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Posts posted by Kynara.7823

  1. Not sure how it could work as cultural armor could break it but is it possible to have different skins on each slot for legendary gear? I'm sure its been heavily requested already, but part of me also would rather craft extra ascended sets just to have separate fashion on other characters.


    Previously Ive been saying to my guildies it wasnt really worth getting legendary armor/weapons for wvw at least, unless you plan on doing a lot of build testing and have extra mats/gold. Even still the cost of crafting even expensive stats with ascended and stat converting/buying new runes+ buying extra equipment slots is probably better and cheaper for most players (or more realistically, reward track exotic armor).


    Being able to conveniently share the leges across other characters will make it more worthwhile now, looking forward to this change thanks for adding more great qol!



  2. How the skill seems to work:

    This is known mechanic but relevant to how it works, Glints boons only apply every 3s, even if you press skills a second apart, they will apply once when you press them then apply again together 3s after the first one was pressed, at the same time on a 3s 'tick'.

    With Draconic echo, while the consume effect is lingering, your boons continue to reapply the skills passive boon on the same existing 'tick'. It also applies the boon when you consume it (even if its off tick, same as if you were just activating it initially again). Then it will proc its passive 2x following the ticks timing of other active skills (if you pop it just before or after a tick it still will always proc 2x because of the timing).

    This only works when another Glint skill is active, including the f2, but not once you legend swap. I'm hoping this is a bug (and an understandable one seeing all these mechanics in play) because being able to reapply boons when you consume and legend swap could be useful for pvp/wvw (though the dmg trait is probably the top choice for wvw at least), right now its benefit is very minimal when you want to swap or take that extra damage trait instead.

    > @"LeBub.9053" said:

    > ANNOYING Utility Order BUG

    > ----------------------------------------

    > It seems there is a utility position Bug in the Skillbar.

    > I am not sure yet what exactly causes it and it needs further testing, but the manually defined Order gets messed up by swapping the second and the third Utility Skill most of the time.

    > It seems to happen when i swap Legend during a skill animation, have to test which one exactly.

    > I am not sure about the other Stances, because i mainly play Mallyx/Herald and it happens to both Stances.

    > Sometimes one Stance gets messed up, while the others order is still as intented, sometimes its vice versa or both get messed up equally.

    > I had to reorder the Utilities every time after the Match, it always reordered again DURING a Match.

    > This is very annoying because my Rotations can get messed up.

    > I noticed it today for the first time.

    > It seems this Bug sneaked in with the latest Update so i hope anet fixes this Issue soon, my Revenant suffered enough from the last Balance Update, the least he needs now is such a gamebreaking Bug. :'(

    > Until Anet fixes this, ill have to stop playing my second Favorite Profession...

    > I noticed this Bug in PvP, which i play most of the time.

    > Maybe someone can confirm this in PvE as well?




    This happened to me in wvw as well but more rarely, my herald skills were fine but when I swapped to Jalis they were sometimes wrong... I thought maybe it had to do with underwater utility positions so I fixed the order of both but it happened again (that was before the patch today) not sure if its still doing so, I havnt noticed anything switching after patch yet.

  3. I agree with what people are saying, but even if it added extra damage channeling the f2 and IO, its still at a large cost of energy at -2, and have to cast its consume skill to remove that drain. I'm not sure if they increased the cost because that extra dmg would be game breaking either, seeing how they increased Glints skill dmg/ lower cd no problem... I dont understand why they increased the cost at all honestly, they worked hard on these interesting passives that ended up being ignored because of the cost and how weak the passives are (maybe used for its active for some). All builds cant take advantage of it very well including support where you want to spam other skills and the upkeep isnt close to as good.


    I really wanted the f2 to be engaging and usable (in a pvp/wvw context but I imagine for pve as well). Before the f2 changes in wvw I used to upkeep it to benefit my team and now I don't upkeep it at all I just pop it in Jalis for stab and thats the only time I touch it. In Glint I'd rather upkeep other skills so I have them ready to use or have extra boons going out instead of +1/4s or so to boons with a high cost. In Jalis there's no point in upkeeping the -10% dmg reduction passive when I can save my energy for the elite, or gain short stab from the brick road, or extra upkeep dmg from spinning hammers. Same thing for ventari/other legends in my exerience for wvw at least, if this affects pve playstyles in a similar way I'd be curious to know as well.


    Imo and from my experience it would be a good thing if it was brought back to -2 then you can have an extra layer of managing your energy for the affect and there's something engaging to be paying attention to and using instead of just being as ignored as before in a wvw context. Or buff the passive affects to be stronger and worth the cost over other skills.

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