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Cyrus of Moo.9437

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Posts posted by Cyrus of Moo.9437

  1. It's not about skipping the shooting gallery. This is getting this mastery in Gold aswell. So my complain is those targets are way to small or put even more time in it.

    The Tendril Torchers I have tried a other 9 times but still it's a fail for me... Put some more time in that. I think people want to archive the archievements on all.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > They’ve already extended the times needed several times and doing so would only further make them essentially participation trophies. The newer adventures have been guilty of this as you can get gold by a wide margin the first try without even putting much effort.


    > Which ones specifically do you have left to get gold in?


    Tendril Torchers I have only reach Silver and Gold I have tried but I keep failing to get gold.

    Shooting Gallery those targets are just too small, even with a 27" inch screen.

  3. I'm trying and trying but for the most of time I only reach almost to Silver.... Give more time on the Silver and Gold so everyone can handle it.

    The Shooting Gallery those targets are soo small to hit and I already have a 27" inch screen.

    People make videos and I read a lot of complains that still people have a hard time of getting to the gold.

    I can't stop trying because I need the masteries still 13 to go. plz review them and at some more time to it. Make it more easier so all players can get going.

    Also for the others give more time to archieve to gold.


  4. I have started sometime ago with my first Legendary the Kudzu. I just started with the second tier and I see it is costing so much gold and items that it takes forever to get the legendary weapon. I play everyday and I'm so into getting the items that I don't make time to play with my other characters.

    Maybe a idea to make all items half of what you need to make it more fun to get that legendary you really want. If this is staying this way then the kudzu will my last legendary. Then my choice is enjoying the game as it is. But plz do something about the cost and items for the legendaries. They are already far over priced then the ascended weapons.

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