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Posts posted by quick.7361

  1. Mounts are indeed in need of major adjustments. Frankly in my opinion you remove 100% of the hit points and anyone placed in combat is immediately dismounted. While adding a 10 sec remount to the equation, 5 is much too short. Mind you i would recommend they remove the knock down that currently exist while being dismounted. This does a few things for both the large game player and the small havoc groups, 1 the large game player that wants to rush back to their tag and mindlessly smash keys can quickly do so. But while they are indeed in a WvW zone take precaution of how they go about getting back to their zerg safely. 2 The small havoc groups of 3-5 players could easily dismount the adds in their fights and manage the fight more effectively. Frankly the small man game is dying and ANET MUST make adjustments. Ohh and the whole ideal we are going to give u a mount skill that dismounts ppl is a fail idea unless it is not voidable when the player has 3 evades. Frankly I am tired of this being a #'s wins fight game, what happen to needing a bit of skill to win a fight.


    Just my 2 Cents

    Quick - Your Not-So-Friendly Keep Tapper

  2. OK GW2 fans you either hate me or love me there is no in-between and I am Ok with whichever it is. However, this blatant speed hacking needs to be dealt with appropriately. You be the judge, jury, and executioner here.






    Anet please contact me if you would like the player's username.


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