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Nath Forge Tempete.1645

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Posts posted by Nath Forge Tempete.1645

  1. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > > Well if you look at the GW1 map, between PoF and LS4 we got almost all of Crystal Desert and Elona. The important areas, at least. I imagine Cantha will be the same, sparse at expansion release and filled in by the following Living World season.

    > > >

    > > > That said, Cantha is smaller than Elona--its barely bigger than the Maguuma Wastes & Heart of Maguuma combined.

    > >

    > > The areas in this vary in our current map but Cantha is about the size of our current fully discovered map almost according to this. We only saw a portion of Cantha in gw1. But I have no doubt they'll have to shrink it down some.

    > >

    > > https://blog.thatshaman.com/2014/11/updated-high-resolution-map-of-planet.html


    > Planets are spherical, and this would put the majority of Cantha in an arctic climate, similar to the "Icy Tundra" to the north. Notice the slivers of land at the bottom of the map, those are the top of the Tyrian continent, wrapping around.


    arctic climate if you assume that the axis of rotation is near cantha . And it depends on the angle of the axis between the sun exposure.... of course only if anet decided to use a sphere type of world and not a biblic style . anything can happen in a fantasy world (depending on the story dev leaders)

  2. > @"Stormcrow.7513" said:

    > Imbagon was fun in GW1. I really enjoyed that class alot. I doubt there will be a paragon in any for in GW2 as other posters have alluded too but one can hope.


    yeah I loved IMbagon especially that It can deal quite some dmg as well as buffing allies so it's amazing. Unfortunately the new elite gives a lot to the party but sacrifice all your dmg potential and requieres allies to stick to you. Yeah I still hope even tho I know we missed the occasion to get paragon in path of fire ... sadly. but As you said on can hope.


    > @"hatsamu.4327" said:

    > I thought that Dragonhunter pulled a lot of Paragon's visuals. There's a burning spear on F1, a big shield on F3, and the angelic wings from chants appears on F2. And there's all of the supportive shouts on Guardian. Might make it hard to justify taking the slot from some other idea.


    it's true that guard and maybe warrior (spellbreaker) can have similarities . but in it base mechanics it's very different . It gives the same things but not the same way.

    ANd yeah ofc ... gw 1 and gw 2 are not the same game ... they just share the same lore.

  3. Hey guys ! (and girls)


    I've been back to Guild wars 1 with the 15th birthday celebration. And I have to say it was (and still is) so great to play that game again and especially my paragon with the new elite skill and all these new weapons.


    I wanted to have a discussion about the viability of paragon in guild wars 2 as a stand alone class. I know some (a lot) of ppl would say that it should be better as an elite spec instead.

    The argue would be that even in GW1 , paragon was a bit limited as a self class and rely a lot on the secondary profession to be effective.


    Basically it was more a Paragon + warrior thing or nothing or even paragon + assassin for the dagger spam or even dervish.


    However it feels so great to be a heavy class with buff to all party , effects all around and throwing heavy spear at people.


    What trait does paragon needs to be a stand alone class? and what weapon ? above all ... what skills?


    # Trait lines

    * Command : based on shouts and offensive buffs

    * Motivation : based on chant of course and especially cleansing/ healing and boons ofc.

    * Leadership : the all in one trait line . Basically something that would probably be mandatory : adding synergy to the entire class depending on the class mechanics.

    * Spear mastery (or weapon mastery in general) : pretty obvious that it would improve weapon efficiency and self dmg dealing.

    The last one was a bit tricky to imagine. I wanted to based my idea on the musical aspect of the class but then I wonder ... then what? I don't know really if you have ideas?

    * Elite = Bard : heavy buffs and a specific defensive weapon. (not thinking about it yet tbh)


    # Weapons

    1. **Main hand**

    * Javelin (Spear) : basically a new weapon but the traditionnal paragon style applying some dmg at 600 or 900 range.

    * Sword : some swift hits that can deal a bunch . Maybe conditions?

    * Axe : heavy hitting strikes + vulnerability

    * Dagger : there cause the new 15th birthday weapon for Paragon is dagger and its always by pair in gw1. disruptive strikes and dazed.

    2. **Off hand**

    * Shield : synergized with buffs the class provide , basically AOE block and reflect.

    * dagger : there for the LULz playing double dagger

    3. Two Handed

    *Melee Staff : basically a two hand spear playstyle similar to lancer.


    # Class mechanic

    I was thinking of a 2 choices of element the paragon could use on F skills F1 would be the choice between fire or lighting. Such as revenant legend.


    Basically 2 or 3 skills that could enhance self or allied effects or skills.

    * **Fire** : based on burning ofc but also defensive buffs. Explanation : a lot of paragon mechanics rely on burning enemies on attacks or reduce dmg from burning foes. That could be cool to increase burn application or set a ring of fire such as the guardian one for dmg mitigation.

    * **Lightning** : base on the skill spear of lightning. Enhance weapon skills to gain armor penetration and dealing bunch of dmg . A lighnting AOE on F skill and another one passive applying vulne or a daze every 10 sec.



    Thanks for reading my novel ahaha

  4. Once again ... a new package is being available as a purchase and not available for belgian players while there's no loot box in it .


    Once again people in charge of making these things live didn't check the content of that package and just disabled it for belgium while there was no reason too. : =)

    But I have faith . You have fixed that mistake the last time it occurs so I assume you will fix it this time again.


    Nice to ear from you ! =)


    Best regards

  5. People can't deny that the content we get now is less sizable than what it used to be. Now saying that they are the doing the bare minimum is a bit too much. They still invest a lot of time in the game but the release might pass onto players as "that's it?". While it wasn't really the case before since we got expansions.


    I play since launch (not quite as active as before I have to confess) and I can totally feel the lack of "hype" in GW2 these past months (on my side)

    I'm not interested to play anymore since the content they provide isn't really appealing. They probably need to release one new big stuff to make people come back again to their game ... I think.

  6. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > Playing classes without teleport in this map is like a dancing monkey in a cage specially when playing a melee one.

    > > >

    > > > it's 2020 and teleport is still not accessible by all classes and it is still abused in maps and carrying undeserved wins, i admit i abuse these as well.

    > > > stuff like these either needs to be

    > > > 1. accessible by everyone for balance

    > > > 2. maps need removed for balance

    > > > 3. adds role limit, to limit the number of teleport per team for balance.

    > > >

    > > > Mechanics like stealth/flash are broken mechanics and will never be balanced, which is why you should open access or heavy nerf and balance class on other terms.

    > > > gw2 pvp has forever favored classes with blinks/stealth since release, a viable class with blinks/stealth will always be twice more valuable then a viable class without.

    > >

    > > Stealth, Teleport, Blink never existed in origin Guild Wars. No wonder why, they are Toxic-broken and will always be Toxic because Toxic mechanic like them absolutely have no place in the world of Guild Wars

    > >

    > > **Period!!**

    > >

    > > (also Please! remove pulling mechanic because it is kitten child-play-being thrown around like a yow-yow is very immature gameplay design)

    > >

    > >


    > Gw2 has a complete different combat system than gw1, if you are unable to use skills or to walk or to dodge you should stay with gw1


    Well and the only thing that GW1 hasn't go was stealth (i think) but assassin got sooooo many different ports (or blink) That didn't make that class OP tho.

  7. > I read ( a while ago) the issue with Cantha culture was bothering just ONE guy at Anet's who was responsible of the China part of the market. So that it was that guy only saying "no" to cantha (maybe based on that community feedback )


    The thing is : That guy isn't working for Arenanet anymore and we don't really know what is the feel of anet internally about cantha so far. I remembered some dev posts (or interviews) saying they were'nt against adding cantha to the game ... it would just have to fit into the story and how the game evolves.


    Translation : Cantha could be possible but we will have to wait for a big turn into the story so it might take a while then.

  8. We all know (well veteran players at least) that fractals are the "new" dungeons. BUT ! it doesn't provide the same type of content that dungeon did.

    * armor

    * legendary gift

    * weapons

    * Tonics (LUL)


    While strikes could be considered as a smoll dungeon too ... to me it doesn't provide the same things either. While exclusive skin as a reward is great tho.


    That's why I voted for a new dungeon :D

  9. I personnally Use this for all OW content and really ... Every content feels as easy as any other class now !




    Before that I was struggleling killing veteran mobs anywhere and that was painfull. I even forced myself to reroll for another class in OW because of how painfull it was. This build is really faceroll and the condi burst is insane when you combine primordial stance + glyph of elemental power.


    Using earth allows you to use your signet for the extra heal without loosing your passive healing. It's 10/10 for the quality of life. Going for the sigil of smoldering allows me to go for more vitality and more critical damage (on griveing and then less viper pieces) and still be capped in burning duration ...which is awesome but maybe not optimal cause bleeding isn't capped (like 30% only).

    But I like it that way.


    Feel free to try it :D the extra vitality helps a lot and the damage is quite insane to me (compared to any other ele build I could have used before)

  10. I'm not playing for like 2 months in sPvp (cause game is boring without new specs or new builds) but ele had (and still has now) 2 options for weaver:


    1) Going "bunker" menders (more of sustain but whatever) and deals wet noodle dmg.


    2) Going Sage and gets crazy condi bursts if the opponent is not aware of primordial stance + glyph. But this one has way less sustain. (still has some tho but less)


    With build 2) I cannot imagine how I could be able to 1v3 and be able to cleave all 3. Unless the guy is godmode at kitting/chasing and the opponents are a bit terribad at it.

    But it's more a gameplay issue than a build issue.


    Maybe I'm wrong eh !

  11. I'm pretty sure the geyser part will still be in the new trait. Just the additionnal passive revival speed will be removed. Cause they specificly said they like the interactive of skill such as geyser to rez ppl.


    since guardian shield 5 will rez ppl such as feedback on mesmer.

  12. > @"Asuhrion.9738" said:

    > when, WHEN will be taken care of the botters in lowland burns, blazeridge steppes. standing there for days while either their pets or the perma released skill are doing the kills.

    > killing branded for t3 and 4 mats.



    is it considered as botting since they let the pet do the job? I mean there's no bot involved ? theere is?

  13. Question :

    The elementalist trait "Arcane Abatement" casts a field (depending on your attunement) when taking fall damages. These fields are pretty usefull in some situations so here's my question


    Does the new trait keep the field cast or do you plain on adding it elsewhere ? Such as "cast a field depending on your attunement on healing skill " ? cause the healing on attunement swap is nice but left alone seems pretty weak maybe?

  14. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > We got a pvper as the PvP Chief.


    > Take a breather, and let's let the man work.


    > He's made more changes from the time he stepped into the shoes, than the last group did in a 1/2 year, and that was like only 2 weeks or so ago.


    > I'm pretty sure kittens gonna change.


    and he was playing elementalist back to that day so ... he has all my trust tho ! (is that even english ? well I trust him)

  15. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > As a Core Guardian, any Holosmith/Warrior/Mirage/Reaper/Thief can down me within 10 (or three, of they spam conditions) seconds.


    > Let's Ele be OP, when literally ALL classes have disgustingly OP builds.


    Ppl are not use of ELE doing damage so when they do ... they complain cause they feel bad being killed by this "sub-class" (Ofc I'm kidding... Maybe?)

  16. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I'm not sure how ArenaNet is exploiting anyone, when one can acquire said weapons with Gold earned in-game. No real money needed.


    well even with "gold earned in-game" I can't buy BL keys anyway so ! loot boxes are not a healthy feature anyway if you can't get the item on an alternative way. (imo)

  17. > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > Don't forget, there's still primordious after Jormag, and possibly Bubbles.

    > They cannot end GW2 with Jormag.

    > Will be a huge disappointment.

    > As for an expac; it doesn't have to be an expac, they can well keep doing LS.

    > I think a lot of people would like to see cantha though.

    > But I can't see them making two separate maps just like GW1.

    > They have to come up with some sort of storyline that something magically moved cantha into the endless sea, somewhere between the fire islands and scavengers causeway.

    > Hey, this is gw; anything is possible.

    > If they can come up with a torch made of ice, lmao, Cantha can certainly be translocated to tyria.



    I can imagine Bubbles being under cantha or having the power to derive lands (such as cantha) to migrate cantha into the unending ocean and then we have cantha in the same map than anything else ! Excelsior !!!

  18. Exlporing dungeons back to the early GW2 days was amazing ! back to the day where exotic gear was not so common ... and especially with their entire sets of armor and weapon skins .


    The way the reward works is amazing (back to that day) and motivated me a lot to play that content to be honest. It's just that with no new dungeons added and the arrival of ascended gear... rewards felt a bit too low. The gold at the end got buffed a lot but then nerfed and nerfed again once they revealed focusing more on fractals and leaving the dungeon part as it is currently.


    It's something I would never feel with fractals right now . It's simple ... fractals are even more boring than dungeons ... and they got added way after dungeons.

  19. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > also i dk what is wrong with 8k burn if some classes like holo/warrior/ranger hit for 10k-20k in one skill lol

    > > >

    > > > well It would be fine if the burning has only 1 tick ... but most of the time it's more than that... and then each stack of burning expire but continues to tick till the last single stack...

    > > > which gives you 8k - 8k - 8k -6k-6k-4k-4k-2k-2k-1k-1k-0.5k (total dmg delt = 50k) ofc these are random numbers and not tacking into account nor the reapplication or the cleansing.

    > >

    > > In order to reach that much burning, they would have to hit you 10+ times.

    > >

    > > I've got news for you; if you let a power build hit you 10+ times, they'll also end up doing 50k+ damage.


    > Actually more like 3-4 times.

    > Anyhow the issue with condi is you get the damage even when the other player is not hitting you anymore. If you don't have any cleanses left because the spamming nature of those builds, which can reapply those 8k every couple of seconds, you end up dying to damage which ignore LoS and distance.

    > Against a power build you can use obstacles and distance additionally to dodges\blocks\evades\inmmuties.


    > Also because how the stat sets are setup you are pretty safe playing as condi as you also get toughness and vitality in those sets. If you would need 3 stats to make condi work (condi damage + expertise + notankystat) it would be more fair. Right now with the spammy and long application of conditions is very difficult to balance that.


    thank you !

  20. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > also i dk what is wrong with 8k burn if some classes like holo/warrior/ranger hit for 10k-20k in one skill lol


    well It would be fine if the burning has only 1 tick ... but most of the time it's more than that... and then each stack of burning expire but continues to tick till the last single stack...

    which gives you 8k - 8k - 8k -6k-6k-4k-4k-2k-2k-1k-1k-0.5k (total dmg delt = 50k) ofc these are random numbers and not tacking into account nor the reapplication or the cleansing.

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