebrand) has been meta defining for too long. Most automated tournament teams have 2-3 guardians and guardian is why the super boring WvW pirateship meta works so well. Too much aegis spam (sometimes without having a to even press anything) is a common theme in all 3 iterations and too much block chain when considered alongside the highly mobile burst potential (of both power and Condi). The arguments for guardian being so OP for a long time have been so that it checks a bunch of different builds, most of which have now been culled. It's guardians turn


    Instead of promoting nerfs on classes you need to focus on buffing other classes, it saids allot about you as a person when you come into a class post and only focusing on one issue with one class, you only care your getting whopped by gaurdians in wvw you clearly do not care enough about balance to have an objective and constructive perspective in the first place.

  11. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > Its all fun and games for any class till you start to max and min and you realize that your still an ele player. The class is very fun maybe to fun its hard to move on to any other class at the point of the game where you need to as you start getting out max min by other classes.

    > >

    > > I still don't understand this complaint. Are you playing only core ele? Tempest and weaver are both fine and appear to have effective builds in every game mode.


    > I wish i could play only core ele. Tempest is very much pigeon hole into support only most of the time but it lacks massive boons that are a must for support so you always feel like your doing less then other supports and weaver plays very different then ele core and lose a lot of fun in doing so. Max min part of the game the "end game" ele simply lacks too much to ever make up for what other classes can pull off.


    > As long as ele tempest and weaver lack strong support boons or even self support boons its always going to be lacking. As long as its dmg is only physical with no unblockable effects or even strong condi effects (on one hit and with more then 2 condi dmg effects) ele dmg is lacking. Ele is mages is name only its not a real magic users its a physical attk class who has animation of magic. Think of ele more like a ranger for an archetype. Oddly ranger and wars are more mage like in gw2.


    It may be in a bad state now but it was not before and people are acting like they invested years and did not enjoy it during the times it ele was in a much better state lol you guys know a class always ends up in the dust for a while, its eles turn they will rise again relax.

  12. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > > @"Jonat.5963" said:

    > > Been a lot of years since the last time I played GW2 and with everything that's happening with the covid virus I thought to come back to the game to enjoy for a while but everything is different. Literally after reading some comments in the forums, and a lot talking about the "big popular nerf" It's seems the only good professions are guardian and ranger, meanwhile the rest are marked like.

    > >

    > > Thief = trash

    > > Mesmer = trash

    > > Warrior = sucks

    > > Engineer = bad

    > > Necromancer = bad

    > > Revenant = decent

    > > Elementalist = decent

    > >

    > > This is very discouraging, especially since depending of the class you are not wanted in raids or events.

    > > So basically I would like to ask. Which professions is the P2W, "good and powerfull", no one hates and have "developer power"?


    > I wouldn't go based on the forums, they are excessively negative here.. most of these players are new as well and don't know how to play their MAIN class let alone give commentary on others. All classes are in decent spots with viable builds for all game modes, just things like guard and rev have more options and are often required in all.


    I am pretty sure allot of that negativeity is constructive from someone who has been playing 5 years off and on, where else can you get answers? Certainly not in game like you can in a forum.

  13. > @"kuteykathy.8123" said:

    > GW2 is not real life, so I hope you understand that it makes no sense to try to compare the skills and abilities in-game to what exist in real life. What could exist "in real life" is not a good foundation for trying to nerf the range of a skill.


    > When I play my ranger, it certainly makes no sense either that I have a never-ending supply of arrows drawn from thin air that can pierce through multiple people and travel further than a bullet. Magical arrows? I certainly hope they don't implement a limited count/ammo system on our longbows to conform to real life :)


    > For a better tower defense experience, I strongly encourage you to try to have stability before you walk up to the edge of a tower or cliff--otherwise you put yourself at risk of being pulled/pushed to your death. At the very least, scan those below you to determine if any of them pose a risk of pulling you down (thief scorpion wire, DH spear of justice, necro grasping darkness, engineer magnet pull, mesmer, etc.).


    What a terrible response, you are literally trolling this person please stop, you know darn well that this does not prove the op literally compares it to real life, but you can easily combine game elements to real life, so what you said is not even completely true.

  14. > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > > > Most of this is wrong, lol. What is the point of this post already ?

    > >

    > > If we actually teach the OP something by adding 2-3 explanatory sentences after our "lol nope," then we will have made it a useful thread anyway.

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > @"Armen.1483" said:


    > > What's the point of replying if you aren't going to say how it's wrong? The OP says he's a new player. This is an oppotunity for veterans to share their knowledge with a new player and teach them something. What's the point of your post exactly?

    > If I start teaching them the game, you would come and ask why am I doing it. Anyway I see nobody who asks for help/suggestion or advise, there are no polemics, nothing to discuss here... All I see there is some misleading information that can confuse actual new players, so I don't understand what is the point of this post. And I wrote mine to warn players that the new player's observation is far from the reality. Is it wrong what I said ? Is it wrong why I said that ? Is it offensive ?


    Thats a hek of an assumptions and a bad justification.

  15. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > Lore is subjective when we are talking about multiple fantasy genres, I do not understand the line of thinking with people like you, not to mention its a little hypocritical when most fantasy was based off lord of the rings so if you want to be technical about it there are many weapons that should not exist.


    > Alot of fantasy is based on lord of the rings, yes.


    > Guild Wars 2 is clearly not. And there is nothing in the lore that even remotely says that a dragonhunter in this world should use a spear.

    > Anet has established that dragonhunters prefer the longbow as their weapon, so that's how it is.


    > You can't just apply your own rules onto a world someone else has created. It is Anet's world, if they want dragonhunters to use bows instead of spears, then there is nothing wrong with that.




    All I said that it made more sense considering it is a heavy armored class stop assuming things and acting as if you speak for me, enough is enough we where having a friendly convo until you came along and started getting way to uptight about it. It is my opinion and I really do not care what you think of it and I certainly do not need your approval.

  16. > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > > > >

    > > > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.

    > > >

    > > > Lore-wise Braham took up his mother's bow becoming the first DH so I think it makes sense.

    > >

    > > regardless of lore in fantasy a dragon hunter type of character with heavy armor should use a spear.


    > You say should as if it's a matter-of-fact. What are you basing this on? Final Fantasy?


    > Lore matters. Sorry.


    Lore is subjective when we are talking about multiple fantasy genres, I do not understand the line of thinking with people like you, not to mention its a little hypocritical when most fantasy was based off lord of the rings so if you want to be technical about it there are many weapons that should not exist.

  17. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Someone like the awesomeness that is known as the dragoon.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes I will admin that is where some of the concept comes from lol.

    > > >

    > > > Lol nice!

    > >

    > > Admit haha!


    > Somtimes when something such as that of which is known as a dragoon exudes such awesomeness it can not be contained and will shine through no matter what game is in question. Lol


    > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Someone like the awesomeness that is known as the dragoon.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes I will admin that is where some of the concept comes from lol.

    > > >

    > > > Lol nice!

    > >

    > > Admit haha!


    > Somtimes when something such as that of which is known as a dragoon exudes such awesomeness it can not be contained and will shine through no matter what game is in question. Lol


    That was epic my dude.

  18. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > > > >

    > > > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.

    > > >

    > > > Someone like the awesomeness that is known as the dragoon.

    > >

    > > Yes I will admin that is where some of the concept comes from lol.


    > Lol nice!


    Admit haha!

  19. > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > Here's what I know:


    > If you want to play a DPS build in high end PvE, Firebrand works best with Condi. Dragonhunter works best with Power. Core Guardian can also work but it's more Power than Condi too.


    > If you want to play Support, Firebrand is the best you can have and I heard it ether play Minstrel stats, Harrier stats or Diviner stats.

    > Core Guardian has some very niche support builds that could work but I suggest playing something people are more familiar with.


    > I'll try to suggest something that will fits you as much as possible. First, you want your first stats to be viable everywhere in pve, open world, fractals, strike and raids? I would suggest Diviner stats Firebrand build. It's Power, and its primary function is to give mass Quickness. You should be wanted pretty much everywhere with this.


    > Some more veterans might give better suggestions, but based on my experience, Diviner Firebrand is quite welcomed everywhere But, sometimes people will prefer something else. But this is the closest to "viable everywhere" as possible.


    I think core condi is the best from my experience.

  20. I think its the simple matter of certain builds need an hp boost maybe they should put the extra hp in a trait and that would balance things out better but there are other builds where if you had hp you would be way to op, your best bet for now is going a condi build there is a really nice core and firebrand one you can run and trust me its a hek of allot of fun.

  21. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > >

    > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > >

    > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > >

    > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.


    > Someone like the awesomeness that is known as the dragoon.


    Yes I will admin that is where some of the concept comes from lol.

  22. > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > @"Ryou.2398" said:

    > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > Which professions do you think would this fit with?

    > > >

    > > > I think spears have a lot of potential as a ground weapon. Some classes can wield it as a poke-y mid-ranged weapon while others could have it as a sweeping aoe weapon. It can also be used creatively as a thrown weapon either physically or magically.

    > > >

    > > > Personally, I'd like for warriors to gain access to spears as a ground weapon and have them play as archetypal spearmen. Mesmers could also use it as sort of a levitating weapon around them similar to how Xaldin from the Kingdom Hearts Series uses his spears. Would be a much needed power option for mesmers.

    > >

    > > I personally thought this is what dragon hunter should have got instead of the bow, it just makes more sense.


    > Lore-wise Braham took up his mother's bow becoming the first DH so I think it makes sense.


    Well last I checked this is an mmorpg, regardless of lore in fantasy a dragon hunter type of character with heavy armor should use a spear. We are not arguing lore anyways, if the bow is to clunky on the character to be fun then a spear would make more sense.

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