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Posts posted by AsiraasiB.7165

  1. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > > > > They also forgot the Tradeoff to add to FB, but these are insignificant details.

    > > > It kinda has one. The virtues work differently between all three. It's just that they're way better for the elite specs.

    > >

    > > Now compare that to 1 endurance bar, tell me how they compare.

    > Why dont you question why daredevil has better evades but also gain additional evae ... when other class have better evade but -1, instead of +1 ;)


    They upped dd dodge cost

  2. > @"Serenity.6304" said:

    > Can only talk for me and some core nec friends, I am not a pro and only in p1 and p2 every season but even if I dodge the DE, if I have no way to use LoS I am getting ganked like immediately. Power Mes is easier to fight, burst easier to dodge and afterwards vulnerable.


    Staff, shroud.. Los, keep moving.. Run while spectral walking and port back.



    Core counter is a good s/d.. Maaaybe spam staff

  3. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:> >

    > >

    > > I played and play RS since 2001 they were both exacs and thats how the devs told us... And yes Jagex listened to the fan base after losing mills in profit.

    > >

    > > And duh No1 paid its a f2p game with membership that's how u pay


    > You really have a weird definition of an expac then. For allmost all people they wouldn't count as expacs.


    > And all games with subscription make you pay for expacs also.


    > Tbh I'm quite interested how you define an expac then.





    'An expansion pack, expansion set, supplement, or simply expansion is an addition to an existing role-playing game, tabletop game, video game or collectible card game. These add-ons usually add new game areas, weapons, objects, characters, or an extended storyline to an already-released game.'

    Like I said they even advertised it as a expac when they announced the' updates '


  4. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:> > Expansions are a relic of the time when it was not possible to get small chunks of content out to everybody frequently. These days it is easy to distribute smaller pieces of content, which has a lot of advantages (continuous cost-profit-curve rather than a huge up-front cost for development, easier to adjust to customer reactions and demands, entices players to play continuously rather than in bursts, frequent new content for your favourite games) .

    > > > >

    > > > > Really... so the most monetarily successful and populated games in the history of MMO's that regularly put expansions out have it all wrong? How convenient it is that you also left out GW2 and it's two expansions which were massive cash and player influxes, and deemed necessary by both management and shareholders. Also let's not forget or turn a blind eye to the fact that the LW ideology was tried and failed miserably and they knew it so they opted for a formula with proven success, expansions. You know everyone has a right to their opinion but don't gloss over facts to try and spin support for the current format as something new when it's been tried, and failed. Now they are doing it clearly out of necessity because management pulled staff off to work on projects unrelated to GW2 and hence they haven't had the time to build an expansion. LW is only a necessary path due to those circumstances and their dressing up this formula up as sagas and not LW, doesn't change the fact that a spade is a spade. Intermittent patches do not satisfy everyone, are not constant revenue as they are free and the gem store is active regardless of LW or expansion content. LW/Sagas are far less likely to bring in new players or prompt older players to return and spend money on not only the expansions but in the gem store.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Tbh runescape has done it without the idea of expensions for the most part. And you can't really say that game isn't /wasn't successful

    > >

    > > Runescape expanded 3 times. Classic to 07 to rs3... And then became each its own game modes with new updates every week.. Try again


    > Those are not expansions though. The switches from classic to 2 and 3 where mostly graphical updates. The reason people asked r07 back was because the evolution of combat took something away from them.


    > And people didn't have to buy these changes.


    > So try again.


    I played and play RS since 2001 they were both exacs and thats how the devs told us... And yes Jagex listened to the fan base after losing mills in profit.


    And duh No1 paid its a f2p game with membership that's how u pay

  5. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:> > Expansions are a relic of the time when it was not possible to get small chunks of content out to everybody frequently. These days it is easy to distribute smaller pieces of content, which has a lot of advantages (continuous cost-profit-curve rather than a huge up-front cost for development, easier to adjust to customer reactions and demands, entices players to play continuously rather than in bursts, frequent new content for your favourite games) .

    > >

    > > Really... so the most monetarily successful and populated games in the history of MMO's that regularly put expansions out have it all wrong? How convenient it is that you also left out GW2 and it's two expansions which were massive cash and player influxes, and deemed necessary by both management and shareholders. Also let's not forget or turn a blind eye to the fact that the LW ideology was tried and failed miserably and they knew it so they opted for a formula with proven success, expansions. You know everyone has a right to their opinion but don't gloss over facts to try and spin support for the current format as something new when it's been tried, and failed. Now they are doing it clearly out of necessity because management pulled staff off to work on projects unrelated to GW2 and hence they haven't had the time to build an expansion. LW is only a necessary path due to those circumstances and their dressing up this formula up as sagas and not LW, doesn't change the fact that a spade is a spade. Intermittent patches do not satisfy everyone, are not constant revenue as they are free and the gem store is active regardless of LW or expansion content. LW/Sagas are far less likely to bring in new players or prompt older players to return and spend money on not only the expansions but in the gem store.

    > >

    > >


    > Tbh runescape has done it without the idea of expensions for the most part. And you can't really say that game isn't /wasn't successful


    Runescape expanded 3 times. Classic to 07 to rs3... And then became each its own game modes with new updates every week.. Try again

  6. Strange tread... I can zerg surf in wvw and still get kills solo(I only roam, in zerkers/muarders and firework runes). And i can hold far all match in pvp in muarders. Staff axe/war...


    I dont pve so ya...


    So addressing some points.. Using avatar mode is purely for condi clear, quick heals, quick cc.. And stealth... And u can hit a heavy damage on the way out.. That and combined with ur pet skills.. Like avatar 3 and smoke scale stealth, then u can 1 1 1 1 unpop avatar gain stealth again(traited)


    Druid is really a fun class...

    Tho I use none of the utility skills that's about the only changes needed... And interaction with spirits would ld be dope




  7. Are we kidding here? Especially right now in this condi meta? Everyone.. Yes everyone can apply and reapply conditions like no1s looking. And not to mention every class except Rev can deal with condis with ease( looking at u guards, warriors, halos, necros, rangers, ele.. ) mesmers can too i just never really needed too they are so face roll most ppl just die.


    Anywho and those classes cleanse more and turns all into boons.. So pls stop with the nerf thief threads.. Buff thief.. And last but not least

    Learn to play. Not just saying ure bad or anything.. But if you tried more classes, like thief, you know how paper we are in a water meta

  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > Hope youre significant other gives u socks for your 7th year anniversary.. Don't get mad,it was free


    > Imagine staying in relationship for the anniversary gifts, oof. I literally couldn't care less.


    How long have you had your characters?

    I doubt you would really care lesa anyone who knows thier worth/ wants to be appreciated wouldnt accept socks for no anniversary gift. Id take a homemade card and some thought out homemade coupons over some socks.


    A rock chair? 7 years. In 7 years you don't think i have a chair or two? I mean in 7 years im sure ive either bought gems, converted gold to gems and bought me chairs.


    Birthday blaster was best gift ever

  9. > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > well, i may be :)

    > but, there are other berserker f1(f2) abilities that still hit a wee bit low (gunflame for instance) is quite mellow atm.

    > Plus, in exchange it could take 'king of flames' gm trait thus having to give up bloody roar so you would have to trait in something other than discipline and defense to really make it HIT,

    > It is still my favorite elite spec but lost its fluidity when the single adrenaline bar went in effect.

    > for further clarification I am looking from a wvw perspective. I don't think in terms of pve/raid dps where everything can work in ideal situations.

    > I just still think it has a few kinks.


    I got hit for a 17k gunflame and then 3 gs f1s all over 7k ea.. In sage or demolisher.. Forgot which



    Come again

  10. 1. Didnt copy and paste i know my game

    2. I know my game cuz i play more then one class

    3. In wvw theres way too many chances to disengage or reveal.. U choose to stay and fight your problem.

    4. Theres so many ways to counter play stealth which ive already posted.. But here it is again : thieves can reveal themself if u stand in black powder. Or make them waste more initiative or abilities.. Aoe is a pain for stealth and so is dodging. Block, invul etc. Oh and blinds... And if we miss our stealth attack.. Guess what we get a cool down on a already 3 sec stealth...



    I run into many engis rangers warriors and core necros in wvw running reveal.. What game do u play?

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