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Posts posted by choon.6308

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"choon.6308" said:

    > > Well, it seems like earliest players were the luckiest. Getting everything for ridiculously cheap prices to max out and buy everything. 400 gems used to cost like 8 gold rofl


    > Part of the reason things were cheaper back then is that gold wasn't as easy to come by.


    Yeah still, you could do cof p1 10 times and get enough gold for 400 gems. Try doing cof p1 10 times now and you'll get like 10 gems :)


  2. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > Uff, okay mr. right


    > Let go of what? Dungeons are still in the game and more active than fractals in my server.


    > - How others would write here. Can you give me statistics on this? Because you are the one who claims that dungeons are played more actively than fractals. And that's why you can probably prove that.


    The number of lfg calls on a regular basis. If you want statistics, contact Anet.



    > Just because there are one or two more of something doesn't automatically mean that something is better or worse. Or is that your mindset?


    There are 32 total dungeon paths, that's more than the fractals. Not to mention some fractals are copies of each other. No one said anything about "being better". I see you're still very emotional over this.


    > Who came up with the nostalgia club and said rock hard that dungeons are better just because you are too bad for fractals? Who sounded like an old man who said everything was better in the past?


    Nonsense. Like I said, it's not in the past. Dungeons are still here and played more than fractals.


    >that dungeons are better just because you are too bad for fractals?


    And how did you come to this conclusion, your emotions? How am I "bad" for fractals rofl. I'm simply bored of them even with t4 rewards.


    > That triggered me in the sense that you are someone who can't just say that this is not my content because I don't find it fun to learn. But someone who makes something bad just because you are bad in this content (and I don't mean that in a negative way. Everybody has things where he is better or worse)


    Again, how did you come to this conclusion that I'm "bad" at fractals?



    > You might have more fun if you didn't just play with Randoms. In contrast to dungeons, some fractals require a little skill. Which you often can't take for granted with Ranomds.


    I'm having great fun with randoms. You sound like you're in a closed fractal tryhard club. Elitist, toxic and troll everyone who is not in the group.


    I must be bad at fractals simply because I like dungeons better? Nice logic there.



    > Happy :D?


    Yeah happy that you exposed yourself, good job.


  3. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > I never really considered GW2 dungeons to be what I consider a real MMO Dungeon: a pretty huge indoor place with a convoluted lay-out where mobs are much harder, much denser, with dangerous aggro mechanics due to the often cramped space and with several (rare) Bosses that actual drop LOOT THAT IS WORTHWHILE for the player that dares enter them. I.E. Lower Guk in Everquest. Only a fraction of the Everquest populace would actually set foot in them in those early years, but kitten, did we oogle the stuff those daredevils would bring back from them. Most of us preferred to "camp" some Outdoors rare Boss who would also drop some nifty loot.


    > But XP(that meant something back then) used to be great in a dungeon (with a group off course), rewards would be great, excitement would be great, competition for camping spots would be (not so) great and the setback when you wiped and had to retrieve your corpse with everything on it also (not so) great.


    > With that last part I guess I answered any question as to why we do not see such dungeons anymore. :) In any case, GW2 just does not lend itself to such an elite experience, with the flat powercurve and all. Pity, however I often ask myself, could I warm up for such a MMO again if they would release one now? If GW2 wasn't so darn pretty. ;)


    The problem with other mmo dungeons is the level cap increase. Imagine playing 3 man, 6 man dungeons and raids for the current expansion, having a great time but they're only available for a year before the next expansion comes out. Those dungeons are now obsolete, mobs are 10 levels lower, give worthless low level loot and no one plays them anymore. That is the real definition of "abandoned content". GW2 dungeons are far from it.



  4. > If it's that easy, why get upset and don't just play them?


    I already am and most importantly having fun, something you've obviously been missing.


    Also try to answer all the points and explain yourself because when you fail to answer anything or backup any of your claims, you come off as a troll. Read above post and answer the three questions.



  5. > What does the fact that you can't let go have to do with whether something is fun or not?


    Let go of what? Dungeons are still in the game and more active than fractals in my server.


    > I played GW2 where dungeons were not dead yet, so I know those 'memories'. But I am someone who likes to look ahead :).


    Look ahead for what? Dungeons hugely outnumber the number of fractals still. When is your next fractal coming up? Any new mechanics other than the current repetitive grind? Yikes.


    > By the way, I am someone who has played and is playing Dungeons for Fun with another Person in a party of two. I love dungeons and I love fractals.


    I find that very hard to believe for the simple fact that you got so easily triggered when people mentioned dungeons are better than fractals and more active. You can't seem to grasp it. I suggest you give it a try. Because so far you sound like that meme "Wait, you guys are having fun?



    > But not because of the gamemode itself, but because of the people I play it with and I bet to 99% that you wouldn't have those 'memories' if you played with the wrong people :).


    Which "wrong people" are you talking about exactly? I play with different pugs everyday and meet tens of new people each day. Define what you mean by "wrong people" and "memories".



  6. > Then you are playing with the wrong people.


    It's not about the people, it's about the gameplay mechanics that focus on business rather than fun. I've actually met pretty fun people in fractals over the years. That didn't help make the experience feel fun though.


    Dungeons are abandoned the same way raids, strikes and fractals are abandoned. New fractal was released after how many months now? And it's made to hype up the next expansion, that's it. No active development or new mechanics are in the map.


    > Lol okay, thanks for your life story?


    Too bad you never experienced the dungeon lifestyle and have no memories in them. Maybe you started very late to this game, who knows.

  7. > Fractals are better than Dungeons in every way I can think of.


    Except fun. Dungeons are the pure vanilla GW2 experience and people have a lot of memories with them.


    Fractals are not very fun but feel like a chore to get through for rewards. I don't think I ever had fun in cliffside, siren's reef, molten boss, aquatic, urban battleground etc.




  8. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > @"choon.6308" said:

    > > Dungeons are still pretty much alive and there are still more dungeons + paths than fractals if I'm not mistaken


    > Alive as in : Find a guild that runs dungeons?


    > I tried to run dungeons for a whole week. I always opened groups or checked if others are searching. The result was disappointing.

    > And on top of that, most of the runs I had where the group actually got full, mostly newbies joined who just reached the LVL needed to run this dungeon (I mean kitten Anet) were constantly dying and expecting to be carried with lot s of 'LULS'...




    No, alive as in alive. I don't have a guild and can always find random groups on lfg. Even as I'm typing there are lfg calls for every dungeon atm.


    Thing is, announcements come and go really fast in an erratic way. One minute there are multiple lfgs for every dungeon, next minute there is nothing because the groups are full. It happens all the time.


    However, when I was in NA servers that's when the lfg was truly deserted. No one played much group content. I could barely finish dungeon frequenter in 2 days maybe. Everyone was doing open world meta's instead. That's not the case in EU

  9. > @"Integrity.2061" said:

    > > @"choon.6308" said:

    > > Dungeons are still pretty much alive

    > Honestly, no, at least not on the european servers I play on. the LFG tool is empty most of the time sadly. I mean there are still some people who play them at times but it occurs very rarely




    What time are you playing? I can finish dungeon frequenter twice a day easily, that's 16 paths a day. Always pugs and random calls on lfg. Not to mention I can't make my own lfg because of a bug but still find groups to play with.

  10. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"choon.6308" said:

    > > Dungeons are not dead content. They are more active than fractals in my server.


    > Well, I think by "dead content" it is meant that it is content that no longer has any developer attention.


    No, that's what "abandoned content" means like the other poster who got it right. "Dungeons as we know them are dead content" is something totally different and it isn't true.

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