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Posts posted by suffish.4150

  1. Tornado is actually super powerful if used in the right situation. It’s probably the most powerful skill in the game for denying a res and the cc/damage from it can absolutely turn 1 down into a wipe. If u spam it off cool down in a 1v1, then it will seem useless to you I guess.


    Just because an insanely OP skill like rampage is better, doesn’t make tornado any less good.

  2. Honestly they need to focus on making Druid a dedicated support class rather than the hybrid duelist/support we have now. The reason for this is because Druid and soulbeast currently fill the same kind of role which will always lead to at least 1 of them being unused. The new elite glyph is a great step in this direction in terms of the thinking behind it, but the delivery was terrible. What that skill needs is for the cast time to be halved but for the effect to continue to pulse for the full duration. I wouldn’t mind 1 stack of stability being added to it too. CA cooldown should be reduced to 15 seconds and the overall healing should increase, due to the fact that the skills offer very little utility other than pure healing. CA 2 needs a serious healing increase and to cleanse 2 conditions instead of 1 like it used to. This would also be a buff to glyphs if trailed which can be useful for a support. Also give back 1200 range SnR.


    The way I see it, the main problem with Druid is that it has no clear role, which was actually a great thing back in HoT when power creep was less it allowed it to be versatile. But now we are in the current meta, there is no room for hybrid roles (with the exception of holosmith, but that is due to the class itself being very unbalanced) since the duelist/support builds are both so OP in their own roles. So yeah, I would love to see Druid become a viable alternative to a firebrand.

  3. No offence but this is a truly terrible idea lol. Why on earth would it be a good idea to make the only item in the game that actually requires a lot of skill to get be obtainable my mindless grinding. For pvp to be successful, you need to give players incentive to actually get good, not to mindlessly farm. Right now players have plenty of incentive to farm games with how rewarding ranked/ATs are in terms of gold, but that isn’t helping the competitive community grow is it? We need more exclusive rewards that can only be achieved through being extremely good at the game, not less.


    Saying all of this as someone who does not play ATs and will never get a gizmo.

  4. It’s definitely rev by a pretty significant margin. Try playing against 2 good revs then try to deny this fact lol. The damage is just absolutely ridiculous and that reveal hurts so much against many builds. It needs nerfing to the same level as thief for sure.


    Second place would be chronomancer (illusions bunker build). Scrappper imo really isn’t OP because even though it’s sustain is far beyond any other duelist in the game, it’s damage is very low so you can just counter it by leaving it in a stalemate all game and winning the rest of the map.

  5. Yes, I love playing against mirages. As a Druid it’s the only skill-based 1v1 that still exists for me in the current meta. Every other duelist spec is a stalemate or a 100% unwinnable matchup. Mesmer also have high condi burst which makes them a fun challenge to survive while outnumbered.


    So yes, I would MUCH prefer to fight a mirage than the majority of other meta specs which exist right now.

  6. Pretty stupid how flanby isn’t at the top of the list tbh when he clearly is the best. He has to deal with players exploiting revenant and playing one of the weakest specs in the game and still manages to get top 20. A truly top tier player.


    Also why am I not on the list? Have you SEEN my bunker chrono gameplay?

  7. This is a very sad decision tbh. Anet says that titles will not be handed out for the season and then, AFTER THE SEASON HAS ENDED, they announce that it was all a lie and titles will be awarded anyway.

    I believe very strongly that you should be rewarded for being good at the game and placing high on the leaderboard, but this just feels like we have been lied to by anet. If I knew titles would be given out this season, I would have pushed for top 1 to 3 for certain, as I would love to have one of those titles (getting bored of my top 10 one :D ) but the opportunity for this was taken away from me this season and I feel pretty sad about that.


    Honestly I think the best option would be to just let the few lucky people have the titles they got from this season and leave it at that. At least that would feel more like an honest mistake than the betrayal it feels like now. Either way I know that anet will not go back on this decision, but I do think it’s important to give my feedback to hopefully influence future decisions.

  8. Toxic players make the game so much more entertaining. Some of the insults they throw at you can be absolutely hilarious and never fail to give me a good laugh.


    You have so many options when someone flames you:

    -Block them and report them (boring)

    -Flame them back to get a funnier reaction

    -Act really nice and friendly to them in hopes of making them even angrier

    -Completely ignore them and watch in amusement as their flaming gets more and more severe as they desperately try to get a response

    -Tell them to 1v1 you in a private arena after the game for 100g (always some easy gold)


    I use all of these options (other than block+report lol) depending on how I feel at the time or what I think will provide me with the most entertainment.


    If some random loser on the internet flaming you over gw2 pvp actually bothers you, in all seriousness, maybe you should reconsider if competitive games are for you.


  9. Just bring back titles. There is absolutely no reason at all to not have them at this point. Anet confirmed that the reason they were removed is to prevent people camping the top spots.. but look at the top 10! Most people in there are camping the spots anyway! So no, the removal of titles added nothing to the game- it only took away some really nice rewards from the top players. I would have loved to get god of pvp one day and it makes me extremely sad to know that it isn’t going to happen now.


    The ‘BUT DUO MAKES IT UNBALANCED’ arguments are truly ridiculous because we have already had several seasons that included duo q and also had titles. In fact they were some of the best seasons that there ever has been due to the competition for meaningful rewards.


    The ‘BUT MATCH MANIPULATION’ argument is even more ridiculous because NOBODY in high tier has successfully wintraded without getting banned since (I believe) season 9 when 3 of the top ranked players got banned for wintrading. Anybody who has got high ranked by wintrading since then has been banned, no exceptions. All this talk about wintrading in gold is total nonsense- people going afk is NOT the same thing as wintrading and will happen the same amount with duo q or solo q only.


    So yeah, you can tell that I’m angry about this, but come on. There was absolutely zero logic in removing the titles and I believe bringing them back will help make ranked more competitive, especially with duo q being back.

  10. Yes it’s definitely possible. I play Druid only which is definitely not meta and play 90% solo q and have no problems at all getting from gold (which I regularly drop to by playing fun build that I am bad on) up to plat 3. Getting legend takes longer and needs a little luck but I have been there multiple times this season.


    Take a look at what you can improve in your own play before looking to matchmaking. Your team mates will almost always be bad players, just focus on playing your best and if even that isn’t enough, then just forget it and move on to the next one :)

  11. I don’t understand complaints like this at all. Back in season 2-4 when I was really trying to get good I was so happy when I got put against multiple players much better than myself. It’s a great way to test your own skills and learn things from other players. I would understand the complaint if you were put against 5 top tier players when you are solo with 4 plat 1 randoms... but come on, you should be happy to face good players. 90% of my ranked games are randoms vs randoms and I am always happy when this isn’t the case.

  12. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


    > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


    > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


    I do understand your thinking behind the removal of titles, however your logic seems flawed in a couple of areas and one particular thing stood out to me immediately. You say that the removal of titles will stop people from camping spots on the leaderboard to stop them from losing rating. However, the only reason removing titles will stop this behaviour is because the players no longer care about their rating. Look at it this way- WHY are the people in the top 10 camping their spots? Because they care about their rating and do not want to lose it. The only reason these players would stop this behaviour is if they do NOT care about their rating and do not care if they lose it and we both know this is a terrible mentality to have in an environment that is supposed to be competitive.

    The problem lies in the rating system itself, not the behaviour of the players. I do agre with you that camping a spot on the leaderboard is absolutely not something that should be encouraged, but is removing the rewards from both people who camp spots and people who play actively the best solution? Or is the best solution to make playing actively more rewarding in terms of keeping leaderboard positions? I don’t know how you would do this but I do know that simply removing the reason to tryhard for rating is a very lazy fix to the problem of spot-camping.


    That said I am very happy that duo is returning, but I can’t help but feel disappointed that I will never be able to get the titles for top 3 and higher.

  13. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > > > No more titles? Ok that means I am never going to play seriously in ranked again, because what’s the point? It also means that duo q means nothing to me either because I don’t care about winning if I don’t gain anything for it. Terrible, terrible decision that I truly hope anet decides not to follow through with. Well I guess the only tryharding I will ever be doing from now on is in ATs, which most of the time I can’t be bothered doing because it’s an hour waiting around for 2 good games.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you take away any incentive to try in ranked, nobody WILL try in ranked. Is that what anet really wants ranked to be? A place where nobody cares about winning and losing because they don’t get anything extra if they win other than a few pips (which pvp players have no need for)? Extremely disappointed to hear this.

    > > > >

    > > > > Oh well, I guess I can just have fun playing rifle warr in gold 2 forever.

    > > >

    > > > Rewarded for winning a random game with people you never met before...in that case gold reward is adequate. Ranked in GW2 is the same as Random Arena in GW1 with gladiator titles

    > >

    > > If you believe that ranked right now is purely random then you are pretty delusional I have to say. Of course luck is a factor, nobody is denying that but it, over an entire season, is much less of a factor than people seem to believe. Why is it that the same players are always able to reach top 10 and legendary division? Because they are just lucky? Of course not. The leaderboard is the best way of representing skill that we have ever had. No, it isn’t perfect but it’s as close as we are going to get.

    > >

    > > As for the argument I have seen people making that bringing back duo q will make the leaderboard unbalanced- have you forgotten seasons 5, 6, 7 and 8? There was duo in those seasons and nobody was complaining about it making the leaderboard unbalanced. If you want to get god of pvp, then yes you will have to duo but come on, if you are a player who is truly good enough to get something like that, you will have no shortage of top players to queue with. If nobody good wants to duo with you Then you are not a good player and when you improve, that will definitely change. So no, duo does not make the leaderboard very much less accurate than it is right now at all.

    > >

    > > I just find it hilarious that players have been asking for new pvp content and features for so long with no success, and what does anet do when they finally act? They REMOVE one of the major reasons to try in ranked. We want MORE pvp content, not less

    > >


    > We've seen stream of "GW2 pvp legends" fall flat on their face when they're placed in a total crap team...despite your claims of god like skills...**nobody can carry a total crap team**, you win because your random team happens to be less braindead then the opposition but still insist on these titles why?


    > 1- People use specs that artificially increase their skill level by 600-700 pts

    > 2- The tile is not a representation of personal skill...no matter how hard you claim otherwise, I recognise names...not titles, like everybody worth its salt does

    > 3- I stopped pvp in ranked, **winning was boring and losing was absurd**, 8 times out of 10 the skill difference is immense ,immeasurable and that alone invalidate anything you could say or do




    It seems that you don’t understand what I am saying, so I will make it clear to you:



    I think that this is something we both agree on. However, my argument is that, although there will always be an element of luck, this does not in any way invalidate the leaderboard as a measure of skill. Let’s look at it this way:


    You are a good player. Because of your skill, you are able to carry 67% (2/3) of your games when you play your best. In each individual time you queue up, you have a 33% chance that the game will be a loss even if you play to the best of your ability. This seems pretty high right? Well not really when we look at what is likely to happen over a whole season. Yes, every game you queue up for will have a fair chance of being totally impossible to win, but when you look at the ENTIRE season, the chance that your win rate will deviate from the 67% too much becomes extremely small and therefore, your skill that was able to get you a good win rate and a high rating by the end of the season, whereas an average player would only end up with about a 50% win rate.


    I remember seeing another post that explained the situation perfectly- in each individual game you are always at the mercy of the matchmaking, however, the more games you play, the more your individual skill affects your rating, and the less the matchmaking and luck do.


    The fact that uncarriable games exist does not even suggest that the leaderboard is not a good measure of skill. Even the term ‘uncarriable game’ is a big misleading, because games that are uncarriable to one person playing to the best of their ability will not be uncarriable to another person playing to the best of their ability, leading to better players being able to win more games, just like they should.


    So I don’t understand your argument and I still can’t see any sense in removing titles. If you still disagree with me, I would like you to answer one question:


    Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?

  14. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > No more titles? Ok that means I am never going to play seriously in ranked again, because what’s the point? It also means that duo q means nothing to me either because I don’t care about winning if I don’t gain anything for it. Terrible, terrible decision that I truly hope anet decides not to follow through with. Well I guess the only tryharding I will ever be doing from now on is in ATs, which most of the time I can’t be bothered doing because it’s an hour waiting around for 2 good games.

    > >

    > > If you take away any incentive to try in ranked, nobody WILL try in ranked. Is that what anet really wants ranked to be? A place where nobody cares about winning and losing because they don’t get anything extra if they win other than a few pips (which pvp players have no need for)? Extremely disappointed to hear this.

    > >

    > > Oh well, I guess I can just have fun playing rifle warr in gold 2 forever.


    > Rewarded for winning a random game with people you never met before...in that case gold reward is adequate. Ranked in GW2 is the same as Random Arena in GW1 with gladiator titles


    If you believe that ranked right now is purely random then you are pretty delusional I have to say. Of course luck is a factor, nobody is denying that but it, over an entire season, is much less of a factor than people seem to believe. Why is it that the same players are always able to reach top 10 and legendary division? Because they are just lucky? Of course not. The leaderboard is the best way of representing skill that we have ever had. No, it isn’t perfect but it’s as close as we are going to get.


    As for the argument I have seen people making that bringing back duo q will make the leaderboard unbalanced- have you forgotten seasons 5, 6, 7 and 8? There was duo in those seasons and nobody was complaining about it making the leaderboard unbalanced. If you want to get god of pvp, then yes you will have to duo but come on, if you are a player who is truly good enough to get something like that, you will have no shortage of top players to queue with. If nobody good wants to duo with you Then you are not a good player and when you improve, that will definitely change. So no, duo does not make the leaderboard very much less accurate than it is right now at all.


    I just find it hilarious that players have been asking for new pvp content and features for so long with no success, and what does anet do when they finally act? They REMOVE one of the major reasons to try in ranked. We want MORE pvp content, not less


  15. No more titles? Ok that means I am never going to play seriously in ranked again, because what’s the point? It also means that duo q means nothing to me either because I don’t care about winning if I don’t gain anything for it. Terrible, terrible decision that I truly hope anet decides not to follow through with. Well I guess the only tryharding I will ever be doing from now on is in ATs, which most of the time I can’t be bothered doing because it’s an hour waiting around for 2 good games.


    If you take away any incentive to try in ranked, nobody WILL try in ranked. Is that what anet really wants ranked to be? A place where nobody cares about winning and losing because they don’t get anything extra if they win other than a few pips (which pvp players have no need for)? Extremely disappointed to hear this.


    Oh well, I guess I can just have fun playing rifle warr in gold 2 forever.

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