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Posts posted by Tiilimon.6094

  1. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > > @"Jwake.7013" said:

    > > Also having gold for the sake of having gold is kinda meaningless, at least to me. Ok so I'm rich, now what? (I"m talking in a video game).

    > Well, this goes just as well in real life.




    Actually, in real life you can do a lot of stuff with money that you couldn't do otherwise, like start up your own company and even change the future of mankind/planet.


    We are sitting in front of PCs because of a very rich man who shaped the world closer to his liking by using his wealth.

  2. > @"forevergamer.7653" said:

    > > @"Deifact.3095" said:

    > > The currency grind is probably the most boring part imo. Doing the other achievements were fun.


    > In fact doing grif was WAAAY more fun and enjoyable than this kittens scale, a.net trolled on everyone in this part. They're throwing all the pandemic stress on the players backs...


    This part of the game existed way before this pandemic situation began tho..


    And imo, doing some casual content for a weekend doesn't really count as grinding in my books.

    Imo, grinding has to make you feel miserable and be tedious and annoying, and if doing a few hearts in ls4 makes you feel that way, then playing any content in GW2 must feel like torture xD

  3. > @"Cleopatra.4068" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Cleopatra.4068" said:

    > > > I love engineer, but taking it into the expacs to try and get elite specs is awful. Needs a skill point train for sure.

    > > ... Or play WvW and instantly unlock any elite spec for heroics because its dirt cheap. The game is only as hard as you want to make it.


    > If the modes didn’t have completely different skills, cool downs and damage, I might try that. The divided skills between modes are a huge deterrent for me. It took me ages to get to a decent level of skill in PvE, and taking an underpowered core build into a PvP environment with completely different specs for the skills I already learned so I can learn new specs to get skills to play in a different mode that will have different specs once I get them back there, all while being fodder for people who want quick kills is not something I’m interested in doing. I understand why the skills are different, but the bar is too high. I know some of you are MMO gods who know everything and don’t understand why carebears cannot just do everything the way you do it, blah blah blah. Good for you. It doesn’t help me.


    It's just like any other hobby, you gotta spend time training if you wish to get results.

    And I'd suggest not to treat it like it's something serious, it's just a computer game after all.


    99.9% of the players are in the same boat as you, we're all just fodder if we are put against the very best.

    Most people really aren't very good at all, and are simply smashing buttons and following other people around the maps, and I'm definitely one of those :)

  4. I would also follow your advice, as that's exactly what I did when I wanted to check raids out.


    Just got a chill LFG going and it went really well :)


    The only thing blocking people from getting into raiding is in their own mind, same as with most things in life that require effort.

    Just work on what you wish to achieve and remember that it's not a race.

  5. > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

    > It's easy, rework the fractals to now be a chain. Queue them up and immediately go from one to the next with no inbetween to Dessa's lab. Doing it this way gives your group increased rewards at the end of the final one in the queue if all fractals are a daily (CMs don't break this chain). Those that leave before you get to Dessa's lab are robbed of the increased rewards and have to deal with a 5 minute dishonor where they can't use the LFG.


    Carrot is always better than the stick, best idea so far.. But...


    If someone leaves, it's gonna be hard af to get a replacement.

  6. Instruments too! I wanna be miniflutist :3


    edit: just thought that has anyone else noticed that sometimes in fractals with frailty, you can actually equip instruments even if it tells you that you can't transform with a transformation effect applied.


    Whats up with that? is there anything that really prevents it from happening for reals or not because it seems to work quite often in the shattered fractal after you jump through the portal with the cutscene.

  7. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

    > > You can opt out of combat in OW by playing stealth builds very easily, capped concentration should let you mine a couple nodes as a thief or scrapper and should even give you time to mount up before stealth fades.

    > Concentration does not affect stealth duration.



    Oh that's even better!


    Just tested it and I was definitely wrong, so it turns out it's possible to mine two nodes and mount as a scrapper without any special gear requirements at all.

  8. The vial is a jewel that is used to craft the infusion, you simply tried placing the wrong type of an item into your equipment.


    For crafting the actual infusion, you place the vial into the mystic forge with some crystals, mist essence and a +9 infusion that adds stats.


    edit: I also gotta wonder what wiki you're reading as this information was available in seconds by going to the vials wiki page.

  9. > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

    > > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > >For me personaly would be a down tuning of HP or DPS deald by the mobs result in maybe quitting the game.


    > And of course, I'm the opposite. I effortlessly hopped to WoW after experiencing PoF (and of course because new expansion launched). I still play but not as much. If open world mobs were to be made harder like many repliers seem to dream of (which means 1/2 playerbase dying most of the time to the mob, not just downing, outright dying), I wouldn't be able to enjoy open world anymore. Don't you get tired of whacking mobs all the time? Might as well put a target dummy or combat simulation that gives loot after it dies in middle of LA. **Don't you get enough combat satisfaction in fractals or raids?** I just don't get you people. To me whacking mobs becomes boring quickly, especially when I'm not there to whack anything. In personal stories, combat is (to me) just a way to gate my progression. What is so fun wasting time on AI? Even punching a bag irl is more understandable because it affects your body in positive ways. Maybe I just wouldn't be able to understand. Either way... what you said goes both ways.



    You can opt out of combat in OW by playing stealth builds very easily, capped concentration should let you mine a couple nodes as a thief or scrapper and should even give you time to mount up before stealth fades.


    As combat is the only reason why we even put clothes on our characters in this game, I find it very strange that getting into brawls is perceived as a problem anyways, isn't that kinda the point of the game?


    Are you sure that a combat focused MMO is what you actually even want to play if you find it boring?


    I've met a lot of people in Elite Dangerous who actually wish to play Universe Sandbox but for some reason buy a game where all the space ships come equipped with weaponry when bought, then complain when anything or anyone attacks their ship. This reminds me a bit of that.

  10. Just do the lower tier ones, that's where you're supposed to train for the higher ones.


    Fractals are supposed to be the hardest 5 man content, so imo it's to be expected that you're gonna have to challenge yourself under pressure a bit.


    You're gonna get more surprises as the tier goes up btw, many bosses gain new mechanics that you don't see on the lower tiers and the combinations of instabilities will force you to think up completely new ways to beat some encounters :)



  11. Quoting from last thread, ANET should sticky this stuff on the front page. I've quit playing a couple MMOs in the past only because of patching issues.


    I have to do this edit after every patch now or the launcher either doesn't start or the download gets stuck at some random %, so it might be a good idea to make a shortcut to the hosts file to save some time and clicking if you run into this problem after every patch as well from now on.


    > @roughneck.8936 said:

    > I had the same problem today ,the solution i found after digging thru forums comes from Healix.5819 and it works.

    > Open a command prompt (search , type cmd ,right click run as admin) and enter following(you can copy&paste):

    > nslookup origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


    > Copy one of the addresses (it changes every few days and there are usually 2) for my region its currently



    > Search the start menu for notepad, right click it and run it as an administrator. In notepad, open:

    > C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts


    > At the bottom, add the following line, substituting the current IP you found:

    > assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com


    > Save it(don't forget to run notepad as admin,otherwise it won't save) and launch GW2. Remember to remove the line when you're done(i never did still works). This advice is from Healix.5819 and it works,i used it twice before in the past(after digging thru today i came across and remembered his posts ) and also helps with stuck downloading update and so on so forth.>

  12. Scrapper is a viable support for 5 man pve tho, pop is almost op combined with cleansing field, fumigation and cleanse gyro.

    I'd say that it's a lot harder to play than most other supports tho, as you're pretty much playing pvp with your targeting circles but instead of killing people you're healing em.


    Some fractals also spam so much chilled condi that you can provide perma alacrity for the party during those encounters, and We Bleed Fire instability is a nice source for aegis.

  13. It's definitely the hardest to carry, as there are plenty of times when people have to split up and take a lot of damage if they don't know what they're supposed to do.


    The solution is for people to learn how to play instead of tuning anything down tho, as I'm quite sure one person being able to carry a whole crew through t4s, who also ignore all mechanics doesn't do good for the overall skill level of the players.


    These days people are also expecting a healer to be able to carry them through anything, and I could definitely see the anger and frustration during the week when SP launched when suddenly the normal method stopped working. The normal method being "pile meat on the thing and wait for it to die"


    Same thing happens when there's instabilities that most people don't know how to deal with, like pugging t4 swampland with outflanked + toxic sickness + boon overload for example.

  14. You're asking for an additional form of punishment to be added on top, could you elaborate what you meant by it?


    If you don't wish to spend the time, I already stated that you can kick if the party isn't up to training that person, I don't understand what caused the confusion about this.


    I also never said anything about you advocating for getting rid of vote kicking either.

  15. > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

    > Someone joins with the wrong role is being malicious and wasting other people's time. Someone who's repeatedly failing mechanics or not performing as a team player deserves to be removed. These actions deserve a punishment.


    Imo, if someone is repeatedly failing mechanics, they can be actually helped to learn them instead of punishing, we do this a lot in the groups I'm running with a pretty good rate of success.


    If the party doesn't wish to do so, there's always the option to vote for a kick, it's simple, fair and seems to work just fine.



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