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Posts posted by Jaka.3182

  1. To op. Its not the ranger... its soulbeast. Its pof2win case just like in any other case.

    guards are fine only fb is broken, thief is fine only de is toxic gameplay, mesmers are fine, mirage is completely broken, ele is fine only weaver is broken, engi is ok, holo is lol and etc. So pretty much this is the case for every class. Pof destroyed pvp with horrible design that shouldnt exists. Mesmers got distortion on dodge, des can 1 shot from range and were given stealth on dodge, sb can cc you more than any1 what made hammer obsolete.

    Devs made possible that and you are trying to ask them to fix this? They are the root of all this

  2. Amazing how many comments here misses the point. Ofc the result would be the same with 5 premade on other classes but at least there would be some actual pvp going on. Players could at least use some skills, there would be some 'fighting' (pvping). In this case there is zero pvp- only get 100 to 0 in 1 sec from stealth. Its HOW they were destroyed not that this wouldnt happen on other classes.

    And you really dont have to agree with me. For example a streamer in top 10 also said: 'how is this skillful play. Pressing 3 buttons from stealth and win'?

    Also funny how some top players here in comments defend this mechanics that clearly make people not pvp and at the same time moan how population in pvp is bad. Funny indeed

  3. I guess they tried to remove possibility to squeeze 2 seconds of evade from stoving 3rd part of aa. Tbf it is a little much but they should just repair it and not completely remove it.

    Its kindda anet logic thou... its ok for weavers to have almost perma evade and dealing 4-8k buning, its ok for dd staff thieves for perma evades, mirages with distortion on dodge etc... no, punish core rangers for toxic game play

  4. Climbed to 1609 last season solo q only with my core ranger. 6:4 placement and somehow I am back in gold hell. And its a struggle in this dark pof2win age where you have to face broken holos, mirages, scourge/fbs, sbs etc. So i dont play this season much anymore and if i play just some unranked

  5. Remove pof2win specs and game is balanced. (apart from radiant hammer/gs guard).


    On more serious note... nerf survavibility/escape capabilities. As DH or core ranger I can not kill any pof2win specs if they decide to run. Sbreaker is somehow faster even thou i have perma swiftness (class that can 3-4 hit you down is also faster...?), sbeast also outrun me, de stealths, mirage... lol, holo stealths/invuln.

    Dont get me wrong, dh is ok-ish and I can compete with meta but not when it comes to running. It is so broken and in plat, when I peak in... everybody runs. And this is where we are headed. Pvp became burst or run. Actual fighting time is going down and running and hiding time is going up, pvp now consist more and more on burst or hide/run etc.

    I actually dont want to reach plat because in gold there is less running and more fighting.

    And each balance update give us more and more quickness, super speed etc... runwars2

  6. @"shadowpass.4236"

    Hi, thx for reply. I mostly play 2 core ranger builds, 1 is similar to yours apart from amu and the other is sicem with nat magic.

    As said I dont have problems when pof spec player stays - one of us dies - all good. Its when decides to run and I just cant keep up. Mirage blinks, ports, stealths whatever away. De stealths up. Soulb. is fatser. Spellb. also faster somehow even thou i have perma swiftness and some quickness. And holo have tons of invuln. and heals.

    So my problem is that all these meta specs simply run away if needed. So many games when mirage, sbs hold points and if needed they just run or kite. I think its one of major pof advantage over other non pof specs and should be nerfed. So many matches when all you do is run/kite after them... its not rly pvp. I also play some dh which is even slower.

    Maybe I should go with diviner's amu as you for longer quickness uptime...

  7. I would just like to point out these 5 meta pof2win sustain and insane number of getoutofthejail cards they have. I play mostly core ranger.

    1. Spellb. forget that they can 3 hit me down and half (not really half but feels like it) of those attacks are cc. But when I avoid all off that they simply run away. I dont know how, I play perma swiftness and have some quickness too and I cant catch them. Basically they can 3 - 4 hit me down and run away at any point they want.

    2. Soulb. Same thing. Insane surv., big dmg and if things go bad they simply 'fly' away and are faster from my quickness core ranger.

    3. Holo. Well enough said about this anomaly in this thread already. I do remember beating one good holo 3 times down to 5 - 10% and they just ran/invuln and healed up and eventually chain cc me when i was out of stunbreaks and killed me in 3 - 4 hits.

    4. de. Anet I just want some pvp pls. Because when i 'fight' this... its not really a fight. Every de has an ability to get away from fight at every point.

    5. Mirage is just a joke. If you some how get them to low vitality they simply port, stealth, blink whatever away.

    So Anet can you please nerf all these get away abilities cuz it doesnt feel like pvp anymore. Can i please kill something as core ranger too? I also play dh and i cant catch any of these if i get them to low morale. Or these pof2win anomalies will continue to have it all from dmg wise, cc, escape capabilities, heals etc?

    Also careful when nerfing core traits... obviously the problem is in pof specs so nerf pof specs... as common sense this sounds.. you never know with anet. Last thing we want is even bigger gap between pof and core/hot. Maybe only radiant hammer guard... no need for precision for them while they have 100% crit chance, 100% retaliation, power as if you have berserk amu and vitality as 2x mara amu all on expense on no need for precision stat. is a bit much. But thats just 1 core class that can fight meta pof trash so i d nerf this lastly.

    But honestly in next balance patch i expect buffs from anet...

  8. I play core ranger and dh and I m at g3-plat1 division and can only tell you from my perspective. I cant beat them. I avoid them, if mirage focus me I am dead. Either he is invul., stealth or there is hundreds of illusions and all is just a complete blur. Mostly all I do is searching for target until I m dead or I just wait till they kill me and I try to avoid them even more. "Fighting" a mirage is something that shouldn't be called pvp at all. All you do is hitting clones or an invuln. blur while whole screen is exploding around you dealing constant condi dmg. There is no actual fighting there. But if you somehow beat them to low morale, they will simply port/blink/whatever to safety because they are loaded with getaway skills. And no one can follow, specially not my core ranger or dh.

    If you play pof2win specs you ll be better of as they are also broken just not that much.

  9. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > @"Jaka.3182" said:

    > > [https://youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo")

    > >

    > > Core d/d from this guy...

    > > He also dueled one other top weaver and he won (or it was close, cant remember). So build must be ok, i guess


    > That video is from a solid year ago...it outdated and irrelevant. Sorry


    > The changes to electric discharge and scepter air 2 has made fresh air really diffacult to have a reliable burst like its counter part thf or any other burst build.


    old vid but build has not changed...



    > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"Jaka.3182" said:

    > > [https://youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=WRzYWesu6Fo")

    > >

    > > Core d/d from this guy...

    > > He also dueled one other top weaver and he won (or it was close, cant remember). So build must be ok, i guess


    > No, it isn't. :tongue: Kinda works but definitely way worse than weaver. With any other build (or, well, class) he would be even more successfull, since he's a great player. :smile: But he enjoys it, which is the best reason to play it!


    Yea I agree that weaver is stronger... However I just want to point out some different options for op who's asking for core builds :)

    I played a bit fresh air ele and d/d and I personally did better with dd. But thats just my play style and perhaps fresh air will be a better option for op.

    ps if there is some third core build option besides staff ele... im all ears =)

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