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Posts posted by Quasar.1756

  1. In my opinion, the biggest barrier to raids are the balance patches. For some reason, anet likes to pick on professions that does big numbers and force the player to learn something new.


    Some gw2 players don't like that, especially if they put alot of gold and time into mastering their toon.


    Let's shine a light on the elephant in the room; Raid commanders will require certain dps professions for boss encounters cause they do insane damage to them, thus making clears faster, cause ALOT of the gw2 raid community doesn't have the patience with bosses or they deem the raid 'not exp' cause they took a minute longer with the encounter....Ultimately killing the 'fun' factor of raiding.


    Not saying this is the great barriers of all barriers, but it puts many players in a position they are not comfortable with, cause now they have to adjust to the current patch to appease the raid, thus taking the 'fun' element out of raids cause now they have to master another profession and spend more time and gold till the next patch 'heavily inclines' them to do it all over again.


    We all know condi mesmers are the 'go to' dps profession for Twin Largos, while some RC's would be forgiving, other RC's are hell bent on having them in their raid for that encounter whether it's a guild run or not. Not even going to mention the 'kill success percentage' of not running 'certain' professions for the last bosses in wing 6 & 7....takes the freedom of choice when doing certain bosses unlike open world pve.


    Raids are awesome and I really don't care about playing 5 - 7 professions to earn my kills, but NOT EVERYONE plays multiple toons and if they do, they lack the performance on those toons to be effective to the raids.


    Though this maybe wishful thinking, I my opinion, raids should be more mechanically based than putting up high numbers, it will save anet from doing nerf bat changes and put the rate of success on the player with their favorite profession; they put their blood, sweat and tears into, rather than doing sloppy mechanics but because dps was high, it leads to a kill....(Cough) Cairn.

  2. Hello guys and gals, keep posting your concerns. I know Anet is reading them :)


    Remember to keep your posts logical and to the point. No bashing or negative criticism.


    _Call it a hunch, but I feel if players post their 'concerns' with actual proof (i.e. Link, Screenshots, videos etc...) not matter how obvious it is or not; it WILL HELP OUT ALOT to further illustrate your points ;)_

  3. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Kako.1930" said:

    > > Your post is well-written, but since you wrote the profession-that-shall-not-be-named in your title, this thread will probably join the other thought out posts that were banished to the profession-specific subforum, where it will also be forgotten. :(


    > We have no bias about the elementalist, nor a will to quiet disquiet about it. However, posts *about* the elementalist belong in... surprise!... the elementalist subforum.


    Well, on the bright side, we can rule out that Anet is not reading/seeing these posts.

  4. > @"MaxwellM.2075" said:

    > You could get a raid spot easier as holosmith for DPS and in WvW mediscrapper is a great secondary healer. Engi is doing better. Scourges are wanted everywhere but PvE. Ele is wanted no where.


    Ahhhhh!!!! (Eagerly tries to pull the knife out of my chest)


    I don't know *pause* if Eles will make it *pauses again due to pain* to the next balance patch :(


    *Begins to pass out in the Aerodrome due to excessive blood loss*

  5. Omg, very nice to see everyone's Ele character. They all look nice and I can tell everyone has put time, thought and/or effort into their creation into what "look" feels best for them. I know ya'll take pride into what you decide to make them appear as, even down to the weapons :)


    The bond between players and their characters can't be broken...I think Anet knows this as well...It's more than pixels on a screen, that's why it burns me inside to see people type, 'You don't like your profession, make another one' >:(


    Looking at all these wonderful creations while listening to "Far from home" of the HoT soundtrack, brings more life to these pictures, nice job all.


    Please post more :)



  6. > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > @"Quasar.1756" said:

    > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > > @"Quasar.1756" said:

    > > > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > > > > > It is impossible to balance nine classes, each with two elite specs, across four different game modes (Normal PvE, Raid, WvW, PvP), because in each of those modes, the concept of what balance means, changes.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > There is this thing called skill split which the balance team clearly didn't bother to do on some changes such as lava font. It's also suspicious how, after the recent balance patch, you get classes such as mesmer, thief, guard, and engi that get multiple builds that are not only all equally viable and close to optimal, but also included specs not only from PoF, and some of them are even allowed this varied choice in modes other than PvE, while ele is pretty much stuck with sword weaver now everywhere with the occasional staff weaver in very specific cases. It's as if they like to spend more time on certain classes than others.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Right, and every time they split skills, the workload for balance updates increases. It's a no-win situation, for the developers.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > JMO, they've given up on trying to balance Elementalist generally. The class mechanic is too complex, mainly due to conjures; every little tweak ends up having some unforseen consequence. It's why we're stuck with an Elementalist who is pretending to be a Warrior (Weaver). Scoped down to short range, melee combat, the job of trying to make it work within the context of the rest of the game, is manageable.

    > > > >

    > > > > Would making the weaver with a sword a TANK fix that issue and if you disagree, why?

    > > >

    > > > What does that mean? How do you do that? As long as the Weaver is an Ele elite, it's going to be a low health pool, cloth armor class. One way or another, such a class will need insanely high sustain to survive in a melee situation.

    > >

    > > Ok, maybe I should of said, 'Make weaver a tank elite skill'.

    > >

    > > Mesmer is a cloth armor class but their Chrono elite skill was able to be 'tanky'

    > >

    > > I mean, earth attunement to ele tank is far from impossible??????


    > I think it would have made more sense from a core gameplay mechanic perspective, yes. Weaver being a Warrior/Guardian elite spec at least addresses the issue of Elementalists being fundamentally unsuited for melee combat...but this is all hypothetical, the Weaver wouldn't be a Weaver if it weren't an Elementalist, it would be something else.


    > Anything can be accomplished by changing what a given set of skills do, but you're still left with the reality that the Elementalist who is face tanking, has to rely on skills to do so, more than any other class. With a finite number of skills available at any given moment, that means the Ele is expending some of his finite resources simply to stay on par with a class that is more naturally suited, via health pool and armor, to be in that position. By extension, that means the Ele has less resources available to do other stuff. Attunement switching is used as a way to combat this problem, but what ends up happening as a result is the creation of complex skill interactions which have to be interwoven with each other, and are a major challenge to balance against a single weaponset, let alone all available options.


    > None of which would have been necessary, if Elementalist had been allowed to remain a ranged class, with some unique edge-case builds that moved it in to melee. But that's not what happened, and it's not going to change.


    Was giving thought to your post.


    Do you think if GW2 introduces a new trait line only exclusively for PvP, they can fix the old traits and balance everything out again?


    What are your thoughts on that blueprint plan?

  7. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > from a thematical standpoint teef should do more dps but since weaver takes more practice... idk.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes. Lockpicking thematically qualifies you to do more damage than calling down meteors from the sky.

    > > >

    > > > you have no idea whats in that chest, do you?

    > >

    > > I can tell you what is not in it - the power to control the raw elemenets.


    > Power to control the elements means nothing with a dagger sticking from your ribs. If we're arguing thematics, thief would have higher single target damage as they just hit the target while the mage takes too long waving hands and chanting nonsense.


    O.O You're kidding right?


    State of emergencies are declared on a GLOBAL level when we even THINK of a possibility of a meteor hitting us.


    Movies are made on such scenarios, not some minor event like a knife sticking out of someone's ribs, tsk tsk.


    Meteors are very dangerous and extremely damaging...Just ask the DINOSAURS O.O


    FYI: If it wasn't for a mage waving hands and chanting nonsense, we would of gotten our kittens handed to us in "Lord of the rings", so there you go. :)

  8. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > from a thematical standpoint teef should do more dps but since weaver takes more practice... idk.

    > >

    > > Yes. Lockpicking thematically qualifies you to do more damage than calling down meteors from the sky.


    > you have no idea whats in that chest, do you?


    Omg, I laughed so hard at this, don't know why but I found it funny XD

  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Quasar.1756" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > Again, they aren't "used primarily for raids". They're the best ele skills in PvE, period. The only reason you might see them more used in raids is because there it actually matters to be efficient.

    > >

    > > Well, allow me to disagree with you on the fact that they're 'RAID' builds and "Fractal' builds which don't use those skills collectively.

    > >

    > > As these skills produce the optimal dps output on targets (most not all), It's best/primarily used on raid bosses that have timers, when dealing with fractals; some bosses require survivabilty, mobility & distance. (At least for squishy Eles for the most part)

    > >

    > > "Primarily" definition: (Mainly; For the MOST part)....Which, more than 50%, these skills are used for in raids not ALL PvE content, thus why it's labeled a utility sequence for a "RAID BUILD" not PvE world bosses or Fractals.

    > >

    > > Now; you CAN use the "RAID BUILD" utilities/spells for all PvE content, but is it OPTIMAL for that situation other than RAIDS when encountering certain NPCS in other game modes? High/Burst DPS, for an ele, is not essential in alot of PvE content outside of RAIDS, survivablity is...remember DS Meta?

    > >

    > > Just my opinion.


    > Your opinion is wrong. Timers have nothing to do with efficiency - every semi-adequate group will kill the boss much before there's any chance for the timer to expire. Efficiency is primarily a way to minimize risk. Faster kills and faster phases mean less boss attacks and mechanics to deal with, and therefore less chances for something to go wrong. The same holds true in fractals, that's why you see exactly the same meta group composition in high-level fractal groups, with the actual top-level fractal statics even dropping the healer to get another dps. There is no timer, yet the meta is actually even sharper there. Because it is possible.


    > By the way, to this day I play DS meta on the same full glass build I play everything else. I swap LH for Icebow and Primordial Stance for Arcane Wave, but that's it. The purpose is obviously not survivability, it is being able to more efficiently tag mobs. And yeah, it is optimal. First off, you can survive in full glass, because there's actually zero reason to get hit. Second, the "fast kill, less mechanics" logic applies here, too. From Thornhearts to Preservers, it is always better to nuke down the target as fast as possible.


    Like I said, it's just my opinion.


    Timers compel a group/squad to be extremely efficient. As you stated the 'fast kill, less mechanics' logic. So to say "Timers have NOTHING to do with efficiency" is misleading to the reader and yourself.


    I NEVER stated that bursting a boss down in PvE is not the way to go, but I posed the question, 'IS IT OPTIMAL FOR THE SITUATION'? You clearly didn't account for the 2 other factors of a boss encounter in a PvE setting other than raids; such as: Mobility & Distance.


    Congrats on your DS meta runs, but even you had to ADMIT running with 100% "RAID BUILD" is not the OPTIMAL way to go about the event. You use ICEBOW & Arcane Wave to tag mobs, 'more efficiently', when you can easily tag mobs with Fire Staff 1 & 3 with waaaay less CD's. However; I won't chastise you for your play style on DS meta, but one this is FOR SURE, you ARE NOT USING THE 'RAID BUILD' for it.


    For the record, if you re-read my post, I never stated that all PvE content outside of raids won't benefit from using a 'RAID BUILD' for optimal results. I merely implied using the 'fast kill, less mechanics' method is NOT OPTIMAL for ALL PvE encounters outside of raids in GW2 and most of the skills/utilities are USED PRIMARILY for RAIDS. Mechanics requires you to be mobile, keep at a distance & survive, it's a must for eles to stay in a fight...How does the saying go, 'A dead dps hinders more than helps the squad'.


    By your rebuttal, you are saying all the skill/utilities ANET 'changed', for eles, throughout the course of months is used PRIMARILY used in ALL PvE content...and that's NOT TRUE.


    Maybe YOU go by that logic, but the gw2 community DOESN'T. If that be true and we take your rebuttal into account, then we have to say that ANET made those changes because of a few and it affected many...do we want to go down that path :(


    I get what you are saying, but alot of ppl don't have the skill level you probably do when it comes to PvE'ing outside of raids. Congrats on your efficient method to kill NPCS in fractals and world bosses, but the reality of gw2 is, not everyone approaches situations with 'kill fast, less mechanics' stlye.


    FYI: DS Meta HAS A TIMER AS WELL, but you didnt use a RAID BUILD to approach that situation you volunteered for and you still got what you wanted accomplished, even YOU didnt use those nerfed skills outside raids...enjoy your day

  10. > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > @"Quasar.1756" said:

    > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

    > > > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > > > It is impossible to balance nine classes, each with two elite specs, across four different game modes (Normal PvE, Raid, WvW, PvP), because in each of those modes, the concept of what balance means, changes.

    > > > >

    > > > > There is this thing called skill split which the balance team clearly didn't bother to do on some changes such as lava font. It's also suspicious how, after the recent balance patch, you get classes such as mesmer, thief, guard, and engi that get multiple builds that are not only all equally viable and close to optimal, but also included specs not only from PoF, and some of them are even allowed this varied choice in modes other than PvE, while ele is pretty much stuck with sword weaver now everywhere with the occasional staff weaver in very specific cases. It's as if they like to spend more time on certain classes than others.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Right, and every time they split skills, the workload for balance updates increases. It's a no-win situation, for the developers.

    > > >

    > > > JMO, they've given up on trying to balance Elementalist generally. The class mechanic is too complex, mainly due to conjures; every little tweak ends up having some unforseen consequence. It's why we're stuck with an Elementalist who is pretending to be a Warrior (Weaver). Scoped down to short range, melee combat, the job of trying to make it work within the context of the rest of the game, is manageable.

    > >

    > > Would making the weaver with a sword a TANK fix that issue and if you disagree, why?


    > What does that mean? How do you do that? As long as the Weaver is an Ele elite, it's going to be a low health pool, cloth armor class. One way or another, such a class will need insanely high sustain to survive in a melee situation.


    Ok, maybe I should of said, 'Make weaver a tank elite skill'.


    Mesmer is a cloth armor class but their Chrono elite skill was able to be 'tanky'


    I mean, earth attunement to ele tank is far from impossible??????

  11. > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

    > > > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > > > It is impossible to balance nine classes, each with two elite specs, across four different game modes (Normal PvE, Raid, WvW, PvP), because in each of those modes, the concept of what balance means, changes.

    > >

    > > There is this thing called skill split which the balance team clearly didn't bother to do on some changes such as lava font. It's also suspicious how, after the recent balance patch, you get classes such as mesmer, thief, guard, and engi that get multiple builds that are not only all equally viable and close to optimal, but also included specs not only from PoF, and some of them are even allowed this varied choice in modes other than PvE, while ele is pretty much stuck with sword weaver now everywhere with the occasional staff weaver in very specific cases. It's as if they like to spend more time on certain classes than others.

    > >

    > >


    > Right, and every time they split skills, the workload for balance updates increases. It's a no-win situation, for the developers.


    > JMO, they've given up on trying to balance Elementalist generally. The class mechanic is too complex, mainly due to conjures; every little tweak ends up having some unforseen consequence. It's why we're stuck with an Elementalist who is pretending to be a Warrior (Weaver). Scoped down to short range, melee combat, the job of trying to make it work within the context of the rest of the game, is manageable.


    Would making the weaver with a sword a TANK fix that issue and if you disagree, why?

  12. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Again, they aren't "used primarily for raids". They're the best ele skills in PvE, period. The only reason you might see them more used in raids is because there it actually matters to be efficient.


    Well, allow me to disagree with you on the fact that they're 'RAID' builds and "Fractal' builds which don't use those skills collectively.


    As these skills produce the optimal dps output on targets (most not all), It's best/primarily used on raid bosses that have timers, when dealing with fractals; some bosses require survivabilty, mobility & distance. (At least for squishy Eles for the most part)


    "Primarily" definition: (Mainly; For the MOST part)....Which, more than 50%, these skills are used for in raids not ALL PvE content, thus why it's labeled a utility sequence for a "RAID BUILD" not PvE world bosses or Fractals.


    Now; you CAN use the "RAID BUILD" utilities/spells for all PvE content, but is it OPTIMAL for that situation other than RAIDS when encountering certain NPCS in other game modes? High/Burst DPS, for an ele, is not essential in alot of PvE content outside of RAIDS, survivablity is...remember DS Meta?


    Just my opinion.

  13. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Quasar.1756" said:

    > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > > > LAva font has no difference on little or huge hitbox ... it tikes one time per second no matter the target size ... so i don't get why they had to reduce that ... they just picked the skills that deals the most dmg on dps meter and nerfed it .

    > > > In the order:

    > > > * Meteor Shower

    > > > * Lava font

    > > > * Glyph of storm (air)

    > > > * Lightning hammer skill 4

    > > > * Icebow skill 4

    > > >

    > > > Easy to understand the nerf mechanics here ! Instead of putting effort into revamping old and cheesy mechanics (such as MS and conjures) they just toned down numbers. Easier and takes less effort and time. Maybe they are low on budget.

    > >

    > > Your statement opened my eyes to something. If the nerfs were intended to be across all modes of play (PvE, PvP, etc...), WHY did Anet hit the skills USED for a RAID dps rotation for Eles???


    > These are the skills used for damage everywhere in PvE.


    I agree with you on that; however, with over 100 skills used for any game mode, why target the skills 'specifically' USED PRIMARILY FOR RAIDS. (Some of those skills have been** 'changed'**, more than once tbh.)


    If all these skills were 'changed' at one time then I would think nothing of it.


    But they got hit over a course of time cause the META for DPS rotations and skills changed over the course of time as well.


    I feel it's too 'coincidental' that the skills 'changed' were NOT MEANT to affect RAIDS . I highly doubt people have the time or luck to accomplish a RAID DPS rotation in fractals or Map Bosses (chuckles).


    And if what you state is taken into account, then the 'changes' WERE NOT meant to be across the board, thus why most people who PvP can't understand why this happened. :(


    Just my opinion.

  14. > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > LAva font has no difference on little or huge hitbox ... it tikes one time per second no matter the target size ... so i don't get why they had to reduce that ... they just picked the skills that deals the most dmg on dps meter and nerfed it .

    > In the order:

    > * Meteor Shower

    > * Lava font

    > * Glyph of storm (air)

    > * Lightning hammer skill 4

    > * Icebow skill 4


    > Easy to understand the nerf mechanics here ! Instead of putting effort into revamping old and cheesy mechanics (such as MS and conjures) they just toned down numbers. Easier and takes less effort and time. Maybe they are low on budget.


    Your statement opened my eyes to something. If the nerfs were intended to be across all modes of play (PvE, PvP, etc...), WHY did Anet hit the skills USED for a RAID dps rotation for Eles???


    Hmmmm...Should I conclude that 99% of the Ele 'CHANGES' are based off of raids??? O.O


    NOTE: _Not being sarcastic here, just seeing a new perspective on the "REASONING' for the ele 'CHANGES' since PoF launch._

  15. > @"Javelin.7960" said:

    > It is impossible to balance nine classes, each with two elite specs, across four different game modes (Normal PvE, Raid, WvW, PvP), because in each of those modes, the concept of what balance means, changes. To a solo PvE player, an Elementalist who deals roughly equal damage to other classes is **NOT** balanced. In that game mode, a balanced Elementalist deals substantially more damage than any other class, because it suffers from so many deficits in other areas. That same character that is balanced in PvE, may be UP in PvP because of player mobility, and OP in a Raid because it's only job is to deal maximum damage.


    > On account of their inherent squishy-ness, the cloth classes are always going to be most susceptible to the nerf/buff dynamic. Warriors have survivability built in to their base stats, an Ele has to spend utility slots to get anywhere close to the same level, leaving them with less utility slots to focus on other things.


    > The core problem, and one that was made worse with the introduction of Weaver, is the series of compromises that were necessary to turn a squishy Elementalist into a front-line fighter. Weaver made it worse, but it's been an issue since the beginning. In an effort to keep WvW from becoming a boring and static exchange of meteor and arrow salvos, the fundamental mechanic of these typically ranged classes had to be altered. Necessary for the health of WvW, but the rest of the game has paid the price.


    Based off your statement, what would be the solution?

  16. That never made any sense to me, coming into PoF with Weaver sword that should shoot some type of projection or something.


    Which brings me back to what I was saying the 2nd week of PoF launch...With a weapon like that at such a short range , weaver should of been


    a more 'Tank' profession at the very least...it would of made more sense but people shunned that idea along with putting mounts in the game,



  17. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > No, I'm still waiting for some serious improvements to both Core Elementalist and Tempest.


    hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaha, You used "IMPROVEMENTS", "Elementalist" and "Tempest" in the same sentence....hahahhahhahahahhahahahahaha, the funny part is, the way we keep getting hit, it's just as funny to add "Weaver" to that statement and laugh at it, hahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahh

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