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Posts posted by Mordalus.8146

  1. As I said in the previous post, this is my main issue with the game and the reason I no longer play. Getting one shotted because you can’t see the tell through the noise has been an issue with this game since day 1. Anet promised a fix and never delivered an adequate one. At this point, I don’t think they can. They need to talk to the ESO devs. They’ve done it right.

  2. God yes. This is why I stopped playing, except for living world episodes, and stopped buying gems. Anet can’t fix it or they would have years ago. ESO allows you to turn off other people’s spell effects except for the ones they require synergy with other players. It makes it so much easier to see tells. I don’t know why Anet can’t accomplish this after all these years.

  3. Good


    -art style

    -no ninja looting

    -wardrobe system


    -good group finder



    -visual clutter can’t see telegraphs

    -legendaries take too many resources to complete

    -gamble boxes are the devil

    -current state of pvp and wvw

    -no build templates

    -no sigil/rune swapping

    -poor profession balance

    -rewards suck in general

    -poor writing and laughable dialogue in the LS

  4. > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > > Sigil and Rune should be it's own equipment slot, so you don't need to tie it to gear with stats that constantly needs to be swapped around. It is just a bothersome annoying gold sink design.

    > >

    > > Alternatively remove stats from weapons/armor (tie it to only trinkets instead), so armor/weapon is skin + sigil/rune only. Make it much easier to deal with constantly changing stats, play styles, etc.

    > >

    > > And the lack of an option to remove other players sfx is.... just dumb.


    > I would just like to point out that gold sinks are very important in an mmorpg to stop hyperinflation of the economy. This game already has very few gold sinks as it is so taking out the ones we do have like runes and sigils could have disasterous effects on the game economy. You could log in one day to find all your money is absolutely worthless.


    You could add a cost to swapping that would pay for th convenience. I’d pay if it was reasonably priced. I’d love to try other builds but the cost and inconvenience is prohibitive. This is a game, not a career.

  5. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > @Morwath.9817 said:

    > > > @Swagg.9236 said:

    > > > > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > > > > @Swagg.9236 said:

    > > > > > > @Rukia.9860 said:

    > > > > > > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.

    > > > >

    > > > > Never heard that one before. :wink:

    > > > >

    > > > > Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently

    > > >

    > > > The only skill barrier in GW2 is reading tool tips. Once players know why they died to an invisible, max-range spike or a single circle which lit up their status bar, GW2's skill progression plateaus rather immediately. 1v(1+X)s are not won without a massive amount of kiting and rotating through damage negation cooldowns, and most fights that people take are also almost exclusively hard-counter matches. A mesmer might 2v1 a revenant and a ranger, but no mesmer will ever 2v1 two thieves if the thieves just play passively. The highest skill threshold of GW2 is choosing a class that can generally run on a skill rotation without interruption and then knowing every class or teamfight scenario which you can defeat without really putting yourself at risk. Since the game is incredibly homogenized and binary, max skill in GW2 is effectively a short laundry list of yes's and no's which are answered at a glance before combat would even begin.

    > > >

    > > > The people who get so swept up in implying that there is any real player skill in memorizing a few binary match-up scenarios are the only ones holding back the community's attitude toward this failed gimmick called GW2 PvP.

    > >

    > > Ooo, Quaggan found a treasure, the most stupid post among stupid posts! Wooo-hooo!

    > > Same people who were winning ESLs, been participating World Series are dominating ATs and often are around top of leaderboards, that all because there is no skill in GW2 PvP!


    > Dude, don't be rude :^)


    > But seriously, what does being top ranked in GW2 even mean, really? At this point, the people in the top 100 on the GW2 PvP leaderboards aren't necessarily there by hardcore skill alone; you must understand by now that GW2 PvP is dead, and a dead game allows anyone to float up to the top due to lack of competition. Get a group of five people who do nothing but play GW2, and you'll probably have the only team with five people who feel that it's somehow worth it to play that much GW2 despite its boring, binary design obfuscated behind a bloat of skills, passives and particle effects. Mix in an MMR system which was, at one point, admitted by devs to have been implemented in a manner which would artificially attempt to skew player win-rates to at 50% win-loss ratio, and you are set up for easy exploitation and reliance on RNG.


    > Moreover, GW2 was dead even during the ESL era. You know why? This game has no sponsors aside from the anet dollars that bought it into that league. You know why GW2 has no sponsors? A sponsor needs to see a stable, thriving population in which they feel comfortable investing a marketing campaign. GW2 has never had sponsors because its shallow gameplay has never retained but a handful of players who were there at the right time to capitalize on the general hype the game had at launch and then ride it out to the point at which anet felt it might be worth it to throw money at a few tournaments. It has always been the same people. That's not the sign of a healthy game; that's the sign of a hollow playerbase capped with a half-handful of people who were just in the right place at the right time to reap the profits.


    > The top of the leaderboard, by the way, for many seasons leading up until now, has been littered with win-traders; and the people who dominate regular tourneys are the only kind of people left who tolerate GW2's gameplay and just team-build to win. The rest of the playerbase is either on a carousel because of how quickly GW2 can turn people off to its PvP gameplay or PvE progression, and is therefore typically just too fragmented to play GW2's metagame against the, like, 12 people who do it consistently.


    > Call me when GW2 is a game good enough that its own players crowd-fund multiple international LANs like Team Fortress 2 did.



    You nailed it! And love the don’t be rude comment. Thank you. Internet anonymity always gives people big balls they wouldn’t otherwise flaunt in RL. Even when it’s veiled in weaksauce RP.

  6. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > I'm guessing that the visual clutter affects melee combat more as I don't have a problem with it from a ranged position...and I just don't worry about it when in melee range...I use my health bar to see if anything that isn't visible is affecting my character, that's what tells me to dodge when in melee range.


    Yes is much worse to deal with in melee combat. Ranged is much more forgiving but you still can’t see the big tells no matter where you stand.

  7. > @Odinens.5920 said:

    > Crap, can't edit. Was talking about your visual; clutter request.


    Tried that. Still can’t see through the clutter. It’s fine with three or less people. Add more and forget it. In ESO, you can turn off the spell effects from other peolple except for those that have synergy. That works so well. I can clearly see the telegraphs. This game is just guessing when to dodge and spamming invulnerable when they’re off CD. Love the combat. Hate the fact that I can’t see.


  8. The population is so small that it’s impossible to get a competitive match. Noobs have infiltrated every level of play as a result. It’s purely random chance to get a good match. Dump ranked and pool everyone back into unranked and keep the rewards. If we can’t have a decent competitive system, then let’s at least bring back the fun.

  9. Fixing visual clutter. ESO can do it. Why can’t Anet? I can never see telegraphs through all the noise.


    A sigil/rune wallet that allows swapping on demand. It makes no sense to have stat swapping on legendaries with no ability to swaps runes/sigils.


    If they made these two upgrades, I’d drop ESO in a heartbeat since the combat and art direction here are superior. But it’s been years and still nothing.

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