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Posts posted by Orbdweller.8674

  1. I thought it was the most lame content yet. Anet has failed once again! I do not agree with locking masteries behind purchasing items. This feels like a tax! Also making it contingent on a community and not leaving it to an individuals ability to complete the content. This only hurts future and current players that have not finished their LWS stories in order. There will not be enough of the community in future to achieve any goal. Hell there isn't enough interest in this lame content to achieve the current one in a 6 day timer that didn't mean crap.

    I currently have 11 of the last 17 mastery points in the IBS mastery track. IMHO we should be allowed to advance at our own pace wither we work through it once or do it til we are so bored we quit the game. Without any affirmation from Anet as to what is exactly going on we are left to speculation which leads to further discontent. Not that Anet gives two squirrels nuts about what we think or want. It is all about the shareholders and making them money and not about game balance or the customer. I feel we need to PROTEST ANET AND REFUSE TO GIVE THEM ANYMORE OF OUR MONEY TIL THEY GIVE US WHAT WE WANT. If we hit them where they live {in the pocket book} they may change the crap they are giving us. Just my personal observation.

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