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Posts posted by mov.1246

  1. I am a bit in a identity crisis with my engineer. It was always a pain in my eyes that holosmith doesnt seem to belong in guild wars nor in the engineers theme.


    I explain why: i created my engi 8 years ago and i loved that this class uses raw and tinkered technology. With PoF we got holosmith as a elite spec, and there is my personal inner conflict. This doesnt seem logical to me, i use high technology weapons made of semi solid light, and some seconds later i use explosives made of steel, wood and blackpowder? How does this make sense from a technological and aesthetic view?


    Now some lore thoughts, please correct me if i am wrong or missing some point.


    I can not understand where the technology of holosmith came from? Yes, the lore tell us that elonians and zephyrites worked together and the result was to create constructs of semi solid light that can be used to damage foes. And this fact is creating a lot of questions.


    As i understand correctly the zephyrites are nomads with airships, and using the magic of the four aspects. Their culture is to revere glint and live in peace. So why they would help to create a weapon technology? And they don't even use it themselves? On the other hand they doesnt seem to have the technological knowlegde to develop such a high-tech, if they are more tied to magic instead of technology?

    Same goes for the elonian, they never seemed to me that they are technoloigical advanced enough to create holosmith technology.


    And the next, holosmith and its light technology never see any other use in this game except engineers elite spec. The most technological advanced races seems to be asura with mostly magi-tech (portals, golemancy, waypoints...) and charr with steam-tech (tanks, cannons, weapons...).

    Holosmith technology seems to be a lot more advanced as any other technology in this game. It is like hundreds of years ahead. And why other races dont use this technology? Light constructs could have a lot more other uses than just as weapon.


    I hope you understand my point of view, holosmith doesnt belong to this game IMO because this technology seems to came out of nowhere with super high advanced technology, and nobody (except holosmith spec) uses it or takes refer to it.


    I just want to enjoy my engineer again without feeling like holosmith doesnt belong to this game.

    Maybe somebody can give me a new point of view?

  2. PvE core engi is really bad compared to elite specs. Whatever core could do, elite does just better.

    If you want to play relaxed and tanky, you go scrapper. Even if you only spam bombkit #1, scrapper is the spec you prefer because of the insane barrier gain.

    If you want to max out your DPS, you go holo. Even condition builds are straigt better with holo.

    There is no reason to play core engi except nostalgia.

    This is sad, i always loved engi but i never liked the high-tech light and laser aesthetics of holosmith. It is kind of strange to holo mode with all that high-tech skills and then switch to kits with its rough look. Well this is really not important for gameplay, but it never felt "correct" to me.

  3. This is a pure pve perspective, i dont play wvw or pvp anymore...


    Core engi has no real purpose but nostalgia. Scrapper does everything better when it comes to survivability and holo is a much better DPS.


    When you play scrapper in open world the amount of generated barrier is insane, and the defensive aspects of hammer, traits and utility skills are great for a relaxed play. Most champs are easily soloed. Core builds cant keep up with that level of survivability.


    When you play holo the DPS is just better as everything else engi has. Even condi builds are better with holo due to burning stacks. Damage coefficients of holo skills and damage modifiers is the perfect example of power creep. No matter how good you play with core, holo will do better DPS.


    Additionally comes another problem. Core has only 2 trait lines which directly boost your DPS output: explosives and firearms. The other 3 trait lines are just bad for PvE, thats the reason your third trait line slot is reserved for an elite line.


    How we could solve this problem? We need to rework the left core traitlines (in third slot) that one of this can be a real alternative to the elite line:


    Alchemy seems fine and is mostly used in pvp/wvw mosty due to its boon output. I dont see any reason to rework of buff this one.


    Tools needs a new identity by reworking in a way that it greatly improve kits and reward the engi by using/swapping kits. Gadgets need better traits and usage.


    Inventions need better passive defense, improved and better turret traits (turret rework provided) and better condition clears for core builds. Mabye synergy with condition application and/or damage?


    With reworked trait lines core could use explosives+firearms+tools or inventions for a serious build. When tools greatly improve kits core could compete with holo DPS. And with inventions core could have better defensive during fights and be more tanky.

    PvE holos and scrapper will take explosives and firearms anyway and buffed core trait lines (third slot) shouldnt break elite specs too much.

  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > My personal favourite: **Plaguedoctor**


    When I first read your idea i felt in love with that. A spec themed around chemicals which takes a similar role like scourge would be nice.

    It could be based on condition damage while providing boons and barrier group support would bring a new way playing engineer outside of a strict DPS machine.

    I am tired of reading "hfb+alac" in LFGs, these roles seems like smashed in the heads of the playerbase. A new competetive PvE support spec brings more versatility and fresh air into this game.

  5. After some thinking and reading responses here i had some ideas to improve condi engi without hurting power builds.

    The new meta condi could be core by changing a traitline which isnt used by holo builds – tools.


    static discharge: the lightning bolt also applies some stacks of confusion.


    Removing lock on or takedown round and make a new trait called poison gas valve:

    this trait is triggered by equiping a kit with a 5 sec cd. In a 240 radius it applies some stacks of poison and give +33% duration on poison.


    excessive energy now also increases condition damage by 10%.


    Kinetic battery changed: it now stacks up when equiping a kit with a 2 sec cd, instead by using tool belt skills. This change is a huge buff for kit orientated builds without overpowering holo.


    Aim-assisted rocket: remove range treshold, reduce power damage a lot and add burning to it. power builds still take explosive temper because of the reduced power damage.

  6. I have done some tests on golem to see whats the difference between power holo and condition holo.

    My rotations are not perfect, but i think it is pretty solid.

    Here you can see what results I have achieved:


    Meta sword/pistol power DPS + food:

    no boons, no conditions: 14,6k

    25 might+fury+all conditions : 23,2k

    all boons and all class specific buffs+all conditions: 35,5k

    (I have used all conditions on golem here to maximize output from modified ammunition)


    Meta pistol/pistol condition DPS+food:

    no boons: 18,6k

    25 might+fury: 21,4k

    all boons and all class specific buffs: 33,5k


    My conclusion there is that power holo is clearly ahead to condition in most cases because:

    - power has better DPS in group content

    - power has better burst damage

    - power has easier rotation

    - some bosses using phases, this is an advantage to power holo because this time can be used to cool down photon forge, but is a disadvantage to condition holo because it cancels all active conditions on the boss

    - condition is less flexible on moving targets because of stationary fire fields (fire bomb, napalm and PLB)


    There is really no reason to play condition over power, so condi holo could be buffed IMO

  7. Holo and Scrapper are just straight upgrades to Core. And the reason is obvious:


    Holo is a DPS machine in PvE at power and condition damage and superior to all other engi specs in DPS.

    Holo is also the best choice in PvP because Holo mode gives you space to invest more in defensive traits and utility slots.


    Scrapper can generate insane amount of barrier in open world PvE and is able to solo most champions.

    Scrapper is also used for bruiser style in PvP because of its very defensive nature.

    Scrapper is mainly taken for every heal/support build because of gyros and superspeed.


    Every role engi could take are done better with elite specs. But how it could be solved? When you buff core engi, it will be also a buff to elites.

    I think the only way is to give core engi a unique kit which is on F5, or buff all kits just for core.

  8. I would like to see longbow as new weapon.

    We got hammer (melee power) and sword (melee power), I think that a new elite spec that is focused on ranged condition would be a new way to play engineer.

    Longbow could give us burning arrows, poisoned arrows, electric arrows, etc. maybe as new mechanic we have no cool downs but a limited amount of arrows that can be used, and after some time they recharge.

  9. Just a list of things I dislike in gw2 pvp which evolved even worse with each expansion:


    **1. too much passives**: Traitlines offering too much passive effects that carries bad players too much and made gameplay less interactive and intuitive.

    **2. skills that offers too much**: doing damage while evading, doing damage while blocking, or skills that CC+power damage+conditions+self gain boons... some skills are just overloaded with effects, but the worst are doing damage while negating damage.

    **3. instant skills**: offensive skills with no activation time are just bad, this let the enemy no time to react. defensive abilities like stun breaks wich are instant are ok.

    **4. too much boons**: perma 25 might, perma fury, perma stab, even near perma quickness are a problem, there are too many skills that offer boons (see no.2) boons should be used tactically at the right time to get the best result and not spamming boons like 24/7

    **5. too much conditions**: same as no.4, there is also too much condition spam and spike damage for conditions. using the condtion application should be tactical at the right time. But the game seems to develop like "too much conditions? here you have more cleanses". the answer to condition creep is cleasing creep.

    **6. too much defensives**: _evade, evade, block, evade, invuln, block_ yeah everybody who see this in combat is just frustrated, especially when the ememy is able to deal damage to you while negating all damage. like no.4 and 5 defensives should be used tactically and not spammable.

    **7. too much burst damage/one shots**: dead in less then 2 sec? seems pretty common these days, when eating crits over 10k and more out of nowhere. this is just frustrating


    I am not crying class X is too strong or too weak, this extreme creep of everything is a problem of every class especially of some elite specs.



    Thanks for listening the feedback of the community, changing antitoxin runes is the better way instead nerfing scrapper.

    And thank you a lot for nerfing holo, this spec is overperforming.


    But in order to tone down elite specs can you buff core engineer a little bit?

    Improve kits would be the best way, an example which disadvantages grenade kit has:

    - ground targeted (hard to hit fast moving or high mobility classes)

    - 3x retal damage on every skill use

    - bad terrain (grenades sometimes hit ground or small hills which are on the way and doesnt reach the target area)

    - too much anti projectile


  11. I completely agree with you ellesee. I also play engi since launch and I dont like how "engineer" has evolved.

    Holosmith is a discount version of a strong short range fighter with literally no downsides, you have boon spam, high dps, high mobility and pretty good sustain.

    PvE, PvP and WvW is dominated by holosmiths, it prvides by far better results with less effort as core.


    Some weeks ago I tried a solo roaming build (WvW) as a power core grenadier, the result of some hours roaming was pretty clear: Holosmith is by far superior and core is like downgrading myself. I had some good moments and challenging fights but most time I was on disadvantage when fighting against other powercreeped elite specs.

    Grenades suffers from to much sources: retalation, anti projectile, blocks (except #5) and even bad terrain...

  12. > @"Yazeed.4971" said:

    > would it be better if sword/pistol ? since u only have burn duration, pistol main hand 123 condi is very weak compare to sword power?


    > also 33%+50% = 83% burn duration?? maybe switch one sigil to +20% burn duration to cap to 100%? or just +15% food?


    > Static Discharge is very weak if critical chance not 100% now....


    I also thought sword+pistol would be better, but sword feels clunky and you are the most time in PF because you have a lot uptime due to Thermal Release Valve. Weapons is rarely used. But you can try it with sword if you want.


    33% Incendiary Power+50% Runes+10% Thermal Vision = 93% burn duration. You forget the Trait... I tried to maximize burn duration to 100% but might sigils perform better in solo play.


    You are right with Static Discharge, it is a lot weaker since nerf, but u have no real option to take. What else would you prefer: Reactive Lenses or Power Wrench?

  13. Hi everyone,


    I want to share a build I have created the past days. I am bored of playing condi viper and power holo in PvE and so I tried to make a hybrid holo work.

    I wanted to make a build that offers a different playstyle that is still competetive in terms of DPS the the meta builds. I was able to reach between 12k to 13k DPS on test golem without external boons or effects.

    The idea behind this build is to cause high condition damage via burn and high power damage with photon forge and tool belt skills. This build isnt meta but it is very strong and maybe you are bored of the meta builds too, and here is it!


    **Equipment**: everything has to be grieving attributes

    Why?: Grieving attributes had my attention since it was introduced in the game but never seem a real option because viper or berserker are just better in terms of pure DPS.


    **Runes**: 6x Rune of the Flame Legion

    Why?: it offers +50% on burn duration which is equal to +750 expertise. Additionally it gives +175 power and +7% damage boost.


    **Sigils**: Sigil of Strength and Sigil of Battle

    Why?: The only way to gain might is corona burst (10 stacks for 8 sec on 6 sec CD) and might is even more important on a hybrid build because it increases both power and condition damage. In group content where you get might from other players Sigil of Force and Sigil of Bursting seems to be the better choice.




    Heal Turret

    Rocket Boots

    Rifle Turret

    Photon Wall

    Prime Light Beam


    Why double Pistol?: The extreme damage with blowtorch and smoother rotation makes p/p the better choice in my opinion.


    Why Heal Turret?: its obvious our best heal and we have blast+jump finishers to increase the heal.


    Why Rocket Boots? This skill is used for its tool belt skill which apply burn on a relatively short CD.


    Why Rifle Turret? Used for its tool belt skill.


    Why Photon Wall? This is used aswell for its tool belt skill. And we have a block with high damage when over 50% heat.


    Why Prime Light Beam? High power damage, CC, Burn field (when over 50% heat) This seems the best choice as elite skill.



    Firearms 1-2-3

    Tools 1-3-2

    Holo 3-2-1


    Why Chemical Rounds? Sanguine Array isnt good because this build doesnt apply much bleeding. And on test golem I got better DPS when taking chemical rounds instead High Caliber.


    Why Thermal Vision? Pinpoint Distribution seems a solid choice for group content but Thermal Vision provides a better damage boost. No Scope seems to be weaker on test golem.


    Why Incendiary Powder? This build want to get much burn duration as possbile without investing in expertise attribute and +33% duration is qual to +495 expertise. In realistic PvE solo scenarios you cant offer that much of different conditions to make Modified Ammunition the better choice.


    Why Static Discharge? This is the only trait that boost the DPS.


    Why Takedown Round? This is also the only trait here that boost the DPS.


    Why Adrenal Implant? This build rely on dodges because it applys burn (Thermal Release Valve) and I got better results when using this trait instead of Kinectic Battery on test golem.


    Why Solar Focusing Lens? This is the only trait that increases DPS.


    Why Crystal Configuration: Eclipse? As there is no trait which increases the damage, this seems to be the best choice. Passive stability in PvE is never a bad choice.


    Why Thermal Release Valve? The main reason is the high application of burn with dodges. With Adrenal Implant and Optimized Activation the endurance regeneration is almost +100%.


    **How to use this Build?**

    We got +93% duration on burn so we have to use Blowtorch and Rocket Boots TB (tool belt) as first skills. After that we can enter Photon Forge to make use of Corona Burst and Photon Blitz. After that you generated enough heat to dodge and apply even more burn. Remember to use Rifle Turret TB and Photon Wall TB always when they are ready because they are instant.

    Leave Photon Forge after you used #3 and #4 twice, then Pistol Skills should be ready again. Remeber to dodge beacue its used to apply burn and use TB skills as often they are ready.



  14. Hi,

    as we all know, kits and core engi are left in the shadow of the holosmith. My idea is to rework the tools traitline to give kits more value and passive nerf holosmith for pvp/wvw.


    Optimized Activation: instead giving vigor it now will reduce cooldowns of toolbelt skills by 10% when switching to a kit.This has an ICD of 1 sec.

    Example: grenade barrage has 25 sec CD (untraitet) and every time you switch to a kit, CD is reduced by 2.5 sec.


    Excessive Energy: instead giving 10% extra damage when you have vigor it will now give an unique effect that increases damage and condition damage by 10% when switching to a kit. This effect will last 3 sec and can not be stacked in duration or effectivness (like the thermal vision effect)


    Streamlined Kits: it always bothered me that this have different effetcs depending on the kit you use. Swiftness became more meaningless with the introduction of mounts in pve and wvw.

    The new trait will break CC when switching to a kit. This trait will only trigger when you are affected by CC. This has a CD of 25 sec.


    Kinetic Battery: This is a very strong trait but only when used with low CD skills. My idea is to its current effect to give kit switching also one stack with an ICD of 3 sec.


    Adrenal Implant: To its current effect, switching to a kit will fill endurance by 25% with 5 sec ICD.


    Please note that activating holo mode is NOT meant to be kit switching. And This rework will not affect meta pve holo because it doesnt use tools.

  15. playing condi core pve engi was always fun to me. pve holo is just boring but performs a lot better with less effort.

    Holo has high dps and can maintain a lot might, fury and some quickness by itself. Condi core cant really do that without tradeoffs.

  16. Scrapper was overperforming the past months before this patch, but builds of other classes were overperforming aswell. I dont understand why just scrapper got such a obliterating "rework", thats sad... Its now far away from beeing a serious or viable spec. No one of the new traits are really good, and the worst is the unavoidable -300 vit trait.

    Build diversity are decreasing with such reworks, condi and heal/support builds doesnt synergize well now.

  17. I played druken engineer sometimes during HoT in wvw roaming and now i tried again and i was surprised how well that build worked.

    I was able to take down targets within seconds and even 1v2 was possible but exhausting. Its pretty easy in small groups to focus down single targets.

    Barrier gain is very strong when u are able to hit blunderbuss and jumpshot, but i was also pretty fragile, the -300 vit is noticeable...


    Armor and weapons are diviner stats, and trinkets are zerker. I use santuary runes, sigil of force and sigil of strentgh. All together I have +70% boon duration.

    Tools 2-3-2, Alchemy 2-2-1, Scrapper 3-3-3. Heal turret, Elixir U+B+S and Stealth gyro


    Edit: after some hours of this build i switched back to elixir holo and i felt like a god. holo still performs a lot better with less effort

  18. > @"mov.1246" said:

    > IMO when scrapper get its unique F5 and holo has a unique F5, why core engi cannot have its own strong F5? maybe merge grenade and bomb kit somehow together to be very strong condition kit just available to core engi.


    As I already mentioned I had some thoughts about this, what do u think about that:


    New F5 core ability Explosive Kit (just an updated version of the Grenade Kit)


    #1 Fire Grenade:

    Damage unchanged to the AA we now have, but additional 1 Sec of burning to every grenade. with 1500 condition damage and Incendiary Powder this skill would do around 1460 burn damage if all 3 grenades hit.


    #2 Shrapnel Grenade:

    Same numbers as now, but just half the duration of bleeding, and double the stacks to 2 per grenade (6 stacks in total when all 3 grenades hit). This would deal the same damage over time but it will do better spike damage and Sanguine Array would benefit of this.


    #3 Flash Grenade:

    Add 3 stacks of confusion in addtion to blind.


    #4 Freeze Grenade:

    Additional stuns the target for 1.5 sec.


    #5 Poison Grenade:

    Additional 2 sec of weakness (per grenade) to its current effect.



    General: increase radius to 180 baseline and the Grenadier Trait will increase radius to 240.

    Short Fuse will reduce recharge time of all grenade skills by 20% and gain fury on hit (like now).


    Who think this kit would be a little bit overpowered -> This kit is F5 to core only!



  19. I agree with you that condi engi is a joke right now and the next patch will make it even worse.

    But they want to make scrapper more like a real tank, and just imagine what a monster of sustain a condi scrapper would be if u run dire stats and scrapper spec with tons of tankiness.

    IMO when scrapper get its unique F5 and holo has a unique F5, why core engi cannot have its own strong F5? maybe merge grenade and bomb kit somehow together to be very strong condition kit just available to core engi.

    But this is just a dream, I hope we get a serious condi spec when new elite specs are released. Now I feel like I am trolling myself when equiping pistols...

  20. Well i had a break and didnt played gw2 for 1 oder 2 month and the first i read are this terrible patch notes...

    disabling toolbelt while overheatet? how is this affected with PBM? The massive dmg when overheating already seems to beenough punishmentfor me.

    LOS on blunderbuss, mehhh but i am ok with this. But the removal of the autoattack tracking? wtf?? its the only skill we can chasing somebody from far away, and now its gone.

    scrapper changes seems weird to me, the biggest loses imo are perfetly wighted, rapid regen, and adaptive armor barrier. No one of the new traits looks like "wow thats good" to me.

    And the last is, why there is no real condi buff or rework?

  21. Some Turrets really need a buff. The damage should generally scale with player stats, because dps builds would benefit with strong passive DPS from Turrets, and sustain builds coudnt abuse their damage. In addition to that they should be able to hit critically (also with the players stats). This could give DPS turrets (rocket, rifle, flame) a solid place in a damage build.

    The HP need to be increased, they get destroyed like paper in the rain...

  22. Hi all,

    As we all know there are a lot of theards and discussion about the updated scrapper, and there are also a lot of people calling it by far too strong.

    I am engi main since launch and i really enjoy the power of the new scrapper - a spec which was forgotten since PoF launched.

    So I ask to the engi community, what do you think is really too stong? There is a lot of hate in the spvp forum, and a lot of suggestions which would turn the scrapper to a wet noodle.


    IMO there are problems with bulwark and stealth gyro:

    Bulwark is basically a secound heal, and provides increadible amount of barrier in 1 vs X situations. In team fights this skill seems well balanced due to transfered damage from allies and negation of the providing barrier. In zerg fights (wvw) this is a skill which instant can down you if your allies standing in aoe.

    My suggestion would be to change the funtionality of this skill: cut the barrier by half, and give allies nearby also some barrier. And remove the damage transfer. This could change the bulwark gyro in all scenarios to a well balanced skill.

    Stealth gyro is really strong because you can stealth a whole team and you can burst enemies from stealth. My suggestion would be to remove the smoke field and reduce the targets from 5 to 3 which are stealthed.

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