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Posts posted by Paposeco.6013

  1. Hello,


    I am currently on a wvw server where there is 0% of open commanders, all of the few guilds that exist talking about leaving after this last re-link and no chance to get any type of fun out of WvW by myself.


    My question is, if possible to answer, what are the servers that:

    - maintained a healthy and stable WvW community during all these past years;

    - has a low percentage of bandwagoning;

    - has frequent open tag commanders;

    - where people use voice comms and not just text to communicate.


    WvW is all about interaction and I feel myself migrating from server to server just to find out that on each and every re-link people just leave for ??????? reasons, I only play Gw2 for the WvW because unfortunately there is nothing better in the gaming market in that department, despite not having the developing attention it deserves. But having to transfer so often is not only expensive, but also destroys completely the community aspect of the game, in my opinion.


    Thank you.


    NOTE: I'm on European servers. Not sure if this forum works for both America and Europe as one.

  2. Hello,


    I have a 3k armor and 20k HP character that is getting 1 shoted by a single rapid fire skill usage (number 2 on ranger longbow).

    Not every enemy ranger is using this "1 shot" build but what happens is that they kill my mount and myself, regardless of how much armor or HP I have, with just one rapid fire. If on my blind side I usually have no time to react.


    Anyone knows what build is this, or is it some sort of exploit?


    Thank you.

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