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Posts posted by Arizan.1073

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Seems a bit close to the 'birthday chair':

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/ed/Victory_Rock.jpg


    there are loads of different types of music box

    that's not even close to what I'm talking about . it don't spin around and its not in a music box . its just standing on a rock making a pose .

    first off you character will be making a pose while standing on/in a music box

    then your character ( not your Screen ) will spin around slowly like what a music box does .

    maybe even a lil music box sound affect when you use it .

    another example like a music box chest it opens and you see your character in a pose spinning around .

    if you guys ever had a or seen a classic music box you know what i mean .

  2. we all know we can block some one but what if we need to block a whole guild from harassing us or discriminating against us . can there be an added option below block saying Block guild that they represent . just so we can avoid guild dramas or whole bully guilds . like iv seen in PVP and WVW for Example . what do you guys think ? wouldn't it save us a lot of stress ?

  3. the Celebration Hat was brought to guild wars2 in August 22, 2012 and ended September 12, 2012 since then it has never came back . i was wondering if we can have another but for path of fire instead or for any of the other DLCs ( Heart of Throns , the Icebrood saga , living worlds 2,3,4) ? Anet if your reading i would love to have it . what do you guys think ?


    here is the Wiki about the hat if anyone doesn't know what im talking about .


  4. Imagine this a char cart toy for 800 gems that would be usable in all the roller-beetle races in tyria like a mario kart style friendly fire


    you would have an option in a menu to do regular race or char cart toy race with friendly fire enabled or not. This would be a fun replay value toy to have and make the value of races much more of an enriched experience !



  5. I really think Anet did a fantastic job on the hummingbird skimmer mount and absolutely love it i had to buy it . but looking on how lovely they did the wings animation in all proves that its very possible to make a dragonfly skimmer mount skin . I know some people in the past thought the animation wouldn't work for skimmer mount but what do you guys think now ?

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/IiD9T3O.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/c9JxIin.jpg "")



    i really hope Anet takes this idea into consideration ^_^ i would love to see my sylvary on a dragonfly mount

  6. im sorry guys still we have tested our musical instruments and sadly its not been fixed and i feel we have lost probably one of the most talented music player in the game Lernova and also im loosing some interest as music was one of my Favorite things to do in the game . there are entire guilds full of music players that depend on the mechanics of theses instruments and i feel they will soon loose interest ... i know i am . plz Anet once again plz fix this so we wont loose our music player friends Permanently .

  7. There’s a bug that got introduced which causes the octave switch to take effect 100ms later than it is supposed to in the audio script.


    Musical instruments haven't been playing correctly as this bug has been re-introduced in the 26. November patch

    i Ask Anet to please address this problem for the sake of all Music Guilds that rely on Anets code working properly as soon as possible .

    if your experiencing this bug feel free to share your experience with this bug in the comments below .


    here is some info about this bug ( this is not the first time its happened )



    todays reddit forums about the bug


    please share your experiences if could help Anet get this problem done . <3 thank you for your time .

  8. Just a thought for Christmas . Just picture Having a Santa Chair with Santa siting in the Chair ... now picture you'r character sitting on Santa's lap . LOL i think this would be a great idea as people can take Pics of them self's sitting on Santa's Lap . i think it would be cute seeing lil asuras and funny seeing char's and norn's sitting in this chair . let me know your thought's what you think about this ?

  9. Can you imagine it? A Chair/GrandPiano!!! Sit down and play full range music compositions in guild wars 2! How cool with that be?!


    Almost every modern piano has 52 white keys and 36 black keys for a total of 88 keys (seven octaves plus aminor third, from A0 to C8). Many older pianos only have 85 keys (seven octaves from A0 to A7). Some piano manufacturers have extended the range further in one or both directions.

    our current ability to convert a midi file to an ahk for in game play or to tab it for others to play manually on gw2mb archive is limited to 3 octaves on the harp and lacks the ability to play accidentals , this would be worth the work and we would pay HANDSOMELY for a gemstore chair and instrument combo the most exclusive and worth while toy we could buy for the passionate real life musician looking to play in game, lets be honest here. Music has become a great replay value and a draw to new comers as well. WHY NOT CAPITALIZE ON THIS ANET?! So listen to this awesome suggestion and make gw2 the only place you can get a FULL RANGE INSTRUMENT in a mmo.


    I hope Anet can Take this Idea To heart As this Can bring Chairs to a whole New level .

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/UYqpfS5.jpg "")



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